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Everything posted by cardinalblue

  1. Non violent protesting is not a crime in the USA…under Trump if you are on the wrong side of the protest, he will try to deport you. the immigration judge blocked the deportation because he/she is applying the law….Trump is quickly eroding or trying to diminish law and order…. Trump is trying to run the US gov like a mobster boss as he has done with his own businesses….plenty of evidence
  2. If that is a fat lip, hate to see what you call a beat down….
  3. A poor response...Why air your own misguided grievance? An employee was attacked...proper security protocol and policies need to be in place and still might not be enough for prevention of this type of issue... Punishment should be harsh but not up to the hospital
  4. Somehow the penalty will be reduced.... Who cares if he admitted guilt....Plenty of evidence to convict him fully regardless of admission...
  5. The bigger suitcase should be forced to be checked in baggage and x-ray....Good bet the animals would be dead upon arrival in India....Punishment should be har5sh and not just fines...
  6. What actual lesson was learned? We all know the dangers of the Thai roads….so many factors need to change and improve…I haven’t see any improvement in the 20 plus years of driving here…it all starts with that attitude of I can do as I please as an individual driver on the roads…
  7. You sure seem gullible to every word read is fact and truth.. what you should take away is a guy got knocked out by a bouncer…that is the only evidence…everything else is hear say or opinion
  8. Waste management in Thailand still stuck in third world mentality country wide….
  9. Driver fatigue is not the same as driver error which seems to be omitted as potential causes…can never be the driver’s ability or lack of
  10. I guess they spent their savings to do foreign travel… My issue isn’t traveling but not having sufficient funds to cover emergencies first and then a second pot of money for travel, hobbies whatever especially as one ages
  11. Who is the loser, the one who brags about paying for it or the one who doesn’t?
  12. No just stupid….you can’t cure stupidity
  13. Driver training and enforcement…who cares about enhancements if drivers disobey the rules? a hopeless situation now under the current climate
  14. Wrong answer - if a plane lands or take off from an airport, that airport must have sufficient emergency response to handle that plane… to say Bkk over Phuket makes one question emergency response capabilities in Phuket
  15. Do you mean the 7th largest economy in the world - California by itself? You got to do better than a feeble response like that.. Ukraine is trying to hold onto their country...I guess you don't have an understanding of what it means to fight. easy to give away the shop when one like Trump doesn't know the difference between democracy and dictatorship... I was also taught to proof read for spelling errors; others not so much
  16. I wonder if anyone in this thread has someone in the same league as our Russian? produce the evidence - no less than 3 photos
  17. I bet they cut their trip short. What a punch or is it a stab to the gut? Are we sure they are not covering up for the son? It would make more sense the son is the guilty one and this story was created to keep him out of jail. They ain't putting the old guy in jail as it was OMG an accident? Or even more devious a chance to inherit the NZ's assets prematurely? Family first! Need to interview all family members separately and see if cracks develop in their story or was it a plan?
  18. She buys shoes w/o trying them on…We have a Darwin nominee
  19. Not the sharpest pencils in the box…dishing out money in Thailand w/o securing proper documents of ownership… they didn’t do their due diligence on the developer and now paying the price for it…. why is this case not in the courts…clearly fraud was happening
  20. Why? Many reasons what could have killed him….the two might be related or totally unrelated… it doesn’t matter how he spent his remaining days…what caused his death we might never know
  21. To go after his money in England takes some balls on her part…I bet she got this advice from similar Thai women who fleeced their foreign husbands Flat out don’t believe she lent him money…prove it and the court needs to say including how she came up with 200k she wants the cash b/c she has nothing of her own to support her lifestyle she grew accustom to ….his mistake
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