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About britmaveric

  • Birthday 05/27/2006

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  1. Pattaya News Unidentified body discovered floating in Pattaya Bay Local fisherman working in Pattaya Bay discovered the body of a man floating in the water approximately 1 kilometer off the mainland. They immediately informed local police and brought the dead man back to shore for officers to investigate. Police inspected the body of the deceased, suspected to be a foreigner, surmising that the man had been dead for approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour before being discovered. Initial examinations revealed that the man may well have been killed prior to being dumped in the water despite lack any further evidence of foul play. The dead man was described as being between 35 to 40 years old, olive skin and fully dressed. Police took fingerprints before releasing the body to the forensic institute to continue their investigation.
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