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  1. Yes, speed things up with increased govt assistance directly to those negatively affected by the floods, not a 10,000 Baht party fund for the whole population. Speaking of speeding things up: Do you think the poor people negatively affected by this catastrophe respect Thai Govt fiscal decision makers, or have sympathy for the RTN Admirals, advocating for supporting CCP industry by accelerating funding for the unnecessary & potential blackmail inducing CCP submarines?
  2. Hope somebody with influence has the guts to eliminate the Chinese submarine deal.
  3. OneZero

    Sick dog

    I'm sorry for both you & your dog. I've been there, having to face the inevitable saddest day of your life with your beloved pet. I don't have a specific vet to suggest, but I hope the following link brings you some comfort. 7 Essential End-of-Life Choices Every Pet Owner Should Know (barkandwhiskers.com)
  4. Perhaps pm Sheryl. Question: What do they call someone who graduated at the bottom of their class in medical school? Answer: A doctor.
  5. Yes, I know I can be criticized for posting this before in other threads, but it deserves wide & repeated recognition that the CCP is not Thailand's bosom buddy. Also, a bit off topic, but it is absolutely disgusting, especially in Thailand's currently bad economic /manufacturing condition, that Thailand is still considering supporting CCP manufacturing & potential blackmail with an unnecessary CCP submarine deal. Thai decision makers should consider any penalties & past money spent a sunk cost & end the RTN face buying ASAP. Following is a repost of a 19Aug24 article on formal CCP policy of subsidizing over production then dumping it on foreign markets for the purpose of destroying competitive business /economies &/or swooping in to buy at fire sale prices. CCP is then in control, just as they would be if/when the RTN is dependent upon them for logistics goodwill. Thai decision makers - Wake the Hell Up. China’s Not-So-Secret Economic Weapon (amac.us) 19Aug2024 A new report has provided compelling evidence that China’s excess manufacturing capacity – long considered a potential weakness by many Western economists – may in fact be a critical part of Beijing’s efforts to undermine the United States by decimating the American manufacturing sector. As the Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) writes, “Overcapacity is a feature, not a bug, of China’s model of state capitalism.” While a production glut may be a serious problem in a free-market economy, Beijing’s willingness to heavily subsidize Chinese industry has allowed Chinese companies to continue pouring cheap goods into foreign markets – including using backdoors through countries like Vietnam and Mexico to skirt American tariffs. The concept of the state using its control of markets to wield excess manufacturing output as an economic weapon against capitalist nations has a long history in communist thought. Mao Zedong, China’s first communist leader, was an avid proponent of the writings of early Soviet philosopher Lyubov Axelrod, who proposed that the oversupply of capitalist markets with cheaper products manufactured by the communist state-sponsored companies could undermine the power of Western capital. But it was Mao’s successor, Deng Xiaoping, who strategically prepared Chinese industry to actually implement this goal – a goal that Xi Jinping has fully embraced.
  6. China’s Not-So-Secret Economic Weapon (amac.us) A new report has provided compelling evidence that China’s excess manufacturing capacity – long considered a potential weakness by many Western economists – may in fact be a critical part of Beijing’s efforts to undermine the United States by decimating the American manufacturing sector. As the Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) writes, “Overcapacity is a feature, not a bug, of China’s model of state capitalism.” While a production glut may be a serious problem in a free-market economy, Beijing’s willingness to heavily subsidize Chinese industry has allowed Chinese companies to continue pouring cheap goods into foreign markets – including using backdoors through countries like Vietnam and Mexico to skirt American tariffs.
  7. China’s Not-So-Secret Economic Weapon (amac.us) Quote: "The concept of the state using its control of markets to wield excess manufacturing output as an economic weapon against capitalist nations has a long history in communist thought. Mao Zedong, China’s first communist leader, was an avid proponent of the writings of early Soviet philosopher Lyubov Axelrod, who proposed that the oversupply of capitalist markets with cheaper products manufactured by the communist state-sponsored companies could undermine the power of Western capital. But it was Mao’s successor, Deng Xiaoping, who strategically prepared Chinese industry to actually implement this goal – a goal that Xi Jinping has fully embraced.
  8. Ya, good question. China has supposedly way over produced & was dumping on world markets (I think). CCP would not hesitate to dump in Thailand, potentially causing a problem for Thai solar company's employment & profitability.
  9. After having not paid Part "B", I don't think that simply being able to obtain enrollment after moving back to US, does not free you from the penalty that you mentioned, Or does it free you (from the cost penalty you mentioned)? Quoting you above: "I well understand there is a 10 percent penalty for the rest of your life for each year Part B isn't paid. At this point, that is starting to sound OK."
  10. BTW, we put thin nets on balcony & open widows to prevent ours from jumping at passing birds. Inside we have cat trees in 3 rooms because they love to climb. Also, blankets covering sofas that may attracts their scratching. Clean several cat litter trays whenever used. Avoid the dry hard kibble carbohydrate as much as possible, it has no moisture & the plant protein has been destroyed in processing. As a result of evolution cats must have animal protein. Also, for good health make sure they get enough water; kidney failure is common in indoor cats because they are missing the moisture they otherwise got from eating birds, mice, You may want to consider two cats, so they can play with each other. When you treat them with love they will return it in kind. Then your "children" 🙂 have you hooked. They are a responsibility, & not for everybody. Everybody's personality /lifestyle is different & changes at different stages of life. But we have never regretted rescuing ours. They make us very happy. As DaLa mentioned above, the saddest days of one's life are when a loving pet dies.
  11. Quietly talk to the other pet owners about your (& obviously their) interests & ask them their observations /experience in your specific bldg about potential non-pet owners intrigue or mgt investigation /enforcement. My wife & I have 4 cats that are always inside except for vet appointments & our moving around (use pet carriers) between 3 condos in Jomtien, Chiang Mai & Chiang Rai. All have an inconspicuous sign that say's "No pets". But there are pets, birds, cats & dogs in multiple rooms. As long as they aren't roaming the common areas, are quiet and not causing a problem there has not been a problem. One person let their dog run lose in the pool area & was reprimanded (I never asked how). Edit ps: All owners understand the sign (No pets) & are careful about the pets being quiet & nobody causing a disturbance. Even the dog owners (none are really big dogs) either quickly & quietly carry them in & out until they get off common areas of condo or push them in small children's strollers.
  12. Yet there is still talk of helping Chinese industry & CCP blackmail by purchasing unneeded CCP submarines.
  13. CCP learned a lot from Sun Tzu. Chinese Undercut Competitors Economies in Several Ways & then Swoop in to Buy Bankruptcies & Fire Sales. CCP is using stolen intellectual property & its huge lower paid blue-collar population to dump on the world products that are at times, but not always, inferior. This gains them economic advantage leading to political & military advantage. An endless list of examples where Thai economy is suffering, automotive, solar panels, etc see link below. Chinese Companies Eye Struggling Thai Bus and Restaurant Sectors for Expansion, Thai Business Owners Concerned - The Pattaya News Quote: "On August 10th, 2024, Thai business insiders reported that several local bus operators are facing severe financial difficulties, with rising costs and continued losses forcing many to consider selling their businesses. In response, Chinese companies, both bus manufacturers and operators, began negotiations to acquire these struggling Thai firms as a means of expanding their market into Thailand. A source revealed that the Chinese are particularly interested in introducing electric buses, noting that half of Thailand’s bus fleet has already vanished from service due to the ongoing business crisis. Chinese investors are reportedly setting up their own restaurants, similar to the ‘zero-based tours,’ where tourists dine only at Chinese-owned establishments,”.
  14. Need some money - Refuse to provide more money for unneeded Chinese submarines.
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