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  1. He will get a heroes welcomes in SF, LA, SEA, SD, NY, BOS, CHI and DC but in others places I doubt it. This is a problem with the former mayor: He does not play in the flyover states.
  2. I think some would say the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He is the current secretary of transporation and wolud be the first openy gay presidential candidate. This would at least get the LBTG Q vote (did I say this right and did I cover every community?).
  3. As a California resident(for a couple months a year) and taxpayer I know he has some big problems in Sacramento. He turned a 61 billion dollar surplus into at least a 40 billion dollar deficit in less than 3 years. That is some accomplishment. For the next year CA will have significant budget cuts and my CPA has told me to expect a small or no return from my 2024 state income tax filing. . I guess this makes Gavin more than qualified to be a Presidential Candidate. Good luck Gavin on whatever you decide. Either way he has nothing to lose because when he is done he can just back to his mansion in Napa.
  4. Gavin Newsom was asked by the media mob "Are you going to replace Biden?". Gavin replied "that is a tough question to answer". Did not watch the debate but I guess Joe did really, really well.
  5. HIs $500,000 private jet ride from England to Siapan stopped to refuel in BKK. He was never allowed entry into hailand. The private jet did not have the range to fly nonstop from the UK to Siapan. He was on the ground for about an hour. Now if had taken a tuk tuk to Hooters for a beer then it would have been newsworthy. Also, Assange was on his way to the US Federal District in Saipan to sign the plea deal so technically he was not a convicted felon yet. So I guess he could gone for a soapy massage?
  6. On #1 choose wisely because $ could become the issuse. On #2 settle down first as a solo act and see "do I want to stay for the long term'. In 7 years in Chiang Mai I have spoken to many long term foreigners and have learned from what they have told me. The most im;portant lesson was have a plan B or have the means go back home on short notice. One could be here for 10 years or 10 months but most are treated the same. No benefits for being a long term and loyal resident of the Land of Smiles. Unless one pays for the LTR or even the Elite Visa most of us live on a 1 year Visa extension cycle.
  7. Favorite hotels were Marco Polo and Traders (don't know if both are still there). First time in DXB was eye opening to what "money can truly buy".
  8. Dubai, where anything and everything is possible(literally). When I was there about a decade ago snow boarding and sking was possible at Emirates Mall(of course it was man made snow but the indoor facility was impressive). I worked iin Kuwait for two years and Dubai was the closest place to go for joy, happiness and fun. It is expensive like Singapore but food from all over the world is available and the choice of adult beverages was unlimited. Met friendly ladies from Ukraine, Romania, Nepal, Bhutan, the PI (many from the PI) and yes Chinese ladies as well. A day or two in DXB will be an eye opening experience. Maybe I will go back next year.
  9. They should aim hgher. At least Phenom Penh or maybe even Yangon.
  10. He had no choice but the float this idea. The neighboring countries have and will allow foreigners(especially those with the money) to have equal access to property ownership. Of course LOS will never be anything like Singapore( where the only language that matters is $$$) but at least this PM understands LOS mut stay competive. Next idea might to offer citizenship or at least PR for any foreinger that invests a large amonut money(at least millions of $$$) into property ownership. For instance Jeju S. Korea has program that a who foreinger purchases a property with at least a value of $500,000 can be granted 10 Residency that is renewable.
  11. Sgt O Rourke and Corporal Agarn will take great offense to the comparison. F Troop is one of the classic shows that I still catch once in a while. It had a great theme sone.
  12. 1) No casinos in mainland China 2) Chinese have to leave the country to gamble at Casinos(Macau is the closest) 3) In South Korea some casinos only allow foreingers in and others restrict the number of times per month a Korean national can enter. Why? Gambling addiction is many Asian countries is very common. I doubt LOS willl be any differernt. Good luck with the ecoonmic boom that casinos will bring to LOS.
  13. I have been saying this for a long time. Few people seem to care: 1) 34 Trillion and counting in US Debt 2) Interest on debt ranges from 3 to 5% 3) Annual interest on US Debt is now almost 1 Trillion. 4) US Social Security is now at a tipping with benefit reductions set to begin in 2035. 4) I am an American Citizen and I am not old enough to collect Social Security. 5) I have other sources of retirement income but even I know I am not immune to what could or would come.
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