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Kinok Farang

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  1. You might not get called any of those names but you love to dish it out. You and the professional victims that white allies like you stick up for just need to grow up and guessing that you are narcissistic too and always need to have the last word this is my last post.Happy arguing.
  2. The slur "racist" means fxxk all nowadays.It has been diluted by whingers like you who throw the word around like confetti.Black,Asian and Chinese people are just as guilty as White folk for being racists.You can add nazi,fascist,homophobic,transphobic and all the other fxxking phobias the professional victims love to bandy about.
  3. Of course we all want common decency but you have just read this story and jumped on your high horse.There's a lot more to this than meets the eye.The British MSM including the BBC are not aversed to smearing and dirty tricks to get their point across.
  4. Love how these right v left subjects on here bring all the usual suspects out but try as i may i find it hard to imagine the lefties on here having the usual green or blue hair because it is a good bet that most of them are bald. Maybe they just paint their heads,just a thought.
  5. I agree but the crazy woke ( usually lefties) morons would disagree.
  6. Congratulations,you have just won this weeks prize for cramming as much nonsense into one post as you possibly can.
  7. I agree,Agoda is shiit but the best of a bad bunch and the cashback thing is a joke.But,does anyone here know a descent alternative?
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