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  1. why do you think anyone in “the government” cares about your boring life. why are there so many paranoid technophobes on here
  2. If banks suddenly start caring about visa status for existing accounts then there is going to be a giant <deleted>storm.
  3. Why will you have trouble maintaining your bank account? If you can get SS deposited into it directly, surely this will register as activity on the account and help to a minimum balance. You can spend the funds abroad using your debit card in the beginning, then later using a virtual card. Biggest problem I can see is transferring the app to a new phone but surely you will visit your old home every few years at least? Im following several threads on opening bank accounts and it’s worth keeping an existing account, they’re getting hard to replace.
  4. Cue all the paranoids that think anyone cares about their lives enough to spy on them.
  5. I have had zero problems with Wise. But then I always use the phone app. But for people do have problems, maybe the issue is that they are using the web app on a PC, which is less secure so Wise is throwing more security measures up. I realize some of you are concerned that someone will hack your phone or something. This basically ain’t gonna happen. Your phone is the most secure way to do anything, particularly if you have an iPhone.
  6. It’s my understanding that the eSIM is NOT backed up and saved in the cloud.
  7. Apparently nobody cares about this issue except me, but I bought an AIS eSIM today, loaded it on my phone, deleted it, and tried to install it again from the same QR code. It did not work, so that answers the question.
  8. I sign up for the cards and have them sent to a relatives’ address in my passport country. She takes photos of them and I load them into Apple Pay so I can use them for contactless payments. Then I get the signup bonus in the form of airlines miles so that when I travel I can fly in business class for free.
  9. Three to five thousand baht. Shop around and you might be able to get it for two.
  10. I have been very reluctant to adopt eSIM, and have preferred physical SIM, since I assumed that if I lose my phone I will lose all my eSIMs whereas with a physical SIM I lose only the card in the phone at the time. However, I am seeing the writing on all the wall and I may have to adopt eSIM since my next phone may not support physical SIMs. I have discovered that if my phone is lost, I can remotely erase the eSIMs from the phone. To get back my Philipines SMART eSIM, I can apparently then use the original QR code to load the eSIM onto a new phone. Anyway I would like to know if I can do the same with an AIS eSIM QR code. I did ask AIS (they said no), but they answered very quickly and I don’t think they understood what I was talking about. What are your experiences with this? Does it work? I don’t want to be in, say, China, lose my phone, and have to go to an AIS store in person in Thailand in order to get my phone number back and receive banking OTPs, etc. If I can re-use the QR code however (provided it has been erased on the old phone), this essentially solves my problem because I can get my AIS number back from outside Thailand. Thanks in advance for helpful replies.
  11. In the year 2024 normal adults use their phone for banking and most other things. I find that the people who are the most concerned about ransomware and their phones being hacked usually aren’t tech savvy enough to know why they shouldn’t be concerned. Any hacker knows that the weakest link in security is usually the end user. “Hi this is the password inspector, i just need to verify a few things.”
  12. Do you know of a Chinese bank that will open an account for a tourist?
  13. What credentials do you need access the CRS database? Can I just pay $70 and look at Angela Merkle’s bank accounts?
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