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Ben Zioner

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About Ben Zioner

  • Birthday 02/29/1976

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    Koh Rat

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  1. I see, some kind of a raffle and #218 got you a burger and a joint, yes must be borderline legal.
  2. Maybe you could clarify what would be of interest in these places?
  3. Isolate the portion of GDP confiscated by the richest 1% and recalculate. Sorry to disappoint.. And give Vietnam another ten to twenty years, they are only at the beginning of their journey.
  4. Yeah, aren't we all a bit trigger happy occasionally, especially when we get close to menstruating.
  5. But any money earned before Jan 1, 2024 and remitted this year won't be taxed anyhow, LTR or not. But IMHO transferring anything earned since Jan 1 would be totally unwise.
  6. Is this such a big issue? I reckon that most of us had their money transfers organised to remain tax exempt before they got their LTR visa, so they just have to do nothing. This is what I do anyhow, and I won't even bother to file a tax return in 2025, just as before.
  7. Within one or two decades Vietnam is going to overtake Thailand in about every field, with Prostitution remaining a Thai area of expertise.
  8. If you are in your thirties of forties it maybe worth it. At 65 five with 10 to 15 years of life expectancy dealing with immigration will cost you less time and effort. Then LTR came ..
  9. I'll keep doing one yearly transfer, on the first business day of January.
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