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  1. A lot of people (seems to be mostly yanks) should probably be on some kind of sex offenders register somewhere, if they are not already.
  2. Wrong or just one of those vagaries of Thai bureaucracy when different people/departments/bosses etc etc make up & use their own processes!
  3. I submitted by citizen application pretty much straight away after receiving PR (in December 2020)... or at least within a year- i have already had one interview at time of application, and one from Special Branch... Seems if my route is regular you can submit soon after receiving PR and then wait the 5 year of holding PR process out when its working its way through the Citizenship process, thereby cutting the time. Not sure why your PR process took so long.
  4. As far as I am aware as long as you come back once a year to renew your entry permit, then all the other stuff is irrelevant.
  5. Thanks for that. Hope someone can report if its the same for vehicle license, which i have to renew mine in the next couple of months.
  6. I was at Wat Pa Si last Sunday, really nice place.. Have lived on Thonglor for 15 years and never even knew it existed.
  7. If she desperately wants out, why does she not just give him the ring back?
  8. Sloanes Cumberland is the best i have tried and my go to when in the mood for some sausage
  9. I normally round up to the nearest 100, and maybe put a couple of extra 20's down if in a bar or chilled restaurant. Street vendors i normally just pay 20 baht extra than the asking price. Also give the building management 10-15,000 THB at New Year for the end of year party. This year a maid and security guard won 5,000 each, and they sent pictures of them collecting their prize.
  10. Kimpton Malai in BKK is great... fantastic hotel and have all sorts of pets there, especially on weekend mornings. Your dog would love it if he is sociable with other dogs...
  11. I can get shafted for about 3,000 THB everytime i go to a certain bar there... always say i wont go again, and always go back and the same thing happens:) One day i might learn.
  12. Yeah, possibly but fairly meaningless amount. Maybe max 1000 baht but probably less.
  13. I am of the view that opening any kind of bank account is going to get more and more difficult with the relentless KYC requirements. It costs nothing to keep an account open so why not just leave it open, you never know when you might need it. At the very least no harm could come of it. I am actually the complete opposite to you- i have 2 Bangkok Bank accounts and 2 Krungsri- Now i solely use the Krungrsi ones, but maintain some funds in BB to keep the credit card, not that i ever use it, but its there in an emergency. Actually last week i had to send off payment details for Govt payment, and a day later Krungsri called me to cancel my card due to an unauthorized transaction. Luckily i still had the BB credit card so i could immediately replace the details for the payment. Sorry for the long winded blurb. Personally i just dont see the reason in not keeping them- costs nothing or next to nothing and with online APP banking its very easy to manage.
  14. Yes agree re if no plan to leave you dont need to get stamp. However my advice in this ever changing world would always have that stamp in play in case of emergency. Having an emergency and then having to mess around getting the stamp would be stupid. For the sake of 5,700 THB per annum its a small price to pay to always give you that flexibility even if you dont plan to leave.
  15. Good luck with it. Dont listen to all the negative responses you will get. Just take it slow and steady, dont transfer your life savings to her or more than you can afford to lose... go for it, you have nothing to lose, just take it slowly and be sensible. There will always be an element of finance about this type of relationship so just be open and honest and if she is genuine hopefully she will be the same. It wont take long for red flag warnings if she is a scammer, and if she is just say thanks but no thanks and cut contact.
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