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Killing A Gay Man: When Murder's Not Murder

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Now Barnett is considering introducing a private member's bill to eliminate the defence after growing concerns about men being convicted of manslaughter, not murder, when they kill gay men after a sexual approach.


If a gay guy came on to me and tried touching me up he would get more than a punch in the face thats for sure.

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"keep dreaming".... lol. Guess in your eyes every one in the gay community is perfect ( same as the hetro world, guys that rape women are just a figment of the press's imagination'.).

Maybe the main reason you are looking for any kind of edge and inventing any excuse to justify such distastefull action is because you did / do this your self maybe.? Maybe you hang around in changing rooms pretending to get dressed.

At the end of the day, if I followed a randomly picked out woman to a wash room, and in a split second made a grab for her crotch, what would she do ?

a. Give me an angry face in the hope I might be deterred ( cause physical violence is a bad thing )

b. Lecture me about how such things are not appropriate ( cause physical violence is a bad thing )

c. Give me one almighty slap in the face ?

Take your pick..... but I am pretty sur 99 out of 100 would answer "c".

I know who is dreaming, and it aint me.

p.s. you have not contacted the mod yet .... need some help? ( bit like Taksin, censor the things you dont want to hear)

p.p.s. a large majority of Gays in my oppinion would not do the above, but there is a % (just like there is a % of men who harrass / rape women) which do, and my point of this whole thread is the community should not kid themselves about "we never come on to straight guys". Is it right to go out and Bash some one for the sake of it ? ...NO, did the woman have the right to slap the guy in the face as above.....sure as hel_l !!!

Edited by skippybangkok
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my point of this whole thread is the community should not kid themselves about "we never come on to straight guys".

A young straight Thai left a message at Pantip.com yesterday warning gay guys against following him into department store toilets and pestering him. He says he gets fed up by gays trying to steal a look at him in the urinal, or popping their heads over the top when he is doing more serious business in the toilet.

Messages like his are common at Pantip. He said next time it happened he would thump the guy concerned. His post met no objection, as most people would agree it's annoying.

It hasn't happened to me, so I don't know what I'd do. But I doubt I'd hit anyone. I would be too shocked!

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Maybe the main reason you are looking for any kind of edge and inventing any excuse to justify such distastefull action is because you did / do this your self maybe.? Maybe you hang around in changing rooms pretending to get dressed.

Skippy ... from dreaming to personal attacks? ...... :o

I rather doubt YOUR story .... not that it Never happens ... just that I doubt it happens to you.

Your entire range of posts on this thread are silly. But hey ... you keep asking to be censored on the thread ... and while I think you rate it for being a ###### ... and for being a bigot that likes to add "I don't think they ALL would..." The fact is you are just much more likely a harmless guy with fantasies that you act out online :D

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Now Barnett is considering introducing a private member's bill to eliminate the defence after growing concerns about men being convicted of manslaughter, not murder, when they kill gay men after a sexual approach.


If a gay guy came on to me and tried touching me up he would get more than a punch in the face thats for sure.

again I see a bit of gestalt in this ....

but please tell us what encompasses "more than a punch in the face"?

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Okay, if no gay member has yet 'admitted' or said it, our little fraternity does somewhere, sometimes, contain guys who get physical. Not that I've ever witnessed, not to the point of grabbing what wasn't offered.

But since hetero men admit that their membership includes rapists, we gays can admit that somebody somewhere might get physical.

If the response is truly autonomic/reactionary, I have that kind of nervous system, too. I once knocked my roommate almost unconcious once when he scared me, coming through a doorway.

Let's imagine that I was still hetero, and I really had the hots for some female with a great figure. If I came up to her without carrying a weapon, and I grabbed her mammaries, she's entitled to kick me in the groin or hit me in the head to get me to stop. She cannot, however, whip out a gun and kill me and then say it was the only way to stop me.

So, a direct grab in a public restroom might occur, as would getting run over by a green elephant in Bangkok on a Thursday that followed a Friday, but it's highly unlikely.

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... Fortunately, gaining a big fat stomach has helped out on that matter in reducing my vast appeals.

Liar, liar pants on fire :o

As for the rest of the discussion: I'm not gay and I'm not a man. But, I have been privy to a few conversations in the gay community. I think many of the inappropriate "predatory" types in the West, are not always identified as gay. They are closeted types, who do not really follow the norms of gay culture. A straight man who doesn't know the difference can easily categorize this as "gay" behavior, but it's not *Western gay behavior.

*I qualify this, because I think gay identity is not as well-formed here, and there are less clearcut norms, but I could be wrong about this.

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"trolly Dolly" if u insist ....... (hurts just as bad as a slap from your hand bag) . Grow up. Better than a self confessed pervert such as your self...

Gay guys might try and get a sneak look at your bits

..or did a "friend" or trusted source once told you this?

Remind me to keep my "bits" well under wraps.

Well, must agree, that all of this was a figment of my imagination, it never happend, and all from the fraternity would never hurt hurt a fly or do anything un-toward. ( puke )

I guess gay bashing is also a fable too then ! ...... gotta go, Santa Claus is at the front door with a Fairy.

Edited by skippybangkok
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Would anybody care to estimate (it's only a wild guess) what percent of openly gay man will aggressively and unexpectedly grab an unwilling straight guy, compared to the percent of straight men who will aggressively and unexpectedly grab an unwilling female?

Skippy, I'm not saying it didn't happen to you. Okay, I got grabbed once at the age of 15 by a middle aged man (I easily took care of it by just putting his hand away from me) and once at age 19 (I accepted). I believe your story. But in both cases, there was some prelude about the whole thing. Most of us here are simply saying that your experience was bizarrely, exceptionally, unusually uncommon.

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Skippy you seem paranoid.

If it happened to you get over it. As I and others have said we believe it is a very rare occurance but we don't deny that it may happen.

Men who go for a grope are not your average gay guys and must be lacking in some way as we know this is unsocial behaviour or whatever you want to call it.

I have also been grabbed but I didn't knock the boy out with a punch. I was grabbed by a Thai teenager not so long ago, actually. I was shocked and somewhat annoyed as it could have been very embarrassing if seen but I believe his social skills and maybe his horniness got the better of him. I removed his hand growled a no and walked away.

I too did something similar when I was 17 and tried to touch a friend who I hoped was gay. He simply said no I'm not. At the time it was a very embarrassing experience but I was unsure of my feelings and I was horny. Being in his bedroom, led me to try for a grope. I didn't think there would be a rejection or what the consequences of that rejection would be, it was irrational impulsive behaviour. Looking back I would have understood if he had punched me because he was an immature young guy and not a grown man with expereinces of gay men and gay culture.

IMO those who do go for a grope are just not reading the situation properly. They misinterpret the signals and their sexual urge gets the better of them and all rational goes out the window. Of course there is a small minority who take this behaviour further and commit more serious crimes.

As for perverted behavior. Well what's perverted to one person might be considered normal to another, each to their own. If you think looking at a naked man changing at a gym is perverted then you really must feel very insecure about yourself and your body and socially very niave and as you say you have gay friends you appear to know very little about gay life and gay people. There is a difference between a glancing look and a stare. If you start staring at someone then I think you could be asking for trouble. Again it's not acceptable social behavior.

Anyway what do you think I'm going to look at the tiles on the wall and admire the creative pattern and color scheme for ####sake.

Edited by DUMPSTER
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I was starting to loose faith in the "fairness" of a moderator, thanks for restoring it. Sorry if the last mail upset some in the fraternity ( the 2 idoits excluded ), but when names start getting thrown, well, expect a reaction.

I agree that this is not routine, but it does exisit. I suspected all along that dumpster was vigerously defending this as "my fantasy" and "it never happend" for alternative reasons. It's the motive was he is a confessed pervert and went for the grop him self. I can tell him that he is lucky that his friend was so passive, cause 9 out of 10 I am sure would "reflex" to the situation ( as woman would rightly slap a man ).

This is not promoting violence.... like the one menetioned in the beginning of the thread.Bashing some one up for their colour / religion / beliefs is sick. But so is groping people un-expectedly in wash rooms or anywhere ( male or female )

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Here are some quotes from Dumpster

Well I have to agree that in general gay men wouldn't waste their time trying to pick up a straight guy.

counter Quote

I too did something similar when I was 17 and tried to touch a friend

Seems ti be a contradiction here..... can some one help out.

Ijustwannateach....... You would be good friend with Mahathir or Taxin... go for censorship.... maybe even a libel suit ? Just hope my kids never end up in your class cause I am not sure they will get any proper moral standards " kids, its ok to be groped, dont be shocked, just tell them politely its not nice, and if they dont let go of your bits - the make a big frowning face - that outta do it." A regular Micheal Jackson.

Edited by skippybangkok
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Skippy. We all believe you got touched buy a guy. What his motives were, who knows. What we don't agree on was the fact you thumped the guy.

If you really want to start a game of childish quotes then do so. You are oh so typical of the straights in the pattaya forum who constantly twist every post to suit their own arguements and motives which is normally anti gay and gay bashing.

I'm sorry you feel so abused by your experience. I do hope that one day you realsie that it is not your typical gays behavior.

I second what Steven has said. The thread should be closed and Skippy can go back to where he came from :o

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