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  1. Yes of course. You took someone’s job. A Thai may have been paid to clean that rubbish up
  2. Politicians and govt officials should be forced into using crypto for all transactions. That way it would all be public information… of course we all know why the powers that be can’t have that.
  3. No,I think in 10 years all the numbers are gonna shake out equally, just like I said from the start. And what do you know, the countries you mention are catching up to Sweden. I notice you don’t address the issue about all cause death rising in those other countries.
  4. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/prior-covid-infection-more-protective-than-vaccination-during-delta-surge-us-2022-01-19/
  5. I love how nobody brings up in these parts, there is not even a thread on it, that the cdc stated natural immunity was more effective that being vaxxed. And the cdc is a pro vax govt organization. That should really tip you off. Not to mention this was “misinformation” about a week ago lol But carryon, keep discussing your procured Covid stats, and avoid all the ones like the uk going to a 0 Covid intervention policy. Just bury that head a little deeper at a time.
  6. If that is your opinion you only have one thing to do. Vaccinate. And once you do that’s it. Your participation ends. You don’t get to vax other people. You know a very interesting question that none of you have considered yet, is what if you are wrong. What if the vaccine ends up having very serious, long term effects. The exercise in answering that question is a good one, because then you can better understand why another (healthy) human being may not want to wake up one day with one of these effects.
  7. At the end of any discussion like this, the last word always is and should be “each man decides for himself”. The real problem in this “debate” is that one set of people want to decide for another set what to do with their lives. As I keep saying, if you ain’t convinced by those words, you will never be. Because deciding on how to live one’s life should be left up to no one but the person in question. The fact that it is even discussed is a farce and indicative of where societies have headed. Societies’ collective heads have been jammed up a rectum.
  8. Nice come backs bro. I commend you, you are fighting a no win fight so I agree there is not much to say.
  9. And the thing to note is, even though I have basically proven to any intelligent person vaccines cause the strains we are seeing, I don’t go around telling people not to vax. So, the situation is actually the reverse of what most think, and it’s the unvaxxed suffering at the “selfishness” (as they put it, not me) of the vaxxed. But I don’t complain, because I am a rational human being, and realize people have choice. And I also, of course, realize that in many cases it is actually a very good decision to vax, esp for high risk etc. you don’t get the same sort of logic on the other side of the argument, thatis all emotionally based swill
  10. Variants are created, in most cases, from…. Genetic variation within populations… you know, I have blonde hair, she has red hair tryin to splain this as I would to a 3 year old bc of the question I got That genetic variation within the population then get “acted upon” by our medicines. Nothing unnatural happens without vaccines or medicines, that’s absurd to claim. When the virus’s genetic variation is now acting upon a vaccinated population, only certain strains can make it (assuming the vaccine is actually doing its job). These strains then become much much more prominent. When before this strain was only 1% of the population, now it’s 50%and rising, because of the induced treatments (ie vaccines). That’s how this works. And you see, I do t need bogus links to “back” me, because I actually understand stuff. The problem is, you won’t hear whati just wrote on the 8 o’clock news. But that doesn’t mean it’s not the truth, you see how that works?
  11. So, the biggest news in days by far is the uk dropping all Covid restrictions. Even masks. I see it nowhere in this forum. Maybe I overlooked it. I just figured that would be the most discussed topic. Is it possible that information is not allowed here? This would not surprise me.
  12. The ol staple “hospital beds are filling” again routine.
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