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Everything posted by cardinalblue

  1. Are we allowed to munch on bananas in public?
  2. Hope the villagers quickly put on their covid masks….🙄
  3. Maybe Thais speaking broken english to throw them off their scent… staff became quickly distracted…what their mobile went off?
  4. This does not solve the tailgating issue that happens in thailand if one doesn’t understand the concept of safe breaking distance
  5. I would like to see your Miami property if you would send me a RT ticket and a 3-day allowance
  6. April is the 2nd highest by volume of alcohol sales…I am more surprised that Dec is more given Thai new year vs western new year and summer vs cool season come on thailand let’s drink ourselves to more accidents and adverse health issues and a substantial part of Thai society doesn’t drink so what does that tell you about the part that does…if I recall correctly, 5th or 6th highest country in the world by volume…quite scary and sad
  7. Why no talk of deportation and bans? Now this meets my definition of an assault vs some leg extension
  8. Thai doctors are product of the Thai educational system…enough said and no, they do not get educated in the west for medical school b/c they can’t get in from HS…remember they go from HS to medical school here completely bypassing 4 years of college - required in the west when you hear they are trained in the west….that refers to residencies and internships in which the Thai gov pays big bucks to send them for these programs…it’s a win for both…revenue to the schools and a piece of paper saying they received practical training in the west but required to return to thailand to meet their gov obligation of one year of training for 2 years formula in gov hospitals…which many leave then for private hospitals once their mandatory commitment has been met
  9. prostitution is actually defined as a form of oppression….look it up…and one could extend that definition to Bkk taxi drivers from issaan, hill tribe people currently burning their mountain lands (forced by corporate thailand)…they have no choices thus forced into undesired occupations just to survive - human nature it’s all exploitation…just how currently the world works and accepted by the halves over the have nots…kind of like why expats choose to live in third world countries like thailand to exploit the economies of scale that their western dollars goes further (getting more) even though the quality of life actually might not be higher when one factors in environmental degradation, health outcomes, traffic, road safety, poor regulatory infrastructure etc
  10. I doubt there is one…I bet your wife and her family watch you like a hawk
  11. 225 fires in CM province on a daily basis…AP is absolute not relative…CM needs to control its own house and not worry about blaming “can’t control” places please re-visit the definition of ignorance…the brakes failed…it’s not my fault
  12. Why no compassion? because he’s a Darwin nominee
  13. At least he didn't give the taxi driver a leg kick leading to PTSD
  14. Didn't her friend a pathologist diagnose her? What a crock of sh*t? Yes, the foreigner was wrong but it looks like she recovered quite nicely from that physical assault. Send her to the Ukrainian front-lines is she wants to feel what PTSD really feels like... Hope the court is reasonable is their verdict and fair compensation if any
  15. In the US, you don’t pay taxes on your social security income until the following year so you would have to show your taxes paid for the previous year…some pay a lot and others no taxes based on one’s total taxable income…it can be a cat and mouse game
  16. 500k baht and 5 years in jail for driving in the beach compared to burning down their forests in the north amount to 2,000baht fine and no jail time if they are caught where the outcome is millions of citizens are suffering health effects and killing tourism…any outdoor outing sucks when the air is dirty and disgusting… Learn how to prioritize important issues based on consequences and outcomes not worrying about its cultural image one idiot driving on the beach…bad image but how much environmental damage and adverse human health being impacted vs the 200-300 intentional first fires every day being observed in CM as well as the same bad behavior occurring in all the northern provinces…a public health emergency that the Thai gov refuses to recognize/declare as a serious disaster event…. that’s what I thought
  17. Thais don’t view it as toilet paper since it is not to them… what I don’t like about cheap tissues is exactly that….provide a quality paper napkin or go reusable and employ more migrants
  18. Are you saying he is not equivalent to a soi dog?
  19. Why not? That’s how third world living works…and some extent first world
  20. Bathrooms? How about trash containers in public spaces? My theory is they purposefully lack them b/c it means more work to Servuce them vs just letting the garbage and litter sit in every cubic meter of public land in thailand…only the smoke of the north surpasses it with every cubic cm of air
  21. For the life of me, I don’t know why people choose CM to live during Jan - May
  22. Where are the Thai street protests? Too much media is spent on falang-kicking foreigners to drum up hysteria when real serious issues like sexual/domestic abuse of both adults and children are swept under the rug. Get your own house in order and understand how to prioritise meaningful and significant issues
  23. Another apologist who doesn’t pay attention as to whether it is light outside a uncovered unmarked construction hole shouldn’t be there period…no need to try to find other feeble excuses to blame the drivers
  24. There is no Russian on that UN list…I think he was racing last night….
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