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  1. So why is there still safety monitoring for years after the introduction of a new vaccine?
  2. Isn't this what Thaksin introduced with his Thailand Elite Card? And how well did that go down with the world's multi millionaires?
  3. Here's a few examples, maybe you missed them in your research. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/vaccines/timeline https://www.ncirs.org.au/phases-clinical-trials "COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out for emergency use authorisation in several countries. However, as there are limited safety data, full registration of the vaccine will only be given after extended safety monitoring, which will take several years. https://research.northeastern.edu/heres-what-it-takes-to-test-a-covid-19-vaccine-with-clinical-trials/ " a process that usually takes three to five years of rigorous testing for safety and effectiveness." https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/how-covid-19-leading-innovation-clinical-trials "On average, vaccine development can take 10-15 years. " https://www.jnj.com/innovation/the-5-stages-of-covid-19-vaccine-development-what-you-need-to-know-about-how-a-clinical-trial-works "It can take up to a decade to go from vaccine discovery and development to approval"
  4. OP is currently not in Thailand. "I'm currently working for a global organisation with an office in Thailand ; I've been talking to them about transferring there"
  5. It's not the 11th yet, if you arrive in UK before 04:00 on 11th you are subject to the existing rules, i.e. you're from a red zone and are unvaccinated. Mad I know.
  6. Yes we need more data, where are the short term (5 year) and long term (10 year) statistics on the safety of these few billion doses.
  7. Cellulitis Sepsis Necrotizing Fasciitis Whitmore Disease Staphylococcus Streppcoccus
  8. They have their own rules. https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-international-travel-quarantine/ https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/coronavirus-covid-19-travel-advice https://gov.wales/rules-international-travel-and-wales-coronavirus
  9. There's walk-in clinics, or your GP if you still have one. Vaccinated at walk-in, second jab according to the waiting period.
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