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Posts posted by AZBill

  1. Can you name a first world country ruled by a military Junta? Coups when the vast majority vote in their government of choice? It's not all about the cosmetics. I almost died in a very nice Thai hospital because they diagnosed valley fever as the flu! Thank goodness I made it back to the states in time before meningitis killed me!

  2. I would never take life event advice from anyone on an anonymous chat board. You are right that Thailand is much more than bar girls and scams. Having worked in Bangkok as an attorney among Thai and international business people for many years I could never relate to the Thailand portrayed by many of the sexpat types on this forum. If you dwell among prostitutes and seedy bars whether in Thailand or your own country then you will of course have a very jaded view of the society. Listen to the losers in your own country talk and they sound the same as the the ones inThailand. I personally have no desire to live in Thailand but it has more to do with the heat than anything else. I've always enjoyed the country and its people and still enjoy our visits.

  3. I have a big family where we live and they all adore my wife. Even my grown daughter from my first marriage who is very protective of me gets along with her great. She was quite concerned at first but over the years she has seen what a great marriage we have and knows her dad is loved and well cared for. If you got family that doesn't appreciate your good wife then that's their problem. What matters is what the two of you have together.

  4. Can anyone recommend a nice beachfront hotel that's not too far from Patong but not in the tourist area. Bringing my wife, daughter and son in law for a trip on our next trip over. Budget is about $200 U.S. Per night per room. Thx!

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