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Oliver Holzerfilled

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  1. The guys that do this got their medical training from Facebook University.
  2. She obviously wasn't familiar with the old Thai saying "if an Indian and a cobra enter your nail salon kill the Indian first."
  3. "nail art instructor" isn't the occupation that springs to mind when I see her photo.
  4. Guys I'm really worried about Chomper it's been 11 hours and he's not in this thread yet. Can someone call the police to go to his house and do a welfare check to make sure he's all right?
  5. Look at her nails. 💅 You can't type on a keyboard with those wonder how she earns her money?
  6. Note to the RTP just as an FYI, not saying you should do this. Here's how USA police arrest child predators - Post up one officer whose only job is to repeatedly yell "STOP RESISTING" while blocking any camera shots from onlookers. This allows the rest of the officers go to work "subduing" the "uncooperative" suspect. These child sex offenders are dangerous and have nothing to lose so often a lot of force is needed.
  7. Gottfrid watched every episode of CSI Miami so he knows what he's talking about when it comes to crime scene forensics.
  8. They almost got away with it but here it is. Cringey indeed! https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/memory-holing
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 37/100 My Time 111 seconds  
  10. I just completed this quiz. My Score 37/100 My Time 112 seconds  
  11. Heard multiple stories like this from various places and it's exactly why I don't drive in third world countries. Everything is fine until it isn't.
  12. Except he also needs to beat the aunt. Once you pimp out a child all bets are off your gender shouldn't protect you.
  13. No comments from the usual suspects like Tug so far? Trump must be wiping the floor with her.
  14. Doesn't matter when the hole is already so big you could drive a Mack truck through it.
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