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    Phuket, innit

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  1. If the cops had any decency they would donate the money to the family. Oops- I spot the flaw in that argument. Paid to do their job- Tit!
  2. The west coast north of Patong is a 'Muslim Zone'- got a problem with that? As pointed out above they are not radical sword wielding zealots but pretty mellow for the most part. 'Westerners' in Kamala have no issues assimilating with them and vice versa. Have you ever actually visited Kamala? You seem to have issues with Muslims, best you keep away then. As for the Phuket Bashers I see them as FipLiks and FipLips (Failed in Phuket, lives in Korat and Failed in Phuket, lives in Pattaya). There are some extremely bitter people out there who seem to think the whole island is Patong, when in reality its a very small part of the place. Ballon chasers are welcome to their B49 instead of B50 breakfasts elsewhere.
  3. I concur- pre-COVID there were 8 7-11s (and a number of Family Marts) within Kamala. Currently 3 out of the 4 7-11s open, along with 5 supermarkets are selling alcohol during permitted hours. There are a number of bottle shops as well. Only the 7-11 you pointed out does not sell alcohol and has a restricted line of goods. I also agree about the condo purchase- this place is 300m from the nearest mosque- how difficult is due diligence. Funny how its always a 'friend' that gets caught out. If the prayer cycle is so upsetting its simple- just don't come here. The Muslim community in Kamala is very tolerant, most of the properties that are bars are owned by muslims- its funny to see a 'penguin' quite happily conversing with the bar girls, they don't have the angst that Westerners seem to.
  4. You seem to have exactly the right concept of Kamala and should enjoy your time here. What's not to like- its quiet, for you accommodation is cheap even for top end hotels and despite some comments you can buy alcohol for private consumption. Kamala is NOT Patong (even when Patong is open) and that's what people like about it. I saw a comment that the beach is <deleted>- what more does someone need than two km of sand? On top of that you have several smaller beaches. Yes there's been debris on the surfline the past week but that always happens with the storms. There are, as you can read a number of Phuket haters here- why they bother to post ad nauseum baffles me. They hate the place but love commenting about it. Some things about Phuket do leave a lot to be desired but the pros outweigh the cons. Even within Phuket you have the Kamala haters- personally Rawai does nothing for ME, give me Kamala any time. If it was carp I wouldn't live here. At present there are 6 western type restaurants open on the main road- AP is opening weekends for sports but closed the rest of the week. Until the next review on 16 Aug they are prohibited from selling alcohol and are closing at 9pm. AP would be the only one of them with a pool table, when open. A couple of bars are operating under the radar but its pretty sad to see people that desperate that they are using their cellphone lights to drink by, (I kid you not!) may as well stay at home and watch tv with a beer.
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