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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. Does anyone know the procedure for registering a marriage in Thailand when we’ve been legally married in the States for many years? The affidavit of freedom to marry doesn’t seem to quite fit this situation. I’m sure some of you have navigated this process and any advice would be appreciated.


  2. I've been to St. Petersburg Russia and going back on a cruise next year with the wife. I don't have any hotel recommendations but definitely take a 2 day tour if you can. A great way to see all the sites and the summer palace of Peter the Great is amazing. If you're a museum wonk like me then the Hermitage is a must!

  3. I have no issue about what goes in between 2 consenting adults whether money is involved or not, but they do need to crack down on the underaged problem. It should start with throwing the scumbag parents in jail who force their children into prostitution so they can swing lazily in the hammock all day, drink whisky and gamble away what little they have. Poverty is no excuse. If you prostitute your own child you should be thrown in a hole for the rest of your life to rot!

  4. My wife had a little hobby that developed into a nice income stream for her here in the US. She fell in love with couponing and became quite good at it. Once I saw how good she was on a small scale I spotted her a few hundred to grow her stockpile which she did. She holds garage sales or goes to our local farmers market and sells some of her stockpile to take her profit which has now become significant. She literally gets thousands in product for pennies on the dollar and is averaging about a 500% return on most products she resells. Not to mention my grocery bill has been significantly reduced! It takes a lot of time and patience but its a nice little business and what Thai girl doesn't love going shopping almost every day! My investment was returned in full and then some!

  5. I hate to say it but Rome is beginning it's great fall. We have learned nothing over 240 years. If we have proven anything it's that humans are not responsible, tolerant or evolved enough to handle too much freedom and that diversity, while great in principle, is the great divider amongst such an immature species. Perhaps the Thais know something we don't and it's the reason they have survived as a country so long.

  6. Now that I'm winding down my working career and taking it easy I appreciate their concept of time. As a lifelong Buddhist myself I have always viewed it less linear and more circular. But western culture forces a linear view on us. But now that I'm out of the rat race nowhere I really have to be unless I want to be. And when I do go somewhere I don't worry about being anywhere else.

  7. I lived there for work for a while and enjoyed it but I was glad to go back to the U.S. I did meet my wife there which has been a blessing. We occasionally return for a visit but neither of us would ever want to live there again. It is still a third world country with a very narrow and skewed view of the world and outside of some beautiful places to visit and great food I wouldn't ever consider Thailand as a permanent or long term situation. I suspect a lot of westerners living like that its possible to live there cheaply but if that isn't your main motivation life in the west is far better IMHO.

  8. As an attorney who worked in the corporate area of law for several years in BK with many Thai lawyers at some very good firms, their rate was anywhere from 250 to 300 U.S. per hour for a partner level attorney. Some services are also flat fee. I suspect in general it's not much different than in the west overall. Some charge more, some less and some work on flat fees. Some Thai attorneys I worked with were very sharp and some not so much. You need to shop around and try to get a good referral from someone. You can't paint it with a broad brush.

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