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About beano2274

  • Birthday 06/19/1966

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  1. Bit misleading if she only did 7 years, did not serve 31 years "in" a Thai Prison, was sentenced to 31 years!!!!!!
  2. does Thai Airways not include Tax in their prices? A lot of those people visiting the so called Tourist Areas are on Group Tours, how about the Tours increase their fees, also start charging the Chinese Tourists, that the Government favours, the same prices as the European/American/other tourists. Another idea is like in Europe the Visitors Tax you pay in many areas (Kurtaxe).
  3. Thought a valid licence was a prerequisite to hire a car, also the insurance is invalid if there is no licence or an expired licence
  4. Test time, not time of getting the results. Where I am you get the results the same or next day, depends on what time you have the test done.
  5. said in a report that her Manager had seen her fall, so what is correct as on other media sites it said noone had seen her fall. Body found, now to find out if she was drunk or had something else in her body. Apparently the body was found about 1KM from where she apparently fell off the boat, surely that would be in the initial search area.
  6. The issue is about tracking where you caught it from, is it not beneficial to help stop the spread by reporting it, and then steps can be taken to find others who might be infected, before they infect more people with it
  7. Had mine approved within a day applied from Germany, wife and child both Thai within 2 hours
  8. Hi there, am travelling to Thailand for 56 days, and just looking around for Insurance, have looked at AXA but only valid for less than my actual booking even if a one year Policy, ADAC looks the best. Which one are you using and does it actually cover costs if you are put into a Hotel after a positive result, as most just say a Medial Institution
  9. In Germany they had 35000 infections, nearly 75 percent of that was people under the age of 18, get ready for a lot of classes and schools being closed. The kids here did 2 tests per week during school hours
  10. In Europe the next wave has set in, will hit Thailand soon, then see numbers rise. In Germany the other day 32000 new cases, here from 2 days ago, and the second table from Yesterday
  11. Again the repetative questions: How many are real tourists and not those on Non Immigrant Visas? How many are Thai? This should be broken down when figures are released.
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