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Chomper Higgot

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  1. 14 years of austerity (budget cuts) have failed deliver anything other than failing services and constant crisis.
  2. He has already ruled himself out of standing as a candidate in the general election because of the "very short notice". Well that and the fact voters have a habit of rejecting his efforts to get into Parliament.
  3. Reform UK is a break off from UKIP. They too used the scapegoating of foreigners as a means to win votes with promises of getting immigration under control. How did that work out?
  4. They can make any promises they wish, they are never going to be in power and therefore will never have to deliver on these ‘easy promises’ The nations public services are already near collapse, tax cutting sounds great, until public services actually do collapse.
  5. Truss was ousted by the Tories after bringing the economy to the brink of collapse. Tory reputation for ‘fiscal responsibility’ (which was always a joke) exposed as a lie.
  6. Why would Labour worry about Reform, they are taking votes away from the Tories. I would be very surprised if Reform win more than a handful of seats, I doubt they’ll get more than a couple. They’re not even vetting their candidates and have ‘party structure’ to support an election campaign. What they are benefiting from is the media giving to them far more covers than the LibDems, Greens and Reform have hooked the Tories into playing catch-up. Reform make an outlandish rightwing policy promise, which they know they can never deliver on, the Tories respond with something similar, and Reform double down dragging the Tories further to the right. A mess of the Tories own making.
  7. Take a look at Reform’s policies, they are focussed on reducing taxes and regulation. They are offering crumbs to the working class and riches for the already hyper wealthy, Classic populist scam.
  8. And fear mongering is a great way to corral the minds of the gullible. Factor that.
  9. An NDA is almost always a civil matter, very unlikely to be enforced under criminal law. There are also numerous reasons why an NDA may be voided.
  10. The first misnomer is calling Reform UK a political party. It’s a lobby /pressure group, tactically pulling the Conservatives away from center right politics to the far right. Reform ‘members’ don’t get to vote on Reform Policies, they have zero say in how Reform or run.
  11. He’s a carpet bagger playing to an audience. I doubt very much he believes the stuff he says.
  12. If they are bogus asylum seekers or simply dodging visa requirements they should not be in the UK. It’s the Government’s failure to deal with this that leaves these people in the UK
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