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About tgeezer

  • Birthday 05/29/1945

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    Rachayothin Bangkok

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  1. That’s interesting, I consider myself an expert having been on retirement for 17 years but I have always found it a hassle, probably because I expected it to be. At times I have gone late am and sat through the lunch break effectively written-off the day. I need the extension followed by the re-entry. I booked renewal at 1400 last Friday but didn’t book the extension. I got in early at 1330 and was in a traffic jam by 1515 so I guess that isn’t bad. What does this plan sound like for next year. Mid week booking 1300 for ext. 1415 for re-entry. Arrive 15 mins before for bank letter. The advertised, (guaranteed times?)for each process are 1 hour and 40 minutes. I hope that the world doesn’t close down again so that I can try this out.
  2. Non Imm ‘O’ At JW Bangkok 45 days in advance. I believe the internet says two months. I renewed my Retirement on 3rd March it expires on April 9th
  3. I was there yesterday for retirement, I had booked so it just took the advertised one hour. Your outburst must have done some good because one copy of each was all that I needed. The changes I noticed were, A “helper”, a big girl with a desk whose job it is to check the paperwork before the next check. That is probably where you got screwed. She required a map also and when I said that “Immigration knew more about me than I “ she finished it off for me “knew myself”! It is Empire building or a make work project so she was probably the one picturised after your outburst. I don’t think that Immigration can endure with their vast overmanning and makework projects in the modern era where computers are duplicating everything they do. Take the LAW that a “housemaster” is to report a foreigner in their home for example, they have made the visitor responsible for that now with four desks taking reports which entails queueing I don’t doubt. I notice that some of us take ninety day report receipt along and a map of their street along, I bet that neither is given more of a glance sufficient to discover that they can be tossed aside. This is the sixteenth time that I have made the same reports where only the dates bank balance have changed. Imagine the savings that could be made on the wasted reams of paper but then what to do with all the staff.
  4. Don't believe everything you are told. Yesterday I extended by 30 days at Meuang Tong Thani and applied for a non Imm 'O' at Jeang Wattana.
  5. The Immigration department has a website in English. Anything you learn here won’t help.
  6. Has anyone noticed how great has been development of the infrastructure of Thailand under this government?
  7. If you weren’t told to do a test why would you do one?
  8. It shouldn't be difficult to match the efficacy of what has been created so far and been given the title vaccine!
  9. พยาบาล as a verb means to look after sick people. พยาบาล is also a noun; a person who looks after sick people. When I arrived at my SHA+ hotel last evening I was anxious to be tested in order to minimise my stay. Other posts had talked of being taken to a hospital so when the procedure was being explained, I thought that I heard โรงพยาบาล when told that tests were being done between 0800 and 1800. Next morning when I enquired, reception could manage only “Over there” pointing towards the entrance so I exited the hotel! Finding no transport, I returned and asked for an explanation of “Over there” and found that off to the side there were reception desks where, had I arrived between the appointed times, I would have been tested. So to the language aspect of this post. I thought that had heard โรงพยาบาล rather than นางพยาบาล but now think it more likely that only พยาบาล was said. Thais tell me that I speak ชัด, well, if I do, it is because I need to be understood. When speaking English to Thais I also try to adapt my speech to fit their ability to understand me I wish that Thais could slow down snd include more details in order that I might understand them. การตรวจไม่ใช่ตอนนี้ครับ พรุ่งนี้เช้าจะมีพยาบาลนั่งอยู่ที่โต๊นี้ทำ That is perhaps not what they might say but I will learn nothing if they don’t speak slowly and add more in Thai or I will know nothing if they don’t speak more slowly and say more in English. I am doing my “bit” here.
  10. My understanding is that proof of a negative RT-PCR test is necessary before your flight, this is an airline requirement. Transiting through Dubai I think that it was looked at but even with the extra four hours provided by the time zone mine was out of time.
  11. Thank you that is just what I need. ผมจะเลือกฟัง Grace พูดตลอดวันเพราะเขาพยายามให้คนฟังเข้าใจเรื่องที่เขาเล่า I tried the site and it appears that courses are not available now. learning Thai using Thai is exactly what I want.
  12. I find the construction interesting. ทั่ว seems to be ungrammatical in that it's use here cannot be justified by the RID. คนใหทั่ว However It gives me the impression that the job is done thoroughly. Stirring up every grain of rice. So I see คนให้ทั่วเมล็ด เพื่อ... which is to say เอวข้าวสารล้างนำ้ทั่วเมล็ด I suppose that I would be laughed at if I actually said that, but I have said it!
  13. I have sent three applications so each with what I thought better information and had two rejections, the first for insurance, and the second for insurance and record of vaccinations. I expect a third rejection because it is apparent that no record is kept of previous registrations and working like a one arm paper hanger between iPhone and iPad things have obviously been omitted. I have everything required but there is no means of contacting Immigration and supplying extra information because the four phone lines and the email account are blocked, probably because of heavy traffic. . Perhaps my Guardian Angel is looking after me and is not in my fate to go at this time. I believe that airlines are looking favourably on cancelled plans and will give credit for tickets bought and not used.
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