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  1. Had a couple similar remarks lately about the dose. I equate the high of decarbed weed to to smoking a gram of the same batch of weed. Is .1 gram really that small? That equates to over 25mg THC which is not a small dose?
  2. Yes, but you not so much. Chill, the sun will rise tomorrow and for thousands upon thousands of years. If you're truly concerned about global warming, being empathetic is always a soothing route to make a point. Doubt insults will get you anywhere but a confrontation which is what probably floats your boat. Does your body temp increase when you get angry? Might want to do your part and stop heating up. I'm going to go for a run and the temps are under 30 for the first time in months! Life is not all that bad.
  3. It rained last night!!!!!!! I'm already over global warming this year. Another year like the last and I might be screaming like Greta and spewing hate wrapped in a thin wrapper of concern.
  4. The concerning part about his story is that I was captivated be his downfall. It's odd how sometimes I find these types of things interesting. I was going to try mushrooms this year but after reading his friends opinions of what happened, I think I'll skip that trip. He possibly is stuck in an endless bad trip loop. His new content isn't funny like his old self but some of it is still erratically interesting and he far from stupid.
  5. Using cash is overly complicated if you have your phone with you. A 100 baht electronic payment is clean and simple. The local vendors seem to like it. In many cases they beg you to to avoid dirty cash and locating change for your bills. Simplicity is king but I get why some enjoy swapping dirty bills. They are comfortable with what they have always done. Bet that British man that slapped the taxi driver over a 100 baht bill and was taken into custody wishes he would have gone the simple electronic route.
  6. That is interesting. I need to get out of my cave in the sticks and see what electronic transactions are available here. I opened a another KTB account and keep less than 20k in it for online purchases. BTW - this internet thing is also cool.
  7. Didn't this happen back in England and wasn't that even worse. Some just seem to always mate lousy women.
  8. I thought the OP was interesting and did some research. He has had a wild ride the last 8 years. Hard for me not to feel bad for him... https://www.sportskeeda.com/health-and-fitness/the-rise-fall-connor-murphy-from-fitness-influencer-clinically-insane
  9. This dude was making a lot of money pre covid with millions of views on most of his videos. He now has 5% of the views he had and looks like a different person. Watched some of his older videos and he had talent. Maybe it was the vaccine...
  10. Interactive Brokers and it might depend on the amount in your account. They also only allow one free wire a month.
  11. Thanks and I'll try making some soon. The high sounds similar to my decarbed weed and peanut butter but I won't know until I try 🙂
  12. I agree but this last batch was a rare exception. Maybe it is the pesticides and not the THC 🙂 It is too strong! So many variables when it comes to purchasing weed in Thailand which I rarely do because friends drop off more than I could ever use and honestly throw large quantities in the trash after 6 months. Probably not going to be buying brick weed again but only because I have too much free organic ( claimed) weed laying around.
  13. Thanks - guess I'll try the direct transfer to Thailand next time and see what happens. Also it will speed up the process. Wired money to NY on the 29th and still not here in Thailand. Thanks for the info.
  14. I submit dollars. I didn't know there was difference in the exchange rate. I wrongfully thought the telegraphic transfer rate was static.
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