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    Bangkok, Malaysia, Singapore

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  1. Totally different cars. Not one body part is interchangeable. One is built by VW Group & the other by BMW Group.
  2. Give them time. They've been busy moving cats and dogs from the animal shelter. You must keep your priorities in order.................. Let's hope it's not 2011 all over again.
  3. I arrived into Malaysia via the 2nd link from Singapore 16th March also (just checked my passport). Haven't been back to Singapore since. I hope the VTL (air) stays open until at least 29th January!
  4. Thanks ubonjoe & Dr Jack54. I'm actually flying out on 28th and am erring on the side of caution in case of any circumstances such as testing positive on my pre flight PCR test or Singapore closing it's boarder preventing me from leaving TH.
  5. My 'Covid' extension of stay expires 23rd January. Yesterday I applied for another 'Covid' extension at Pathum Thani and was given an under consideration stamp until 26th January. I am assuming they are expecting the Covid extensions to continue past the previously announced 25th January cut off. The whole process took less than 30 minutes. Very friendly service. If however the 25th January cut off is enforced does that mean I have to leave by 27th Jan?
  6. I transferred from Singapore yesterday to SCB. The Singapore Bank App would only accept 49,999thb at a time. I had to do multiple transfers. It's not been like that previously for me. I'll try sending to K Bank next time.
  7. Not sure why two posters are confused. I probably didn't make myself very clear. I went to Bang Sue for a booster and was informed they weren't doing boosters. However due to them not wanting to recognise the Australian Certificate and therefore ignoring it they offered me what is in their opinion shot number one. However I view it as my booster shot. I'm not sure if it's possible to take my documents and have them all entered into the database because it is, the Thailand system shows me as just having the one shot of Pfizer rather than 3. I'm not complaining in fact I'm extremely happy with the outcome.
  8. I had both Pfizer doses in Australia and have the appropriate certificate. However when I went to Bang Sue two weeks ago they told me they weren't doing boosters yet and also didn't want to know about my Australian Certificate. What they did do however is administer my 'first' Thailand Pfizer dose and booked me in for a second (fourth which I won't take) due about now. I wonder how many others have experienced the same situation?
  9. Yes - A few of them would have struggled in the workshop I did my apprenticeship in. Lots of taking the p.ss, some were sent out for left handed screwdrivers, 6 feet of short circuits, tins of striped paint, a long weight from Avery Scales & that type of thing. Guess it's called bullying or harassment nowadays.
  10. Hello Joe I did write to the NZ Embassy this morning and they confirmed I can do this and a IRAS (Singapore) income tax assessment is acceptable proof of income. They are currently closed to walk in traffic due to the current situation and everything can be done via email. They will then EMS the docs to me. The cost is THB 1,760. This information maybe useful to other members.
  11. Thank you Joe. I’m sure I speak for many members of this forum who appreciate the assistance you and Dr Jack provide. Cheers
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