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  1. That's because only 4% of those employed in the service sector in Thailand have any intelligence. The other AI, Artificial Idiocy, would replace the other 96%.
  2. It can carry up to 4 missiles. No idea whether the Thai version is armed. Hermes H450.
  3. Having driven the Ranger Raptor and owning a C43, I can tell you the C43 is quicker everywhere and better handling. That said, it isn't a pickup truck and the Raptor is truly impressive for something that heavy and with the aerodynamic properties of a boat. I am sorely tempted as well.
  4. As a percentage of GDP, US debt is lower than the G7 average (an admittedly skewed metric due to Japan's debt). But yes it does need to slow down its ever increasing accumulation of debt being that as recently as 2001, its debt to GDP ratio was around 40% as opposed to 120+% now.
  5. You're three years too late for your comment to be of any use to the OP... And no it isn't tricky if you follow the process and have the documentation.
  6. Wrong province, Sheryl. He is asking about Nakhon Phanom not Pathom. OP, as @Ombra said, some of the doctors at the main hospital in Nakhon Phanom have a smattering of English as do some at the Mukdahan International Hospital.
  7. Inconsistent bounce and movement. Little to do with the outfield. The pitches are underprepared and freshly laid.
  8. I'm switching to Pacific Prime simply because a close friend uses them and he has had nothing but praise for them. I, too, have found them easy to deal with thus far. Passport Card have been surprisingly good, both with pre-scheduled surgeries as well as with claims for a couple of emergency room visits. That said, they've raised the premium quite randomly and substantially these last three years claiming inflation.
  9. I'm in the process of doing the same, switching to another broker though not AOC, and I will complete the process once I get back to Thailand. The reason for the switch is that I'm not entirely comfortable dealing with the AA office in India to have my questions answered. I've not needed the agent's help with claims so I have no opinion of that. Passport Card/Allianz has been pretty easy to deal with directly.
  10. Depends on the charger type being chosen for the task at hand, does it not? Your argument is both facile and infantile. As expected.
  11. Your response shows that you still delight in using the wrong tool for the job and then blaming the tool rather than admitting that one might, in fact, be a tool.
  12. My wrench didn't work as a screwdriver so I tossed it out and threw a hissy fit as well.
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