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Everything posted by cardinalblue

  1. Just shows you how bad the legal/justice system here is when a victim has to go to a NGO to seek justice and compensation I wonder if who you know and your social standing matters here?
  2. Time they adjust to the marketplace or make like a Dinosaur
  3. I see the victim showing up with a neck brace and his PT therapist saying he needs weekly sessions for a year… opportunity to fleece…
  4. The root cause? The root cause of smog is burning….solution…ban burning 365 days 24/7…. you don’t need an educational campaign going door to door…you think the people are that stupid and even more stupid to okay I won’t burn to deprive me of making a scant living… the gov need to subsidize the farmers and create other incentives not to burn to say the budget arrived late meaning what? They know the farmers are going to burn so they are chasing around fires putting them out after they have already and conveniently burned their intended areas and more…what a crock of sh*t The gov acts line seasonal burning catches them off guard every year when in-fact they know exactly what days burning begins, how long it lasts and when the end period is…. how about Feb 10th as the date that AP is well over 100 and then stabilizing in 150-200 range every day in March-April and finally ending May 10th after a few rain showers clean the air My prediction - more or less the same next year…the only variable will be rains come sooner, the same or even later in May the only thing that is a constant is the gov praying for rain every April-May
  5. If she wasn’t trying to cross the street, she would be alive today….the roads are for Thai drivers not for pedestrians and bicyclists do you really think Thai drivers are going to be retrained to share the road? Thai drivers own the roads…
  6. None reported in thailand? That’s because there is a cultural prohibition to do so…the system not set up to support women He’s in a candy store in thailand…
  7. You do know multiple Thai Agro businesses contract with farming groups in those countries to grow feedstock products (corn) and then sell to china…
  8. Enough blaming the Falang for getting her pregnant and not waiting to see if she is a precessional fast track executive type… yes, he was stupid but she is committing criminal acts… the courts should intervene w/o the need for him to physically come over…it’s called child services until legally sorted out
  9. You don’t use partying as a metric to rank beaches…. pattaya doesn’t even have fine white sand and zero scenic views… this criteria discredits this specific ranking
  10. What weed brand are you smoking?
  11. Maybe she should have put it all into an envelope and then signed over the sealed envelope for added protection was she really smart enough to accumulate a million dollars?
  12. There is a difference between Thais and Thai’s….
  13. “The boat lost control…” Thank God I was worried that pundits would blame it on crew incompetency or equipment failure
  14. Vultures fly! I wonder if the Thai gov or lawyers get involved to reduce the amount of monies to the maid…. the smartest thing the maid could do is to hire an honest lawyer to walk her thru the process and protect her now assets it is also sad the French lady had no close friends/family nearby or afar…. this suicide was preventable…yes, the maid was loyal and close by but was she someone who the French lady could talk with about issues? It doesn’t sound like it… it started with and ended with a superior to inferior role….the French lady made all the decisions and plans by herself…the maid was taken care b/c the French lady had no one to confide in and talk with at her level… movie making materiel….rosebud - hint hint
  15. Will the police take them to re-enact the crime? Will onlookers I mean gawkers throw tomatoes?
  16. Pathetic way to make money….an extremely vulnerable victim….punishment is never servere enough to deter so gov partly to blame
  17. A proper transaction is to leave the bill in the open as the seller gets the change vs taking and hiding the bill out of sight....This is on the tuk tuk driver especially if it was only a 100B bill...You explicitly show the buyer what was given vs the set/owed price So the tuk tuk driver is either very stupid or it was a scam job (if the driver did not show immediately the 100B bill as insufficient payment towards the 400B bill... Why would the driver hide a 100B bill? he would be the one who is upset vs hiding immediately a 1000B and then saying it was only 100B (you leave the 100B bill in clear view)...either way, money was still owed to someone whether change or insufficient amount...You don't make the bill disappear when the transaction is still open Sorry folks, but it sounds like a scam job...
  18. Two issues….was it a scanned job? And 2nd the tourist should never physical touch the seller….
  19. My advice to the police is not to make assumptions…if it is too perfect of an expected outcome, then was it staged?
  20. Another non story that if it involves a foreigner doing something wrong, lets highlight it.. this story is just fishing and has no idea who is responsible for what xenophibia at its best and the this public loves hearing about it….more like a napoleon inferiority complex in the works …takes pressure off on reporting drivers killing traffic cops
  21. To the very end, Thais always trying to save face even for guilty parties he died b/c blunt force trauma due to being hit by a drunk driver But let’s make a bigger deal of a guy kicking someone in the back or a guy getting his car stuck in the sand… if a Thai is involved, the issue is downplayed…and not dealt with properly…so like driving, burning, garbage, alcoholism, domestic violence, and a host of other issues, never the focus on preventing or improving
  22. Just shooting them like a running elk to avoid damaging nature
  23. Thailand still has a problem learning how to prioritize important issues from non issues I smell entrapment
  24. Here is your problem with your thinking…so instead of 225, it is 150 AP…instead of 30 minutes vs 20 minutes sitting in traffic… it has not improved to an acceptable level for an expat or tourist even if trends has improved…A person doesn’t say “oh it’s better now than 2 decades ago”…here and now bad is bad or bad vs real bad…bad is not tolerated anymore with more options than ever before
  25. Staff should not be liable for runners…are establishments going to cover legal fees if the staff takes violence in stopping runners? don’t shift the blame to poor staff for things beyond their control…you are the ones with deeper pockets and defend staff not abuse them
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