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I am purchaseing a computer soon, and would be happy to get the low down from other board members,...... what to install for protection.

I have read many comments , and I am a bit confused as to which programs to down load ( free) to get the ... " BEST " overall protection ...... as far as I can see its between the following ....

Spybot Search & Destroy

Zone Alarms


Ad-Aware SE

Can any one recommend and comment on their personal choice of an over all protection package...?


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I use:

Ad-aware SE & Spybot S&D - One usually catches what the other won't.

ZoneAlarm Pro - Even the free one is sufficient as it watches the programs.

Firewall Router - Get help setting this up the first time.

ISP Supplied Anti-virus (If you don't have/want this option I like McAfee)

Tenant/Homeowner Insurance - Sucks to have a great firewall and then have some ###### break in and steal your comp :o


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noctambule - First, your needs will vary somewhat depending on whether you connect to the internet via broadband or by dial-up. If broadband, a router with a "firmware" firewall (not-free) would be the safest way to go. If you'll be on dial-up, then a "software" firewall like Zone Alarm (free) would be your best choice. The firewall in WindowsXP (SP-2) is reportedly quite good. (Of course, its "father" was Zone Alarm :D ).

As to the rest, I'd suggest you look at:


ZoneLabs "Zone Alarm" (free)

Sygate's "Sygate Personal Firewall"

Agnitum's "Outpost Firewall" (free)

TinySoftware's "Tiny Firewall"


Webroot's "SpySweeper"

Lavasoft's "Ad-Aware SE" (free)

Computer Associates "Pest Patrol"

P. Kolla's "Spybot-Search & Destroy" (free)


Panda's "Titanium" Antivirus

Kapersky's Anti Virus Personal

Grisoft's AVG Anti-Virus (free)

Computer Associates eTrust EZ Antivirus

Symantec's Norton Antivirus

Trend Micro's PC-cillin

If I were only allowed one from each category, today I'd pick:

Firewall........Zone Alarm

Adware........Spy Sweeper

Antivirus.......Panda "Titanium" or Kapersky's AVP

One important caution. Make sure you have a firewall installed and working before you connect to the internet. This is especially critical if you are on broadband, as you don't want to start out with any virus's or backdoor trojans. Most of above "pay" software have 30 day trial versions, so check them all and then select the one you believe is best for your particular needs.

good luck with your new "putter"


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same same ... :o

ZoneAlarm Pro 5.5

AVG 7 (free)

Adaware SE

Spybot S&D

and on trial test for efficiency :

BHO Demon (good control of bho for now)

SpywareBlaster (nothing to say ... less spies since install)

all this on windows xp pro sp2


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Depends on whether the issue is cost or not...

Adaware, Spybot, Zonealarm and AVG are all free, or have free versions that you can download. (got to be careful that you're installing Zonealarm, not Pro, and AVG Free Edition).

For that reason (the price is right), and the fact that they are all pretty good, I see no reason to pay money for anything else...

Even the 100 baht at Pantip to get a copy of the paid software doesn't work because you need to be able to download updates from the web so that they continue to spot newer virii and spyware.

If you don't mind paying for them, there are slightly better options, but with yearly renewal payments, it can add up to a lot of money.

Obviously, the free option only applies to a home PC as the license agreements on some of these versions specifically don't allow use in an office environment.

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how's chiangmai by the way ?

Dunno... I'm stuck in Victoria for the winter. A Thai meal here cost me $12. Oh, and it rains and rains and rains and......

Can't wait to get back :D

Why, where are you now?


Back in europe i'm afraid, i'm paying 12 Euro's for that meal also :o

Unless my wife cooks something...

Here it's cold and foggy.

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