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Pheu Thai MPs: Thaksin Approved His Sister Yingluck To Become Party Leader

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Fair enough.

I'll wait until yet another of the Shinawatra extended family gang is extended her own personal thread after the Anti-Corruption Commission strips her of her MP seat and bans her from politics... the same as her fraudulent father, her fraudulent mother, and her fraudulent uncle.


  • 2 months later...

NACC seeks review on ban of ex-PM Thaksin's niece

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) yesterday decided to seek a judicial review to back up its ruling to disqualify Pheu Thai MP for Chiang Mai Chinnicha Wongsawat, a niece of ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The NACC ruled that Chinnicha had falsified her asset statement, an offence punishable by disqualification from the House of Representatives and a ban from holding political office for five years.

The NACC ruling will be forwarded to the Supreme Court for mandatory review.

After the 2007 general election, Chinnicha submitted her asset statement but omitted to declare a Bt100-million loan transaction with Bannapot Damapong, Thaksin's brother-in-law.

The transaction was reported to the Asset Examination Committee, tasked with investigating the unusual wealth of Thaksin and his family. The AEC reported the transaction to the NACC.

In her defence, Chinnicha argued that she did not include the transaction in her asset statement because she was uncertain about the loan's legal status, since it was frozen pending the AEC investigation.

The NACC overruled the defence on the grounds that Chinnicha filed an additional asset statement to disclose the loan eight months after the discovery by the AEC.

Trial against Thaksin's niece to start June 14

The Supreme Court inquiry on the asset concealment case involving Pheu Thai Party MP Chinnicha Wongsawat is scheduled to commence on June 14 following Tuesday's ruling that the case merits the judicial review.

If convicted, Chinnicha, daughter of former Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat and niece of ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, will lose her House seat from Chiang Mai and face a five-year ban from holding political office.


-- The Nation 2011-04-26


And niece of probable PTP PM candidate Yinkluck.

100 million loan forgotten... oh just an honest mistake.

Let's have Yinglucks asset statement sent right to that investigative senator / accountant soonest.

She and General Cousin are the only ones left unbanned, except for Chinchila for the moment.


So much for Thaksin author/confidant and new PTP MP candidate Sunisa's theory on young politicians :


I have no negative image as a politician and I am not corrupt. Luckily, I grew up at a time when people were taught not to be corrupt. I am a member of the young generation who are clean," she said.

Author Of Books On Thaksin To Contest Poll

Sunisa is 34 and at 29, Chinnicha is the youngest Member of Parliament in the House.



And niece of probable PTP PM candidate Yinkluck.

100 million loan forgotten... oh just an honest mistake.

The falsified declarations of the loan is involved with yet another member of the clan and her other uncle, Potjaman's brother, Bonnaphot.

The same Bonnaphot who we are still waiting for to begin his 3 year prison sentence on an unrelated case after a conviction nearing 3 years ago over hundreds of millions of baht in tax evasion.

Let's have Yinglucks asset statement sent right to that investigative senator / accountant soonest.

She and General Cousin are the only ones left unbanned, except for Chinchila for the moment.

If Chinnicha ends up getting banned, she'll join her mother who's also banned, her father who's also banned, and her uncle who's also banned.

Unprecedented corruption with this family.


And niece of probable PTP PM candidate Yinkluck.

100 million loan forgotten... oh just an honest mistake.

The falsified declarations of the loan is involved with yet another member of the clan and her other uncle, Potjaman's brother, Bonnaphot.

The same Bonnaphot who we are still waiting for to begin his 3 year prison sentence on an unrelated case after a conviction nearing 3 years ago over hundreds of millions of baht in tax evasion.

Let's have Yinglucks asset statement sent right to that investigative senator / accountant soonest.

She and General Cousin are the only ones left unbanned, except for Chinchila for the moment.

If Chinnicha ends up getting banned, she'll join her mother who's also banned, her father who's also banned, and her uncle who's also banned.

Unprecedented corruption with this family.

And her uncle sugar daddy seems to want to be an

unprecedented President for Life of Thailand


And niece of probable PTP PM candidate Yinkluck.

100 million loan forgotten... oh just an honest mistake.

Let's have Yinglucks asset statement sent right to that investigative senator / accountant soonest.

She and General Cousin are the only ones left unbanned, except for Chinchila for the moment.

Now, now, dear Ani, don't try to confuse this matter. K. Chinchila didn't make an honest mistake, she was confused !

"she later submitted a defence argument that she was confused about her financial status in the face of the asset seizure and financial probe by the AEC."



And niece of probable PTP PM candidate Yinkluck.

100 million loan forgotten... oh just an honest mistake.

Let's have Yinglucks asset statement sent right to that investigative senator / accountant soonest.

She and General Cousin are the only ones left unbanned, except for Chinchila for the moment.

Now, now, dear Ani, don't try to confuse this matter. K. Chinchila didn't make an honest mistake, she was confused !

"she later submitted a defence argument that she was confused about her financial status in the face of the asset seizure and financial probe by the AEC."


"honest mistake"


That this clan has a battalion of lawyers, tax specialists, etc. etc. makes their pleas of ignorance or slip-up or overlooks seem like all the BS that it is.

Given their experience with prior convictions and the size of their legal department, all their paperwork should be letter perfect.

That so many of their shoddy, dodgy, unreported transactions involve financial dealings amongst themselves smacks of collusion and conspiracy that just screams out to be investigated and scrutinized.

And yet it seems... they STILL don't learn.



god help us all with Yingluk ...... was on a 5 day course with her once - what a flake

Only thing left is for his maid or gardener to be nominated next

Didn't Thaksin use the family chauffeur to launder funds?

Maybe he could be wheeled in if Thaksin's sister takes a powder.


If I told the IRS I was confused about filing taxes,

they would take the taxes and levee a BIG fine...

Confusion is not a valid excuse... in most sane countries..


If I told the IRS I was confused about filing taxes,

they would take the taxes and levee a BIG fine...

Confusion is not a valid excuse... in most sane countries..

Differs per country. Have to check but in my country of origin with irregularities you pay first and then can try to prove it was obviously a mistake without any criminal intent (i.e. trying to dodge taxes). Tough, real tough, but not 100% impossible, just very, very tough :ermm:


The latest ABAC poll will likely concern PTP as Abhisit wins in 17 out of 18 criteria to rate the next potential PM.

The criteria:

temper control (Abhisit is preferred 53.7% to 9.7%)

politeness (Abhisit is preferred 50.1%-13%)

domestic and international recognition (Abhisit is preferred 49.6% to 11.3%)

good conduct (Abhisit is preferred 49.6% to 9.8%)

kindness (Abhisit is preferred 48.2% to 13.1%)

leadership (Abhisit is preferred 48.1% to 12.9%)

ability (Abhisit is preferred 47.9% to 10.9%)

political ethics (Abhisit is preferred 46.9% to 11%)

vision (Abhisit is preferred 46.8% to 15.2%)

sacrifice for the country (Abhisit is preferred 44% to 11.9%)

honesty (Abhisit is preferred 42.9% to 10.3%)

fairness (Abhisit is preferred 41.4% to 10.6%)

decisiveness (Abhisit is preferred 40.1% to 19%)

problem-solving (Abhisit is preferred 38.8% to 14.3%)

The one criteria she won was wealth/business achievements.



The latest ABAC poll will likely concern PTP as Abhisit wins in 17 out of 18 criteria to rate the next potential PM.

The criteria:

temper control (Abhisit is preferred 53.7% to 9.7%)

politeness (Abhisit is preferred 50.1%-13%)

domestic and international recognition (Abhisit is preferred 49.6% to 11.3%)

good conduct (Abhisit is preferred 49.6% to 9.8%)

kindness (Abhisit is preferred 48.2% to 13.1%)

leadership (Abhisit is preferred 48.1% to 12.9%)

ability (Abhisit is preferred 47.9% to 10.9%)

political ethics (Abhisit is preferred 46.9% to 11%)

vision (Abhisit is preferred 46.8% to 15.2%)

sacrifice for the country (Abhisit is preferred 44% to 11.9%)

honesty (Abhisit is preferred 42.9% to 10.3%)

fairness (Abhisit is preferred 41.4% to 10.6%)

decisiveness (Abhisit is preferred 40.1% to 19%)

problem-solving (Abhisit is preferred 38.8% to 14.3%)

The one criteria she won was wealth/business achievements.


That cant be right, I have just read in the thread about choosing the next PM:

Pheu Thai MP Preecha Rengsomboonsuk said he believed Newin was destined for the opposition bench because every opinion survey shows popular sentiment in favour of Pheu Thai.
  • 1 month later...

NACC seeks review on ban of ex-PM Thaksin's niece

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) yesterday decided to seek a judicial review to back up its ruling to disqualify Pheu Thai MP for Chiang Mai Chinnicha Wongsawat, a niece of ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The NACC ruled that Chinnicha had falsified her asset statement, an offence punishable by disqualification from the House of Representatives and a ban from holding political office for five years.

The NACC ruling will be forwarded to the Supreme Court for mandatory review.

After the 2007 general election, Chinnicha submitted her asset statement but omitted to declare a Bt100-million loan transaction with Bannapot Damapong, Thaksin's brother-in-law.

The transaction was reported to the Asset Examination Committee, tasked with investigating the unusual wealth of Thaksin and his family. The AEC reported the transaction to the NACC.

In her defence, Chinnicha argued that she did not include the transaction in her asset statement because she was uncertain about the loan's legal status, since it was frozen pending the AEC investigation.

The NACC overruled the defence on the grounds that Chinnicha filed an additional asset statement to disclose the loan eight months after the discovery by the AEC.

Trial against Thaksin's niece to start June 14

The Supreme Court inquiry on the asset concealment case involving Pheu Thai Party MP Chinnicha Wongsawat is scheduled to commence on June 14 following Tuesday's ruling that the case merits the judicial review.

If convicted, Chinnicha, daughter of former Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat and niece of ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, will lose her House seat from Chiang Mai and face a five-year ban from holding political office.


-- The Nation 2011-04-26


Supreme Court Convenes for Asset Concealment Case

The Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions is convening for its first hearing in the case involving a former Pheu Thai MP accused of concealing her assets and liabilities from the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

The defendant claims that the anti-corruption panel is biased against her.

Former Pheu Thai MP and daughter of former prime minister Somchai Wongsawat, Chinnicha Wongsawat, traveled to the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions for her first hearing after the National Anti-Corruption Commission, or NACC, petitioned for her disqualification and ban from politics for five years.

The NACC accused Chinnicha of concealing assets and liabilities, as well as failing to declare her debt in the documents she submitted to the NACC.

The court has read out the charges against Chinnicha, and the defendant denied them, claiming that she had no intention of falsifying her asset and liability declaration.

She argued that she did not include the transaction in her asset declaration to the now-defunct Assets Examination Committee or AEC because she was uncertain about the legal status of the loan since it was frozen by the examination panel.

She also pointed out that the AEC was established after the coup in which former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, her uncle, was ousted from his post, and since that time, he has not been able to return to Thailand.

Chinnicha believes the NACC has not been impartial in its investigation since she is Thaksin's niece.

The court is scheduled to review the evidence on August 9 and the defendant will have 30 days to submit a written testimony, 14 days before the evidence is reviewed and the witness list is submitted.

The NACC earlier filed a petition asking that Chinnicha be disqualified and banned from politics earlier this year after she allegedly concealed her asset and liabilities from the NACC, particularly the 100 million baht loan from Bannapot Damapong, a step brother of Khunying Pojaman na Pombejara, after Chinnicha assumed her House seat.

Chinnicha's father was present at the court hearing to provide her with moral support.


-- Tan Network 2011-06-14



Chinnicha denies falsely declaring assets

Chinnicha Wongsawat, a Pheu Thai Party election candidate, told the Supreme Court Tuesday that she did not intend to falsely proclaim her assets while serving as a Chiang Mai MP in the previous House of Representatives, as alleged by the anti-graft agency.

The daughter of former Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat, Chinnicha appeared at the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders along with her father.

She said that the charge against her - filed by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) - was based on an investigation by the Assets Examination Committee (AEC).

"I have no concern this case will affect my election campaigning. I am confident that I did not commit the alleged wrongdoing," said Chinnicha, who is contesting in Chiang Mai's Constituency 3 as a Pheu Thai candidate.

She is accused of failing to report a debt of Bt100 million she said to have borrowed from Bannapot Damapong, who is a distant relative, after being elected a member of Parliament.

She argued that it was part of her assets confiscated after the coup of September 2006. Chinnicha explained that she was unsure if the confiscated assets could still be considered hers so he opted to "show her sincerity" by not mentioning the debt in her financial report filed with the NACC.


-- The Nation 2011-06-14

Bt100 million she said to have borrowed from Bannapot Damapong, who is a distant relative

Bannapot is not so distant a relative. He is the brother of Chinnicha's aunt, Potjaman.

He's also awaiting prison following his conviction in defrauding the National Treasury of 546 Million Baht in tax evasion. The same 3 year prison sentence was also given to Chinnicha's aunt, Potjaman.

Both are free on bail awaiting appeal following their conviction, three years ago next month, on July 31, 2008.


Chinnicha denies falsely declaring assets

Is this the same case that the Yingluck provided false documents and lied about?

No, this is a different case for a different member of the Shinawatra/Damaphong/Wongsawat gang.


<snip for brevity>

She also pointed out that the AEC was established after the coup in which former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, her uncle, was ousted from his post, and since that time, he has not been able to return to Thailand.


She seems to have missed that her uncle did come & go during 2008, a couple of years after the coup, and that it's his own decision not to return, currently.


<snip for brevity>

She also pointed out that the AEC was established after the coup in which former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, her uncle, was ousted from his post, and since that time, he has not been able to return to Thailand.


She seems to have missed that her uncle did come & go during 2008, a couple of years after the coup, and that it's his own decision not to return, currently.

The repeated distortion of reality so commonly encountered with members of that disgraced clan.

He could have his one and half billion baht private jet fly in to Suvarnbhumi this afternoon.


Thaksin: Pheu Thai to Form Government with Small Parties

Ousted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has expressed confidence that the Pheu Thai Party will win the upcoming election and be able to form a coalition government with smaller parties.

Kyodo news agency quoted ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra as saying in an interview that his younger sister Yingluck, who is the Number One party-list candidate of the Pheu Thai Party, will win the July 3 election in a landslide.

According to the report, Thaksin said Pheu Thai will invite smaller parties to form a coalition government and start the reconciliation process which will also include discussions with those involved in politics, such as military leaders.

He did not name the small political parties, but said Pheu Thai will consider those that win only one House seat or two.

He was quoted as saying that a single-party government has proved to be an unsuccessful format for Thailand, referring to his own experience during his premiership.

Thaksin expressed hope that he can return to Thailand in November to attend the celebration of His Majesty the King's 84th birthday anniversary on December 5 and the wedding ceremony of his daughter later the same month.


-- Tan Network 2011-06-15



At least he's tossed out the notion of a landslide, pure majority 270-300 MP rhetoric that he and his ilk have been spouting for months.

Now, all of a sudden he's changed his content entirely in that that scenario has been a less desirable result all along.

single-party government has proved to be an unsuccessful format for Thailand


Thaksin expressed hope that he can return to Thailand in November ...

K. Thaksin knows he can return any time and day he wants. Only minor issue about going straight to jail <_<

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