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  1. Did you say joint? I’ll take a hit…
  2. Do you understand the difference between opinion and fact?
  3. Everyone is over reacting…never said that syringe had a needle attached to it?
  4. There is nothing in this thread attacking Thais or Thai culture that calls for this reaction….if you feel that strongly about your observations, why do you waste your time reading comments or start a new thread to air your grievances At 40 years living here plus years prior, you make sound like most of your life is now in your rear view mirror
  5. Technically, I think you mean a steam room not a sauna
  6. The only date that matters to me is my visa expiration date in Dec and when I apply for an extension and nothing is said about showing tax receipts then I am good for another year
  7. Until the Thai gov requires reportable tax filing tied to your visa extension, what leverage do they have from denying your existence to live in thailand?
  8. At least it wasn’t a chicken skewer… root cause of problem - parents stupidity…always blaming something else
  9. Non violent protesting is not a crime in the USA…under Trump if you are on the wrong side of the protest, he will try to deport you. the immigration judge blocked the deportation because he/she is applying the law….Trump is quickly eroding or trying to diminish law and order…. Trump is trying to run the US gov like a mobster boss as he has done with his own businesses….plenty of evidence
  10. If that is a fat lip, hate to see what you call a beat down….
  11. A poor response...Why air your own misguided grievance? An employee was attacked...proper security protocol and policies need to be in place and still might not be enough for prevention of this type of issue... Punishment should be harsh but not up to the hospital
  12. Somehow the penalty will be reduced.... Who cares if he admitted guilt....Plenty of evidence to convict him fully regardless of admission...
  13. The bigger suitcase should be forced to be checked in baggage and x-ray....Good bet the animals would be dead upon arrival in India....Punishment should be har5sh and not just fines...
  14. What actual lesson was learned? We all know the dangers of the Thai roads….so many factors need to change and improve…I haven’t see any improvement in the 20 plus years of driving here…it all starts with that attitude of I can do as I please as an individual driver on the roads…
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