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Mr Meeseeks

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  1. Why do so many Thais with money send their kids to the US, UK, and Australia for education then?
  2. To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
  3. I know who I believe, and it's not the moto rider. I have, you are still a total cowardly scumbag of a man-child for assaulting a woman.
  4. A vicious and cowardly attack perpetrated by a complete animal.
  5. The final decision will be up to Thaksin, our very own Wizard of Oz.
  6. I see no self-control from many Thais here on a daily basis. Mostly on the roads but also a lot of passive-agressive behaviour. A lot of pent-up emotions within people that are, for want of a better phrase, still children in adult bodies.
  7. The OCA (overlapping claims area) is home to a lot of oil and gas reserves, which Thailand and Cambodia hope to jointly exploit in the near future. The sovereignty of the islands will have to be agreed upon by both parties if the development of these oil fields goes ahead.
  8. The boats would have seen the submarine miles away, and sped off. 😆 That is how useless and embarrassing the sub will be.
  9. Thais drive on the correct side, as has been the way since Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Always remember, you changed because of the French.
  10. Those countries made drink-driving culturally unacceptable using campaigns in the media. There's no way these jumped-up little Generals who have never been told no will change their behaviour.
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