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Posts posted by onionluke

  1. The OP could try this method of refusing to shake hands with others .

    When the hand of another is offered you start to offer yours

    but just before you grasp each other you pull away your hand with a large sweeping jesture

    and say something like " Lovely bar this , could do with a bit of a paint job though "

    and turn away to highlight the the noble profile of your immaculate chin.

    No hand sanitiser required .



    Don't be so quick to pass judgement based on your lack or experience and knowledge of such matters.



    Having lived and worked in Mainland China, I do have the experience and they are Cheap Charlies. They come on either organized tours through a group in China or they come as solo's staying in the cheapest flop house they can find. Yes, they do generate income for Thailand, but it is minimal compared to what Western tourists spend.



    I see many, many well heeled Chinese tourists, especially in Hong Kong, outspending the western tourists by a country mile.


    Macau is ram packed with high rolling, mafia looking, gob hawking mainlanders, and they just keep coming and spending . Perhaps if Thailand wants to relieve this type of quality tourist of their hard earned money they might consider opening a few casinos . Then the quality will truly arrive in the Kingdom of Smiles

  3.  I have tickets with Thai Airways Hong Kong to Bangkok with an onward flight to Ubon 9th August . The schedule will be very tight if I have to get over to DMK for the BK-UB leg of the journey . This change of airports will probably make flying Airasia , HK -DMK- UB the better choice in the future. 

  4. That 2 + 2 = 4 ... rather then why 2 + 2 = 4.

    That's rather profound!

    If you set the bar that high, I'm sure they will do pretty well in the future.


    Actually that statement comes from my Uni days.

    I did a Bachelor of Business.

    We had two accounting subjects.

    One was plain old Accounting ... double entry ledgers etc.

    The other was Managerial Accounting ... which I hated with a passion.

    When I was asked the difference between the two I used to say that 'Accounting' was 2 + 2 = 4 ... and 'Managerial Accounting' was why does 2 + 2 = 4. The expression has stayed with me.



    I'm a 2 + 2 = 4 man .

    • Like 2
  5. Hong Kong Royal Thai Consulate 16-7-2014 .

    I went to the Hong Kong Royal Thai Consulate on wednesday to inquire about applying for a visa to visit Thailand from the 9th to the 17th august .

    The woman at the enquieries desk leafed through my passport and then called her superior who also checked every page .

    I was then told I need not apply for a visa as long as I had a return flight to HK.

    I did not recieve a reply or comment when I mentioned I had heard of possible changes to the regulations .

    I am married to a Thai ,my UK passport is two years old with visa exempt entries for february 2013 and august 2013 , each not more than 3 weeks per visit .

    My previous passport has a series of visa exempt visits , Non O single and multiple visas. and a 60 day extension from Phibun immigration ofice.

    I will be travelling on my own HK-BK and will carry copies of all our flight tickets-Thai Air , marriage certificate , son's birth certificate, wife's blue book and will state visiting family on the arrival form and list my wife's address up country as my accomodation .

    Still , I am worried .

    edit - 60 day extension added

  6. I was told by the British consulate in Hong Kong that my son was not British when I made an application for his British passport in 2007 . I am a British passport holder and his mother is a Thai national , when he was born in 2005 we were not married. I am the father on both Thai and HK birth certificates issued before his British passport application. We got married and they issued his British passport the next day . Just like that , "Your son is not British " to " Hello , yes you can collect your son's passport tomorrow " . I believe if he had been born after 2006 the application for his British passport would have been accepted without the marriage certificate .

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