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  1. I don't believe this story for a second. But I believe he was drunk , he probably claimed he was robbed so he can get money from the insurance.
  2. I always get off at Udomsuk BTS , just a waste of time to wait until Ekkamai .
  3. Good idea , if it works maybe should send some lions to the front line in Donetsk.
  4. What is a 13 year old boy doing on a motorbike, and no helmet? But TiT. R.I.P
  5. I am aware of most of the traps on the roads here, but late at night and after a few drinks you really need to be more careful or just grab a taxi home from the bar.
  6. It was a white male riding the bike I think , but the footage is a bit unclear...... Good luck in finding them.
  7. Any of the foreign women you see on the beach late at night are probably on overstay. Would be easy for the immigration police to do a weekly check and get rid of them for good. No I have no sympathy for her.
  8. I am a dog lover but I wish we could get rid of most of them in a human way. They suffer enough as it is.
  9. Drink water instead , or a freshly made juice, if you can't stay away from booze for 24 hours you have a problem.
  10. Trump not fixed the war yet ? Maybe he can just sign a document in the White House and declare it's over, he's pretty good at that.
  11. Since Musk went crazy the sale of Tesla's went down by 30% in Norway. Now everyone looking to buy Chinese instead.
  12. Festival food court is way overpriced, a few years ago you could get a lot of food for 100 baht, now you need to pay double. Terminal 21 still cheap. But very crowded during high season.
  13. I am not British so pies are like an exotic meal to me, but Tinnies do offer the best meat pies I have tried. Pepper steak pie is my favourite.
  14. He is Russian......send him back to the frontlines.
  15. Musk is not a Nazi but he clearly support the right wing movements , posting about it on X , he is a hero in their eyes. He also support the right wing party AFD in Germany. He is not stupid, there is a plan behind this idiot behaviour, he enjoy the attention. He also looks to be on drugs in some of the clips I've seen.

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