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  1. would you consider sending me a PM with the contact info for the visa agency you use? Thanks
  2. I thought Medicare didn't cover you out of the country unless you had Medicare Advantage?
  3. Sheryl said https://covid19.tgia.org/ is good for up to 99 yo
  4. Just curious if you have successfully called the hotline. Thanks.
  5. Oh, I thought photos were PDFs. Not technologically apt.
  6. Thanks again. I noted your comment on another thread about the elite visa. You said you would return to Oz if health problems.
  7. Does anyone know an easy program to change PDFs to Jpegs? Apparently that's what Thai immigration wants.
  8. Way over 50. Didn't know it was $20,000. It's all the entrance requirements that have me confused at the moment. I used to go two times a year for almost 90 days. I was just hoping for any easy way in but I guess the entrance requirements would stay the same. Guess I'll wait and see what happens. Thanks for your help again.
  9. Sorry, I'm not very good at this. How do I find what the benefits of an Elite Visa are? How much it costs. etc. Everything about thing it. I'm older and I'm bewildered by everything right now. I'm wondering how much an Elite visa would help make trips easier between the U.S and Thailand. Thanks for any thoughts and help on this.
  10. I believe the OP was asking if he could book the return flight for 90 days out when applying for a 60 day visa. I would also like to know. That's what I did in the pre-Covid days. Thanks ubonjoe.
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