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Doctor Tom

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About Doctor Tom

  • Birthday 01/01/1962

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    Chon Buri Province

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  1. Mine will come up soon and I intend to use an agent to do the grunt work of transfer. I believe that the cost is reasonable, I have heard circa 5,000 Baht mentioned.
  2. The kids here, most especially in badly run rural locations, are hardly ever in school , doing serious learning. Too much, play, dressing up for various functions and festivals, etc. Add various and numerous holidays and days off and they all lose valuable learning time in those early years. I just don't get it, as Thailand has the examples of excellent education on their doorstep, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan , Korea. When my mixed race daughter was born, 24 years ago, we moved her to the West for her education, from primary, right up to and including University. No way were we going to leave her in the clutches of the Thai education system.
  3. Then forget Lazada and go to 'Tuk Com' or 'Power Buy' and see what you are getting first hand. And talk to the people there. Its risky buying any technology on Lazarda, or other online outlets, where you don't know where the kit is coming from, or its authenticity.
  4. Don't be naive, this is a war, 50 million died in the last big one, WW2, that's what war does, people die, supposed innocents die, true innocents die. War is a human condition,. it has been so ever since humans have roamed the Earth. It will always be so. Just hope that you and yours don't get caught up in one. And If you do, well, its one of the prices of being human and sentient.
  5. I have never seen window condensation in my house. I operate a 'closed house', so doors and windows are closed unless doors are being used to entry/exit. A third of the house is aircon 24/7. Inside temperature ranges between circ 23 degrees in the aircon bit and 28 in the none aircon bit. There is no kitchen in the main house, that is in a separate building, although we do microwave and brew coffee in the main house.
  6. The issues with that approach is knowing how you should feel and be like medically at your age. A set of test data points from a bog standard medical check really can tell you very little , unless there are other indications of ill health. The medical results are compared to a standard set of data points, that are far from personal to you, The PSA test is one such, as are many of the liver function tests. You end up asking yourself, well how should I feel at my age, I've never been this age before. You often don't get an answer from the medical people because they have never been your age before either. A good example of this is an enlarged prostate. That is entirely normal in older males. It doesnt mean cancer is present, or ever will be and even if it is, something else may well get you before that does. The uncomfortable fact is that we all die of something. My view is that if you have no other very obvious symptoms, bar those expected as you age, then just live your life and don't add worry to stress. Obviously, it seems sensible to remove the obvious negatives, don't smoke, eat well, eliminate sugar and, in my view, no alcohol at all. But this is all just my view of course.
  7. My experience: spot on the neck that would not heal. Checked by Dr Poonsak, building D at BHP, biopsy, SCC found, removed, margins cleared, 10 stiches, cost, all in, was 62,000 Baht. Unfortunately, I'm going back to him next week to get a biopsy on another odd looking area. It's getting rather expensive, but it is what it is.
  8. Its the 'United Kingdom State Pension', not the 'English State Pension'. Use the wrong terminology, especially with Government IT systems, and you are straight on the back foot with UK Civil Servants, who collectively, have the brain cells of a mouse. Good luck.
  9. I suppose to you, judgmental that you are, say that my Father, and those like him, a Flight Engineer on Lancaster's during WW2, was a war criminal? You make me sick with your armchair judgments on the very people who give and preserve the freedoms you relish. Ever heard the term 'armchair Quarterback' ? You are a prime example.
  10. Oh, here we go. Trying to make a moral equivalence argument. It won't wash.
  11. They were in an enemy vehicle, in a foreign Nation, shooting back at me, good enough for me, and incidentally, the rest of the War coalition, including many Arab countries. Don't get on your moral high horse with me mate, you will lose ever time.
  12. Not my war, I had left the military by then, but if I hadn't left, I would have followed my orders and gone, because at the time, I had no beef with the decision. Hindsight is a blind and ignorant basis for a view taken much later.
  13. Really? What in Bosnia? In the Falklands? In Malaya as was? In Korea? I mean, really?
  14. Well then I am your eyes. No doubt I may have killed a few 'bad uns', for which I do not apologise. The consolation for me is that 500 kts at 50 feet, over the desert, taking out Iraqi military assets was the best fun you could have with your clothes on.
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