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Posts posted by bjoe97

  1. It's obvious that starting with a harmless cannabis joint leads onto more substantial and harder drugs....how can i say this.. from my own personal experience and of many friends from my younger days. We all started smoking weed and moved onto harder drugs..

    I've never yet met a heroin user who did not start out smoking weed, moving quickly onto speed/coke/pills then the heavy stuff.

    It's obvious that starting with harmless alcohol leads onto more substantial and harder drugs. I've never met a heroin user who did not start out drinking beer and taking shots.

    These days in any Western country you will not find many under 30 who have never tried weed ...and the overwhelming vast majority don't move on to heroin.

    QFT. Nobody can argue that cannibis more dangerous than alcohol, but cannibis is illegal in most countries and alcohol is legal in most, go figure.

    difficult to tax that the simple reason

    I hope you mean channbis is less harmful than alchol-which is perhaps the worst drug of all( depending upon variables)- and ironically- legal

    what does that tells us?

  2. That's your opinion. When you're appointed supreme ruler of your own nation, apply the laws you see fit.

    Unfortunately for these two smugglers, the people of Malaysia don't quite see things like you do.

    If they had no intention of obeying Malaysian law, they shouldn't have ventured into the country. They did, and now they'll pay the price.

    Whining and moaning won't change the circumstances.

    Advice for drug smugglers: steer clear of Malaysia.

    such backward thinking..oh I see you may from texas,okay that explains a lot

    I will be kinder

    look at your logic, or rather lack of it

    here i am sitting here, i am doing this.. this is okay here... but if i move a few inches to the front i step into a place where it is not okay-so i die

    who has the right to say " this is my country"?

    Do you own USA? You may have a passport,almost anyone can,which means no body owns it

    the people of Malaysia do not vote for these laws, they do not oppose them

    Do you have any idea how many of them take drugs on a regular basis? I have seen dutu's on the pipe.

    Should we obey a law we see unjust because it is a law?

    I have no intention of following any other law than the one in my heart.

    And look at the lawmakers? do they inspire confidence?

    If one does not "whine and moan", black's may still be looked down upon, women denied the vote just like it was in the good old USA. Was'nt texas the last place to have a unversity that banned interracial relationships on campus up until recently( clinton changed it)

    Someone applied a law they saw fit- someone like me , moaned and whined.

    The law changed.The world became a slightly better place.

    So, so behind............we all are God help us

  3. #1 drug = Tobacco

    #2 drug = Alcohol

    #3 drug = Cannabis

    This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

    I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

    But many users of dope just do that !! :)

    Actually, I suspect if anyone bothered to do a study, it would be found that the majority of hard drug users had been users of alcohol, tobacco and coffee earlier in their life. There is a fundamental logical flaw in the statements like "the majority of heroin users started by smoking marijuana" ... they also started by drinking water - THINK about it!! The correct question is, do the majority of those who smoke marijuana go on to using harder drugs. I know many people who smoke marijuana and NONE of them have gone on to harder drugs.

    a complete and utter myth and i lived in holland many years that one leads to another

    not only is it a myth, but most of my smoking friend are very much against the "harder" drugs( and are people aware that heroin does no harm to the body so long as it it properly and regularly administered?)

  4. this is utter stupidity at it best- and all those who agree with this are simply backward ..I want to limit my isults, losers, who cannot see reality, who have failed in their own life,

    WE, well some of us are human. We have a choice. Continue this medieval way of thinking and progress .

    First of all- the death penalty is wrong and does not work.

    This is simply because of two proven factors.If a country, especially one in this region has a death penalty it means statistically an innocent person will one day die.

    Agree- disagree? You have no choice but to agree.

    Secondly, show me where the death penalty has worked?

    America- it has been documented how if one man kills another, which would mean he is going to die, he is far more likely to commit more acts.Why not kill a few more?

    Some country's used to have the death penalty not so long ago for kidnapping, until it was shown that the kidnappers simply murdered those victims because... why not? no witnesses, and they are sentenced anyway.

    And please,please,please do not think that the laws in S,pore/Malaysia have stopped a single person who wants to buy drugs from getting them.

    I know this first hand. The prices up- yes, the crooks richer- yes.

    Although the laws have sent innocent people to die.Happy with that? is that the human way?

    First of all- " an eye for an eye only leads to more blindness" secondly you support unworkable, proven failed laws.


    Those criminals who you help keep rich and at the top control both the laws and the drugs, you are supporting them paying for this expensive legal/backward/stupidness process.

    Next its cannabis, a plant,one which grows naturally,that does a lot less damage than legal things that do not grow naturally.

    I want to scream at all of those fools that think drugs automatically are 'bad" if so, why are they a human need( Maslow), why , did it seem, reseach is a tad unclear,but all points in one direction, that there were far less crimes and death asscoiated with drugs until they became illegal?

    Making something illegal does not stop it, look at all the working girls( I think partaking of that is a form of rape- she is not really willing, has to do it, customers fuel this dependency - look at how f-ed up we are)

    They are illegal, they are also what keeps Thailand on the map.And crooks richer, and the less able even more down the scale.

    making something illegal makes it such that when someone wants to follow their human need, they must go to a dealer- someone who often does not care what shit it is mixed with, nor will offer advice on how to limited the negative effects.

    Take "ice" for example,it was discussed here, here it is not "ice" as it is in the place the name comes from (japan) it is similar,( call 4- meth something, same family) but really can f XX you up. Ice can be taken for years, and the japs have proven this with limited negative effects, it is not addictive.

    Many people take on a regular basic and function due to this middle road policy they used to have where one can get advice on this.Plus I am told the yakuza would make sure it was not something else, this spoil their long tern money maker, I am not advocating it.

    I am saying the last person to be selling it is the person we have elected to do by our backward thinking- the dealer.

    You are not going to stop it. Those laws do not work( malaysia drugs on the rise)

    The countrys with the crimes now less associated with drugs, and deaths of drug users are nether land's.And surrounding country's,

    And, all you hang 'em high, seem happy about this, supporting policys that mean innocent people dying, or dying for something which no sensible person can call a crime.Making crooks richer.

    2010 is the year.

    We may of walked out of the jungle yesterday when i read some things.Man is destroying himself and this planet by this.

  5. the short answer is- the law of attraction plays a part in what you may be going through

    i sometimes think everyone is shit- then see that in actual fact most people are not so bad, and could be " good" if they wanted, were allowed,etc

    always try and be aware, respectful,polite,open minded,

    I also always recommend carrying a protection device

    there are so many variables to you question about walking away

    I find that very hard to do.I have never done some things here some do to make life easy, eg pay "speeding fines"

    Basically man has the potential to be so much more than the higher ape is simply is now, so good,so progressive,enlightened .Unfortuatly issues like ego, money,religion,etc, etc have blinded us.

    We have the power to solve all the worlds problems(including my piles maybe).

    And deal in far better way than the ones that life will naturally throw our way .To feed, educate, have good policy's,smart laws, medical treatment.

    The humankind is incapable of understanding itself.

    I try to keep positive, one has to, but I feel we are about to enter a dark period

  6. the short answer is- the law of attraction plays a part in what you may be going through

    i sometimes think everyone is shit- then see that in actual fact most people are not so bad, and could be " good" if they wanted, were allowed,etc

    always try and be aware, respectful,polite,open minded,

    I also always recommend carrying a protection device

    there are so many variables to you question about walking away

    I find that very hard to do.I have never done some things here some do to make life easy, eg pay "speeding fines"

    Basically man has the potential to be so much more than the higher ape is simply is now, so good,so progressive,enlightened .Unfortuatly issues like ego, money,religion,etc, etc have blinded us.

    We have the power to solve all the worlds problems(including my piles maybe).

    And deal in far better way than the ones that life will naturally throw our way .To feed, educate, have good policy's,smart laws, medical treatment.

    The humankind is incapable of understanding itself.

    I try to keep positive, one has to, but I feel we are about to enter a dark period

  7. UK goverment- please spend the tax payers money on your soldiers, your police,your old, your sick,your education system and you great unreconginesed efforts at keeping the world a safer place

    Based on Flash Gordon's comments about the lady in Wigan, think this gives us great insight into what the "ruling classes" think of the common UK born citizen/subject... :D ....." I apologised profusely in person, as there was a misunderstanding".....<deleted> Gordon, start packing your bags now... :)

    i know if off topic- but please explain, I UK politics

  8. Ermm..you care to share how he died?


    I would love to- it was an accident.

    Foul play was ruled out immediately.His parents have requested that the full details be kept private

    Greg Unno was the force behind the best martial gym in Thailand. Perhaps in Asia.

    He was so skilled despite his small size. SF active soldiers commented on how skilled he was.

    He could take down someone twice his size and weight, and give them a little kiss on the cheek, not hurting them at all! A true master, modest, kind, respectful.......... God I miss him!

    he had arranged a teacher of every type of art.

    Real pro's. He was kind and good, moral and in love with his beautiful girlfriend Shazia.

    Greg was an American Japanese and one of the most decent and giving people I have ever met.

    I met his father Kaz and I can honestly say he was pure reflection of his one in a million son. A true credit to his parents and culture.

    I miss him so much. The other directors of the gym will try and carry on his good work.He was actively arrnaging free training for ladys and children.

    It seems tragic that one of life's really good, giving people leaves us so early.

    Greg, my friend, RIP

    you will always be loved and missed

    We get the picture, but didn't you want to answer chessplayer's question properly?

    its not that I do not want to.The family have requested me not to. Also the details are not clear.Please understand their right over this. Only to say that there was no foul play at all detected.

    If you are a friend of the family I can put you in direct touch with them.I know if you arte friend you may wish to know more, so please PM if this is the case.

    Greg's had his final farewell cermoney in sanfrancisco a few days ago.

    RIP buddy.....

  9. Agree Smokie; Rinrada, its nice to see someone make an educated informed response to a question without the rants and off topic confetti some seem to throw out.

    its not clear because someone seems to have just changed meaning

    simple this- having a monarch means anyone under that monarch, strickly speaking is a subject of that monarch

    on one wedsite, ask jeeves, you can see so ,many contradictions

    anyway, I love the British Royal family, espcially the old Queen Mother

    don't ask me why, maybe its because i'am, old queen myself!

    UK goverment- please spend the tax payers money on your soldiers, your police,your old, your sick,your education system and you great unreconginesed efforts at keeping the world a safer place

  10. first of all please allow me to apologise for what must of seemed an extremely appalling co;d response to this tragic occurance

    my machine d it was left halfway

    anyway, first of all.....she must be surrounding by a loving a supporting network, and the gauge of any depression she may or may not be suffer

    some women seem to handle this matter well, others take very badly, blaming themselves.

    I take it that this poor lady is a thai.

    Therefore if it makes her feel better to go in any way then fine.

    But she should be supervised and encouraged to drink plenty of water and attended to by medical expert to watch over her condition.

    I would not perosnal receomend long sitting in heat. I can give a lot more advice but more simple if you simple google it.

    If anyone would like some free and very good consouling on any matters like this my yoga teacher is free and available.

    Please feel free to PM me/us.

    I send her, her whole famile love and love

  11. wikipedia also says things like karate is martail art

    that taekwondo is korean- all wrong

    if a country has a Queen everyone who carry's Her passport is a subject, all words maybe....

    OK, if you don't trust Wikipedia read the UKBA's take on it, or maybe they are wrong as well.


    Thanks for that oldgit. :)

    And just to say to bjoe97 at least I could understand your first rant. I couldn't make head nor tail of your replies today unfortunately or I would attempt to reply to them directly.

    no problem and regardless of what anything says, if a place has a monarch as the head of its state, apparently then everyone is subjected to that monarch's say. Even if its only ritual.Apparently even in UK an elected person has to see The Queen before he/she becomes the head of state.Therefore being subjected to the monarch says means they are subjects.

    The UK trying modernize has steered away from any of this old fashioned terms, but never the less the laws are those of precedent ( i hope my English correct) which is why there is no law against female homosexuality.

    Regardless of anything said on any wikipedia, passport website, having a monarchary means the people are really subjects. But I may be completely an utterly wrong. I called my UK history teachers over this and even he said " that's a hard one"

    Also, regrading home office website, apparently a UK subject needs a passport to exit UK, that's not true. I should know my friends do it all the time. What one is told is not always the truth or accurate.In this case he was actually told he was breaking the law. The case was checked and it was proven he was right.

    Excuse my rants, its my lumbago and chronic piles

  12. They arrange so many charitable events,promote so many positive things- and I think that's where any moneys should be going.

    Nope! its British taxpayers money and should be used to help British citizens in time of unexpected need. :)

    but, the UK in it's noble attempt to be benevolent has turned most of its subjects into children, like the whinners here into defining something any mature, able, competant individual could handle into a" an unexpected time of need"

    oh dear,,,, fetch me a tissue please,poor babys, "unexpected need"

    The worst thing the UK did was stop national service.That bred people who did not run to mummy each time an " unexpected need" came up

    opps... I just ran out of milk, anyone have the UK embassys number?

  13. Oh, lets ignore the warnings signs, the advise,found on websites, posters at passport office,officials, etc, lets put aside what is so obviously lacking here- common sense,lets ignore the plainly obvious-despite what happened here last year and take the risk anyway....

    There are far, far more important things.

    You certainly ignored the OP. Maybe that should be your first important stop. Not heard about the volcano on the news then? :)

    yes, and have you heard all the different ways people are managing to still get home?

    why is it that some people moan moan moan, and others, despite that volcano are now back home safe and sound

    spend a little less on the ladys/beer/egos, go another route

    it was still your choice to come

    I would not be giving out a penny in taxes so this of "emergency"

    My friend has just returned, 5 days after leaving...he did okay.... got out, got back in,what is he able to and others not?

    The mindset of the lame.

  14. first of all- there are no British citizen's.You are all subjects.

    Secondly, stop your whining.

    Most of you all sound like a bunch of spoilt brats who have gone off on holiday willingly,to the worlds 11th most corrupt country/knockshop one you must of known has serious issue's, but waived those aside due to local pleasures which cost a lot more back home. But still came anyway, things happened- and who is to blame?

    Not me , so lets pretend we're all back in the playground and act like kids.

    Oh, lets ignore the warnings signs, the advise,found on websites, posters at passport office,officials, etc, lets put aside what is so obviously lacking here- common sense,lets ignore the plainly obvious-despite what happened here last year and take the risk anyway....

    Nobody forced you to come.

    Did they? if so, who? Were you not aware of the risks? If not, you are either stupid, blind,irresponsible...anything else?..... or a combination of all.

    Stop being a pain in the neck and placing a burden upon something you only have yourself to blame for.

    Your taxes should not be wasted upon this issue. And they won't be.

    If I was in charge I would not pay a single penny out of government coffers for those to fail to take responsibility. They will not anyway.

    There are far, far more important things. Do not think the British embassy does not care, but it has far more important things to deal with.

    All the dealings I have had with the British Embassy have shown me that amongst all the foreign missions they are one,if not the best.

    They have two excellent,caring, hard working staff Mr Jeff Mitchell, and Miss Kate Dufall who go way over and above their call of duty and are a true credit to their service.

    In real proper case,like a very injured brit, someone flew down immediately, the murdered Scottish lady.... excellent treatment of the whole matter, their handling of brits in jail.....excellent.Although some seem to have a personal vendetta against some of the staff.One even has his own website which contains pure lies.

    They arrange so many charitable events,promote so many positive things- and I think that's where any moneys should be going.

  15. I NEVER met any Thai woman making anything close to 50k bht per month. I've never had the opportunity to mix & mingle with the high-so crowd, as so many of you fortunate gents. Where I live, the locals I meet are lucky to make 5K, if they have a job at all. I only met one in 6 years, where I wasn't expected to pay (on a date). She was an anomaly. Her education and income was quite above the norm that I see.

    You dont have to b e hi-so to get a good income, my wife is from the North like many, but able to think a bit.

    90,000 bht per month? What is her job, might I ask and her education. Many Thai gov't officials with many years service don't make that. The highest earning woman I ever met here was an Amway "top dog" who said she made 140,000. Since I remembered this lady from a few years back, I will have to correct my first statement, that I have met one that made over 50,000. I am talking about women who I might have been considering for a relationship, who were also available.

    Sent u a pm she's got a degree BA in marketing she had to come to Bangkok form Issan aged 14 to work to pay for her education she used local temples to learn English they gave classes there.

    great, beautiful example that counters all those racist generalizations....you are a lucky man indeed, and I sense, you wife is a lucky lady too-and one to respect

  16. I NEVER met any Thai woman making anything close to 50k bht per month. I've never had the opportunity to mix & mingle with the high-so crowd, as so many of you fortunate gents. Where I live, the locals I meet are lucky to make 5K, if they have a job at all. I only met one in 6 years, where I wasn't expected to pay (on a date). She was an anomaly. Her education and income was quite above the norm that I see.

    the hi- so crowd are a joke, pathetic, zero class....zero real brain's

    they have no idea how stupid they look

    have you seen that hi-so mag- itz

    they think a gucci makes them something they can never be

    yuo cannot buy class, class is something you get by treating people well

    most ladys here are poor, pay for them if you can

    Some of them are silly and full of themselves as you say, but many are personable, intelligent, humble, witty, artistic and traveled and infinitely more interesting spending time with than "pay for them" ladies. A nice feeling it is to be with people on a level playing field that don't need your money, just enjoy your company.

    then they are not " hi-so" that term only refers to fools who think they can buy class, look good, impress people- but in truth are just a joke- alaughing stick, I love and have fits looking at that hi-so magazine

    do they know how stupid they look? it really a sign of a backward culture,mentality

    whom you talk of are gentlefolk, of which Thailand has many....thankfully

  17. Bjoe97 i think you hit a nerve with slapout - Lol

    Fact is no fat old guy likes to be belittled as exploiting the Thais for pleasures of the flesh, especially when they are paying good money for it.

    And ofcourse all those sweet smiles and compliments - surely not all of them are lies are they?

    Life is cruel - and i guess most of us reach the ages we get insecure... but lets not forget, everyone has a choice - the girls have a choice too, they can say NO and work in seven eleven instead....

    The ice situation and the Iranians... hmmmmm 'suspicious chunks' made me laugh....

    I wonder if they can see all those suspicious breast implants too...

    insecure would be an understatement-he is the classic- well, better not say..he knows, we know

    and is only of slapout issues

    i get cute little PM's from this classic specimen of pure ignorance because he has lost face, and does not want to admit it publicly

    so follows the traditional path of the dross by insulting PM's

    poor old slapout.....I really do think he is gay you know.Maybe I should try and help him.All that bottled up anger/hate/denial/self doubt... a bit of tender love and care is what the old duck needs

    we all need

  18. Some people just can not seem to stay close to topic. Going from 'ice' mules and arrest of same to older men with younger girls/women (another forum topic), digressing, to define disgusting acts, professing personal knowledge of various individuals involved with drug, etc, etc. Your credibility for any info/experience claimed by you, took a nose dive with the blatant lie, first sentence, post #41.

    You do get a point or 2 for your self analysis of childish and immature, post #39. This may be a good starting point when picking your next playground.

    slapout darling,

    I know you have lost face, been proven wrong, made to look foolish,but please, if you have anything to say, say it here publicly

    its obvious, people do not check when they know what they find will proved them wrong- no need to be so bitchy

    hiding behind silly, childish, "got to get you back because you made me look a a fool..." PM's stops you looking ( more- that is possible) foolish publicly

    it also helps prove my point.

    You hate the truth, hate being " shown up" and are actually part of the problem

    many thanks,I actually have a sadistic liking of people like you

  19. Put em in jail and throw away the key. I don't care where they are on the planet, dirt bags like this need to never see the light of day again!

    a few words for you( by the way- you are in a form of prison yourself ,sorry to have to tell you this( it does some of coures))

    1- you pay the bill

    2- you make the crooks richer-and angrier, one man told me how upon his release he arranged the murder/death of an innocent person of country that jailed him( by a clever means one can find on the net)

    what makes this bad is that the "offence" was procession of very small amount of LSD

    he claims he was beaten, lost his wife, and was filled with hate,i actually took some time out to look into this.He told me he no longer has this hate because of what he did.

    3- prison does, not, in so many cases, not all,s work and cause the opposite effect

    4- prisons are schools of crime


    " distrust all those to whom the impulse to punish is powerful"

    "the worst deeds like poison weeds

    Bloom well in prison air

    It is only that what is good in man

    That wastes and withers there"

    oscar wilde

    I don't give a rat's behind. Real scumbags deserve to be destroyed but that's usually not possible. Would you prefer to slap them on the wrist and turn them back out to resume their criminal ways???? You think a criminal doesn't learn more criminal ways on the streets? You deserve to be a big time victim.

    you do give a rats arse???( where did you get it,inherited perhaps?) God, you lot are so behind..... if you " did not give a part of your family's body you would not reply, nor act like the silly, and make yourself you so childish and thick( is that right British phrase?

    Crooks learn very little compared to prison on the streets. Is there a school for crime?.There have only ever been 7 known books on how to commit crimes successfully.One was banned because some used the successfully- but can still be obtained.

    Prisons however( which one are you in?) a crook knows he is surrounded by crooks and why they are there- learning and networking is far, far easier. That statement of yours show how much you understand what is really going on. You know very little and havea the typical, if not classical mindset of...I hate to be so direct, in fact I will not, self actualized

    I have been a victim thank you. I do not know if I deserved to be. Lucky for me I survived.

    I hope you survive too.

    Wishing that on anyone says everything about who you really are-are you not not also , by your own definition a scumbag( only scum calls someone scum- is one quote I like) buy wishing that upon me.

    As thick as you like to portray yourself( I must say, you have done a very good job) I would never wish that upon you and would do anything I could to assist.

  20. Some people just can not seem to stay close to topic. Going from 'ice' mules and arrest of same to older men with younger girls/women (another forum topic), digressing, to define disgusting acts, professing personal knowledge of various individuals involved with drug, etc, etc. Your credibility for any info/experience claimed by you, took a nose dive with the blatant lie, first sentence, post #41.

    You do get a point or 2 for your self analysis of childish and immature, post #39. This may be a good starting point when picking your next playground.

    is this on topic? I do not swim, nor lie

    what lie?

    I visit prisons, would you like an email from someone inside the police/prison department here and in Europe?.

    Including a person in charge of one of that person country top politicians security.

    How about a word with someone in charge of top institution here where I will be giving a lecture very soon.Please allow me to show you how misguided you are.

    Shall we both go together to one local police station where I am most welcome?

    Like a copy of somethings( better not give details or I will be accused of boasting.

    Nose dive.....no my friend, its you who has just shot yourself in foot and you are more than welcome to take it further.

    You , like most will decline, you may make some silly remark back to save face, ask for proof and publish the finding you will not do.

    Your kind never does.

    I have now put you in your place because you now know if you do take if further you will start to look silly,sorry, more silly. Thats the problem you see- its all ego.

    That is why we do not progress.

    Enjoy your swim.Wear googles- they help you see clearly

  21. Bjoe97 i think you hit a nerve with slapout - Lol

    Fact is no fat old guy likes to be belittled as exploiting the Thais for pleasures of the flesh, especially when they are paying good money for it.

    And ofcourse all those sweet smiles and compliments - surely not all of them are lies are they?

    Life is cruel - and i guess most of us reach the ages we get insecure... but lets not forget, everyone has a choice - the girls have a choice too, they can say NO and work in seven eleven instead....

    The ice situation and the Iranians... hmmmmm 'suspicious chunks' made me laugh....

    I wonder if they can see all those suspicious breast implants too...

    slapout is meeting me tomorrow for' coffee" he sent me such a sweet PM

    7-11 with all the money they have to send home?

    No, not all of them are lies, some just have a facial tick which makes it look like they're smiling.Most are just smiling at the poor deluded old gent picking up the tab hoping he'll soon be dead and buried.

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