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  1. Hi Simon, years ago when you and wifey #???? had the hotel by the airport I used to stop in and sell you guys wine. In my wine sales spent a lot of time in Krabi. I think Ao Nang is fine, especially if you say you won't have rent to pay (?). Grab a couple beers at beach rd. 7/11, kick it on Ao Nang beach wall for sunset, relaxing. The local Thai food spots are on roads behind Ao Nang beachfront. Krabi town not far away, I'll guess as time goes by you'll spend more time there as it's not the tourist throngs, tons of inexpensive food. Hop skip and a jump to excellent outer islands. Might see you there in a few years, considering it also. We'll enjoy geezer beers on the wall. Cheers! GOM
  2. Out to impress the ladyboy partner? "Look what I got you sweetheart ! " Have to love Thai reporting (could be the lost in translation matter), this one "Night Thefts" (huh?) in another story a drunken Scotsman is hit by a car after bar brawl when in actuality his "friend" shoved him in front of a passing car on the stumblin bumblin drunken way home. With friends like that who needs enemies?
  3. Nothing to fear here, the Asean Now Inspector Clouseau posters will have this solved in a jiff !
  4. Makes one yearn for the good ol days when the island wasn't crushed by too many cars and people........... 2006 or so, been partying in Patong, on the way back to Rawai, bird on the back of bike. Cop standing at the intersection where Kata Beach Resort is, 4AM. I hand my road beer back to female friend, the cop stops me as a marathon run was starting, Kata Beach over the viewpoint and back and we had to let the runners go by. Female friend chats with BIB, once runners went by, off we went. As we passed them friend on back yelled so-SO, so-So ! Not sure what that meant but it was fun.
  5. Total nightmare. I'm in Rawai Phuket now, and it's over-run with them. The traffic and crowded beaches have made this once idyllic area, a zoo of humanity. Haven't been here in 8 years after living here for 11 (not sure why that went bold), visiting with all my old friends is the best, but after that, probably won't be back to Phuket other than a couple nights to visit with friends and then off to other places in the LOS. Considering how grumped out these Russians are, LOS may not be the term any longer.
  6. Maybe it's the person and not the gender? Relates with similar, music, soc media etc? Conversation better? Not overthinking it just hangin with a friend?
  7. Multiple khlongs with scheit water coming from hotels and new condo complexes. When all those tourists and condo peeps flush, where do you think it goes? The Bang Tao treatment plant? Whooooohoooohahahaha! Yep..........oh wait.....no
  8. Large tablespoon apple cider vinegar with "the mother" in a bigger than 8oz glass of water, religiously, every morning. I do about 16oz water but that cured it for me. Haven't had 1 bout of indigestion since, been doing on 4-5 years now. Little rough at first, one friend said he got gag response when he tried, but after you get used to it, it's like apple juice.
  9. When those Patts barbouncers ganging up on a drunk Brit pensioner see some real heat, it'll be like that growling soi dog getting a big kick in the ass.
  10. The return of Dr. Cracknell the Kata chiropractor. Alas, he left the room some years back......
  11. Back in the day of TVisa, we had some meetups. Everybody gets past the nic, and put a handshake and face to things. Skippers sports club, previously we had over the line softball games. Be in town first week of March, Xylo, whoever posters, Jungceylon pub(?), Xy, your call? Be happy to buy couple rounds of drinks for posters. If interesting great, if not understood. Cheers, GOM
  12. Some years back, in Kata, Phuket, a member here on the Forum killed his Thai wife and put her in a garbage bin, kept the body in the basement of their home. Eventually the law caught up to him. Wondering if he is still banged up or was able to pay his way out. Norwegian bloke I believe.
  13. Are Mario and Maggie still around? M&M pizzeria? Mario made/makes incredible pasta, gnocchi to kill for.
  14. I will second the OP's opinion of BPH. In the 11 years I resided in Phuket went there: -Motorbike accident about ended up under a car, they cleaned me up, wrapped me like a mummy and I was back partying with friends 3 hours later. Ankle bone showing and when they scrubbed that, well, glad I had some beers under my belt. -Kidney stones. Showed up frothing white foam, thought something inside me was going to burst, first guy who saw me diagnosed it, stayed the night, was fine next day. -Laparoscopic hernia surgery. Purple egg sticking out below my beltline, doc said I was lucky I didn't burst it diving on the volleyball court. They went through my belly button, meshed me up, back on the VB court 6 weeks later. -Dental implant. Spaghetti bolognese at a local restaurant Rawai, meat sauce had mini bones in it, anvil split two of my teeth. One in my front grill, so had the implant procedure, could not have gone better. Sorry to hear about your friend OP, hope he recovers.
  15. Avid mystery novel reader perhaps? Maybe a "ThaiVisa Sleuths" topic should be started to solve all these mysteries. Koh Tao anybody?
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