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  1. In my opinion, it's been too hard to tax foreigners in the past, so they stick with what they know, that, and of course, it could be potentially stirring up a hornets nest if they did start taxing Expats as we already contribute to the Thai economy. They are probably seeing if they can get Expats to file for TIN's & lodge tax returns by circulating news articles to spook a few, can't catch them all, so catch what you can (the so called honest ones) who want to comply to what I believe is a ridiculous potential revenue raiser. I would, as I mentioned before, just keep enjoying Thailand for what it has to offer and don't worry about anything until they come knocking on your door, suffice to say, it's pointless worrying about something we have no control over.
  2. I wonder how many other scumbags are out there doing this to people, especially in tourist places. The above said, I haven't caught a taxi here in a decade, I always book a private car for a fixed price, to hell with them, let them eat with the stray dogs and cats for all I care.
  3. Avoid any assistance from HK at all costs in my opinion as he has no idea what he is talking about. Fortunately for me, after arguing with him many times on this topic, we almost lost this topic, so I decided it easier to block him, and that was the best decision that I made, not only for me, but for the topic, albeit I see he's still at it, i.e. he just can't let go, so anyone who takes his advice, deserves what they asked for IMO.
  4. Under section 41 of the Revenue Code an individual Thai citizen or foreigner who lives in Thailand for one or more periods totaling at least 180 days in any tax (calendar) year is, for tax purposes, deemed a resident of Thailand and subject to tax on all assessable income derived from sources within the country, ... The way I read section 41 i.e. Thailand's tax code is as follows: "deemed a resident of Thailand and subject to tax on all assessable income derived from sources within the country. I believe that I do not misunderstand what a resident of Thailand means, and the fact that I do not have an assessable income, means that I am not a resident for tax purposes, this Is very clear to me, I can't see how it is not for you, or anyone else. One might say, I am splitting hairs, well if that is the case, so be it, it is what it is. That's not to say that if I had an assessable income, I wouldn't be a resident for tax purposes, but until I derive an income, I am just a resident, am I not, and if asked any questions, e.g. are you a tax resident of Thailand, then I would have to reply, NO.
  5. I would suggest that the DTA that has been in use since 1989 will stand, i.e. that they won't tax you, however someone else will tell you the DTA is changing, with nothing to support his statements. Just carry on enjoying your time in Thailand and let the governments around the world sort out the mess that they created by overprinting money, now wanting it back to try to get their FU sorted.
  6. I won't comply simply because I am not required to have a TIN, no more than a child at school is not required to have one, simply because they do not have an assessable income, the same as me. Fortunately for me, I have another account with an address back home for the banks records, why, so I don't pay withholding tax, no, so if ever I get cancelled by the 2nd bank, I have the other account. Banks are just that, banks, and governments putting controls on them to keep their slaves in check, doesn't go down well with me, as a bank should be there to deposit and withdraw funds, and if they feel their is suspicious activity going on, then they can report it to the government. I don't believe in the BS façade of the money laundering Krap, each to their own, I will see what comes of this and if they cancel me out, well I will just continue using my other account. As for the withholding tax not being paid, I will address that issue when and if it arises 🙂
  7. We have a few air conditioners & my wife has never turned one on, she leaves it to her biatch to do that, as I pay the electricity bill, she can turn it on whenever she wants, and at whatever temperature she wants, but she doesn't, as I said above, she has her biatch to do it for her, but never asks, I do it automatically when I feel it's getting hot. I'm not sure who is controlling the air con temperatures, but 25 at night, or during the day is a good temp, with or without a fan to circulate the air, depending on the size of your room/s. Just enjoy it, and if it bothers you, i.e. it's too cold or is going to cost you too much in electricity costs, just tell your wife that; A) It's too cold for you if it's under 25 and if she doesn't listen, then go to B B) Tell her that your not going to pay the electricity bill, if A&B fall on deaf ears, go to C C) Move to a hotel for a couple of days and tell her that you will make this a permanent move if she likes. Naturally don't go to C unless your prepared to call her bluff 🙂
  8. Not required, just keep your old passport and carry with you with new one if there ever is a problem, which there shouldn't be.
  9. One last time for the slow one/s. If you do not have an assessable income and NEVER will, you are NOT required to register for a TIN, if you do not have an assessable income and NEVER will, you are not required to lodge a tax return. If you don't get that, then don't bother with it as I'm done. Call the Thai Taxation Office for confirmation, you might believe it when it comes from the horses mouth, nah probably not.
  10. What a joke this country is at times, put the dog down, sue the owner for damages as this little girl will be traumatized for the rest of her life. That should send a clear message to others.
  11. Your point being ? What you are not understanding is that regardless of residency status, I do not fit into their basket as a tax resident because I do not have an assessable income, meaning that I am not required to register for a TIN or lodge a tax return, simple really, in other words, if I was deriving an income, I would have to register for a TIN and lodge a tax return. Does this register for you now ?
  12. Cough, cough, um, if anything ever transpires and they tell you to register, you simply say, what for, I am not a tax resident as I do not make an income, I live off of my savings, and if they want you to back it up, you back it up, if you can't find clever ways to address that, then register and start coughing up. They will NEVER see anything from me, end of story.
  13. I had no idea that the deeming rates were frozen since 2022 and further extended for 2024-2025, that is a good thing to know, that said, when they do eventually lift it, that will have an impact on those fortunate enough to have some coin. Once it is lifted, it will stick like mud, regardless if you live in Oz or abroad. I note in the link that you provided, that the Seniors and Pensioners Tax Offset (SAPTO) for a single will increase to $35,813 before one starts paying any tax on their Age Pension and any additional income vs the previous amount of $32,279.
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