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Posts posted by stevo52

  1. Dead right aint it amazing we could fill the titanic 27 times with all the now poor ferangs having been scammed by Thais , yet nearly a Thai is ever brought to justice over scamming !!!!! what a 1 way street ! Thais they have a name some of the worst scammers in the world yet the jails are devoid of the scamming's tarts .

    real pot calling kettle black situation huh

    I don't like Nigerians but in this case I say good on him ! what Thai woman ever had 1 million baht unless she to at the start scammed the million from some other poor sucker???? , i got no sympathy for Thai women getting scammed !

  2. > In the greatest days of the British Empire , a new Colonel was sent to
    > a jungle outpost to relieve the retiring colonel.

    > After welcoming his replacement and showing the courtesies (gin and
    > tonic, cucumber sandwiches) that protocol decrees, the retiring
    > colonel said - "You must meet Captain Smithers, my right-hand man,
    > God, he's really the strength of this office. His talent is simply boundless."
    > Smithers was summoned and introduced to the new CO, who was surprised
    > to meet a toothless, hairless, scabbed and pockmarked specimen of
    > humanity, a particularly unattractive man less than three foot tall.
    > "Smithers, old man, tell your new CO about yourself."
    > "Well, sir, I graduated with honours from Sandhurst , joined the
    > regiment and won the Military Cross and Bar after three expeditions
    > behind enemy lines.
    > I've represented Great Britain in equestrian events and won a Silver
    > Medal in the middleweight division of the Olympics.
    > I have researched the history of ...."
    > Here the colonel interrupted, "Yes, yes, never mind that Smithers, the
    > new Colonel can find all that in your file.
    > Tell him about the day you told the witch doctor to get <deleted>-------ed."


  3. Another upstanding Thai man


    no mate id not have a thai man in the house ( i like to keep what i own ) i do know ive now have come to understand why thai men do not want the thai tarts ))) - hell if he won 35,000 baht took it home said nothing and she found out ---she is liable to kill you for it

    thais )))))) look woman don't deserve much!!!!! because put 90% to the test - go to an atm machine with an empty card stick it in try make a withdrawel - you knowing no dollars in it - watch the look of horror on her face))))

    NO MATE I WAS NOT BURNT BUT MANY OF MY FRIENDS HAVE BEEN ---------With thais give em nothing and take them nowhere thats my rule!!! and i don't appear to get burnt at least not yet!!!!! ---------but iam yet to find a nice gent says i have a great life here the last 10 years and nobody has tried scam me for a penny!

    how many guys do you know whom could say that sincerely ???? only sincere and loyal thai - is one that does not give a toss about money ( yours or hers) --------how many thais in thailand 70 million ? well sincerity that i speak off )))) i think in the whole country you'd be battling to fill 7 x 50 seat travel coaches with all the died in the wool sincere ones !

    it would be a challenge for sure !

    il wager $500 that 7 to 8 from 10 thai woman toss up the hands toss the hubby and take off down the street screaming to budda ''my atm him no good '' no work ((((( me to find another))))) lol lol lol

    Sound silly!!!!! -- id like $80 for every time ive seen that situation in thailand since 2003 , id not have to work for the next 3 months ay!


    Sounds like someone got burned. A bit bitter are we?

  4. Another upstanding Thai man


    no mate id not have a thai man in the house ( i like to keep what i own ) i do know ive now have come to understand why thai men do not want the thai tarts ))) - hell if he won 35,000 baht took it home said nothing and she found out ---she is liable to kill you for it

    thais )))))) look woman don't deserve much!!!!! because put 90% to the test - go to an atm machine with an empty card stick it in try make a withdrawel - you knowing no dollars in it - watch the look of horror on her face))))

    il wager $500 that 7 to 8 from 10 thai woman toss up the hands toss the hubby and take off down the street screaming to budda ''my atm him no good '' no work ((((( me to find another))))) lol lol lol

    Sound silly!!!!! -- id like $80 for every time ive seen that situation in thailand since 2003 , id not have to work for the next 3 months ay!


  5. Hear as you say Opted but i don't have time for all the guff , i like to do things dead simple i'm not c0omplying to what i don't belive in , they try put me in a line like a sheep & jump through 48 hoops well no not for me ''we'll do things different '' I'm just not interested in being part of a system that i think is not designed to work for both parties, or is intrusive. I do know others in total aggreeance in my beliefs so . ..............They can like it or lump it .

    Yes my mrs has been here several times too on various visas , and iam not going through the B'S again)))))) i mean the ''fair go policy'' must come into play somewhere.

    This importing wives, your really doing them ........... a very big favour !!!!! now the powers that be should be in front of you '' head bowed & hat tipped abiding to the person that's prepared to give somebody a go, that should win the man 100 points you know ! ( i recall days when the old system - used to do just that - and i'm not that old )

    In the old days ''that is how it worked '' the new days !!!!! they can please themselves, i certainly won't give an inch ! I LIVE BY THE OLD DAYS RULES - NOT THIS NEW AGE X GENERATION POLLIE CORRECT CRAP !

    My situation is ever so simple - to any immigration department , i will not answer any questions of myself / my situation / what i do / what's my work / if i can support others / or not ! thats my business, and it will remain undisclosed till the end of time.

    In a nutshell ---- they must ask me nothing in relation to my situation - i don't like that) i think it's way past rude , more so it's none of their busness ! In this respect i will not give 1 inch ! Anything else ''sure i am happy to comply '' but never cross a line of asking of my personal situation in life how i do life etc ,or thems fighting words !

    Immigration - ask me nothing and you'll get told no lies - but ask me anything of my private circumstances? and the roof will lift )).......... of that i can gaurantee !

    I WON'T be encountering critical questions that can't be answered , because i will not attempt to answer any question , should it involve any of my personal territory !

  6. Stevo 52, with respect and having read your posts on the last two pages, although not comprehending all the minutiae, i would temper you stoicism by saying this.

    Times have changed and if you want something and wont bend with the system, as in your case, you probably wont get want you want. True enough, data sharing is a concern, but the fear of it is over-rated. I understand your sensitivity to privacy and i heard some of the suggestions you made re 'others', but you should answer the questions with your 'best case answers' and see what events. If you encounter critical questions that cannot be answered, then i suggest there should be some self-reflection as too purposes.

    Know this though. There is sooo much money in the gen 'x' group doing so many varied things in so many different places, i think your imagination might over-supposed how your form may be received at DIAF. But I don't know your situation.

    It has never been a problem for me. Three times my partner has arrived in Australia and occasionally an additional email asked something of me but each time i have given frank replies and been granted requests. It is all about patterns. Any regulatory authority copes well with consistent patterns, they struggle with irregularity. Explain them or do without.

    This brings me to the last paragraph in your post above. It flags the problems you may have encountered with officials as transnational relationships are generally not intended to be encapsulated so, nor in any reasonalbe attitudinal estimation of what removing geo-barriers for cohabitation is about. Go easy buddy and try not to burn bridges. Things work out if you let them.

  7. your right if you live by the ''dudley do well'' system ............but i don't ---- and i know quiete a few others that don't ---- so visa will be as i say sir - i did 2 x tourist visa for my wife 3 months a time they said financial support? i stood there i said in got $1800 in my pocket & here have a look wifes got 209,000 baht in her bank here have a look - that was good enough for the visa croewd on the day

    I was asked to proove nothing ) i didnt even bring a bank statement ------they never asked me FOR one either ! was i just lucky ? was she just lucky ????? - no i dont think so because we did it that way twice & totally unchallenged good enough for 2 x 3 month visas then should be good enough for the bigger visa !

    if not well gee bad luck just means the poor woman does not get a better go at life . Governments sir are totally out of touch with joe average ))) you cant get whats not there , so in effect they can dance to my drum , i got nothing to lose! wife totally aggrees as i say she said stuff em) they can please emselves in the halls of bigotry and descrimination. and don't they excell in those two departments.

  8. mate i hear you but what your saying is for the masses the pollie correct all follow guidelines etc etc no i dont live in that part of the system my financials last 15 years are kept rolled up with an elastic band around the rolls and put in a safe - they can go for there lives try acess what they will -------------i don't keep monies in banks best of luck to them lol lol i live outside the system my friend that way nobody owns you and your not one of the accountable sheep.

    i pay in cash for 99.9% of everything in life

    lol lol i just imagine them they look at your financials and they find an old bankbook from `1965 still in pounds / shillings and pence there is 27 & sixpence in mine lol lol what a scream because thats exactly, what they'd find in mine lol lol

    thats made my night lol what a scream !

    i welcome them to access mine they'd find mothballs and blank pages lol lol

    i wish them the best of british luck lol
    oh i do have a thai account kashikorn bank thats got at least 4.3 million baht in it ----- i spose i could show them that )))) but they should count themselves fortunate that il even show them that !

    wife cant apply as a skilled migrant she left school age 10 ( she is 40 & counts on her fingers ))) err hello she is thai what do they expect ??? skilled migrant my god )))))) in thailand )))) thats like asking for Professors from a population that lives in the artic in igloo's ))

    she does the dishes washes floors and cleans the car & half the time thats to much a task ))))) only skilled in counting on her fingers ! skilled migrants what for))) to go on the dole line with the other 800,000 lol

  9. Well i won't be telling them ay of that sir you can bet the house))))) there is such thing as privacy))))) and like in the old convoy movie mate where they crashed the gates the wording went we just aint gunnu pay no toll in my respect to finances and telling them ---- , well i just aint gunnu pay no toll )))

    looking back even in Australiab if i won tatts th ere is no way known id pay that near $7,000 to immigration - they must think people are total mugs !
    from what i can gather lot of hippocracy i think thaqt $6850 to immigration like a bond (( thats fine if your destitute i believe in it then - but when your wifes loaded with $$$ to pay her own way - well i mean thats lke saying lets ut a bond onJohn Howard because he's poor yeah sure)) he's worth about 6 million dollars bonds are good but they are for a purpose and thats so the newcomers not ,leaching off the system and somebody can support then -(( but its just hippocracy in my case))) why pay what you don't need to pay ??

    up the immigration for the rent ----- il be paying nothing sir ! and although i'm miles from poor -- i won't be showing nothing either ~)


    i dont know how long the immigration has been inventing these mystical fees because its just scam ive got 3 friends married to overseas women all 3 brought them here in the 2007 to 2009 period i know for a fact 2 from 3 paid next to nothing in those days - good enough for them and good enough for those times , then i want the same deal.

  10. Yes thanks guys your advise i can do thev forms myself i worked govvy departments years doing forms, thats not my worry - but ive promised wife yes all fine sell up, get ready to come!


    i don't like govvy questions in respect to myself - ones business is ones business, the moment they come that crap , i walk out the visa office say to mrs well they coming the BIG BROTHER - dictator!!! so we may as well get a divorce, because id be a long time dead before id ever disclose my earnings, details of residence etc ,FINANCIAL SITUATION ---. to me thats realy crosing the line in the sand.

    All diferent if the wife was poverty stricken.))........... but she is not !

    i do Very private work for very very very private people --- and that gets me, a very private income you know. ( YOU GUYS ID LOVE TO HAVE MY JOB, I TELL YOU ))

    And that's my business it's staying that way too - that's one thing i won't be taking to thailand to do spouse visa - is any details, what iam worth, who pays me & what i do - nobody could pay me 100k to devulge that . ...................... I like to keep my job you know .

    In a nutshell )))) they ask me anything monetary about myself, then sorry its all over rover )) i won't go any furthur then! IN THE PAST IVE DONE 11 VISAS FOR FRIENDS COME FROM EUROPE / THAILAND ETC FOR FRIENDS AND I CHARGE NOTHING, SO IN RESPECT TO MY PRIVACY.AND GOOD DEEDS OF THE PAST HELPING FRIENDS! ............ ITS TIME TO PAY THE PIPER ! ( no questions asked you know ) that's my payment in kind )))

    and to aussies on here ((well they'd say thats fair enough too )




  11. Can somebody help me here before i end up in the looney bin please!!!!!

    Iam married legally to thai in thailand , ive got what appears to me a simple request , the wife wants to come Aussie to live , thats fine by me !

    Ive contacted 6 of those scamming migration agents - ive been told 6 totally radically different stories , ive had 3 from 6 send there there bank details saying just put x amounjt in this she'l be right no pa0pedrs nothing to me = obviously scammers '' i not a total fool .

    income support crap for her sorry we not goling there ( she dont need it or wants it ) she is anything but a poor person & happy to pay all spouse visa costs from her own purse , so in essence in monetary way, i'm not needed . So comes time to do i'm an answering nothing in a monetary respect !..... I think il do this from thailand certainly not from Australia, as we truly not interested in all the guff you know .- i only want to do it dead simple.

    I know she cant work 9 months of so when in Aussie but thaty don't matter she has more $ than you could poke a stick at and she wants no finacial aide from any govvy - in theory this should make things very simple do you agree.

    this Australian govvy what a scam pay us $6,825 is it to immigration lol what when your married ??? yeah sure ( whats there agenda ) Sir you must buy your own wife lol , id not pay that in Australia even if i won tatts purely on principle , as your not bringing a stranger -- i mean its your wife err hellloo ) what a scamming system in Australia , i could understand if your bringing a stranger they on bones of bum they have 5 cents . but when your wifes well off and prepared to pay ''her own way '' i mean fair go ay !

    can somebody tell me truly the things involved doing spouse visa from thailand to australia again ive asked 4 peoplre you get 4 totally different stories, i'm about to leavre go back to thailand , the poor wife has just about had enough , when i lodge this visa spouse in thailand for us - i dont want questions you know , She has been here twice 3 month tourist visas already but i foujnd them very easy to do i doned both myself ,, i didnt have to pay a dog to bark for me !

    this spouse visa i dont want any hidden nasties the wifes going to pay for it - honestly she could afford to pay for 5 of them , we want to do all neat and simple away we go , but iam finding so much scare mongering and miss information from the scamming mara agents in Australia ) that i am just a tad frightened to try do it .Mara agents con men say to me you cant brreath without us send us our money all such rorts ive had a gut full of it !One told me i could never do a tourist visa for wife impossible he said, send us $1000 he said -- thats amazing ive done two so far i could do them in my sleep !

    Can somebody help here in respect to this please !

    Iam not doing another trip there to be mucked around , stand in the cue like a sheep take yu ticket we be in touch next month etc etc)) we just want to get going you know !


  12. Why don't they try to encourage foreigners from other countries to visit? Only having foreigners from one country [China] is like putting all your eggs in one basket. Not a good policy at all.

    If anything, diversity in visitor arrivals should be encouraged. As nice a country as China is, but I don't want to be swamped by people only from one country, I want to see people from various different countries. Why is it that only Chinese are being talked about? India has the same population as China. Why aren't they all coming 400,000 of them at once? Strange...

    "India has the same population as China. Why aren't they all coming 400,000 of them at once? Strange..."

    Well, surely, that's because the vast bulk of the population of India can't fly to Thailand because of money reasons. And with China, ten or twenty per cent of the 1.3 billion in China can afford to go for a foreign holiday ??

    Thailand is pretty close to China, and so, the Chinese who are not so rich turn up in Thailand. The rich ones go to places like London and Paris. And Thailand is also cheaper than South Korea and Japan.

    I don't think it's a case of the Thais setting out to attract and pull in the Chinese tourists, and that being the reason why a huge number of Chinese are in Thailand. That would be making TAT look better than what it really is !! smile.png

    I think it's more to do with lots of Chinese turning up in Thailand (for the reasons given above), and Thailand has responded by trying to gear itself up to cater for the huge numbers.

    I think Thailand is still trying to increase tourist numbers from Europe, America, Middle East, etc, but the increase in Chinese tourists will, surely, be greater than those other places ? Only about ten or twenty per cent of the people in China can afford a holiday, the economy is still growing, maybe thirty or forty per cent of the people in China will be able to afford a foreign holiday in ten years time ?? smile.png

    Imagine that, Spain and Greece are already 'flooded' by British and German tourists. In the future, Pattaya and Phuket will be flooded by Chinese tourists. They already are, but the flood or invasion will be greater over the next decade !!!




    I thought plenty of Indians now have money too. Sure, much of India looks like a rubbish dump and waste land, but I can assure you, there are plenty of moneyed Indians. Somehow I'd like to see more of them in Thailand, balancing out the Chinese visitor numbers. And I forgot to add, India is just as close to Thailand as China is.

    Besides, one hears a lot about India becoming a major economic superpower, at least those are the projections for the not too distant future.

    And god I don't want to see Pattaya and Phuket flooded by Chinese tourists. God no!

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    god help us, sounds like a great time to stay at home and go no where

    god help us, sounds like a great time to stay at home and go no where

    I think you might as well stay at home forever and go nowhere, get use to it !

    People say that about fifteen years ago, there was a lot fewer Chinese tourists and tour groups in Thailand. There's huge numbers of them now, and growth has been massive in the last few years. It looks like there's going to be a lot more in the next few years.

    Love them or loath them, you're going to have to get use to them. There's more and more of them in all over England as well. smile.png

    Yes they spread like a vermin --like a version of Ebola ohh gawd ! iam sure though if bumping them off was a 25 cent fine)))) there would be none left, and nobody would miss them !

  14. Yes mate stevo here you'r dead right we both know that , chows make wife's blood boil lol she says scamming bludgers she say's ( she should have been a politition she could talk underwater ) i notice its like a blanket coverage in the village where we are you know --you never find a lover of a chinaman oh god no!, i casualty said hello to what appeared a half civilised chow couple last year ! not thinking the wife was standing 5 feet away -----------well i tell you what ''didnt i get it '' you bastard she screamed ) your talking to the ''filth ''

    They were very very dark on me for several days!!!! '' ''i think i had committed the ultimate sin '' wife calls em ''stingy beggars / them deciet / them bad / them pig )) no no mate they not mentioned in our house not unless i want to ''wear the meal ay ''

    we dont mix to many people, but i can't say over the years we ever ran into any Chow lovers)))) not yet anyway !

    Thai new year yes like other guy here i hate it - i hate noise full stop!!!! i have a good car when the crap and noise starts il be going for long long drive , on my own if need be i can't stand screatchin thais , drunks / beggars / bums/ hobo's or chows---- i don't want the riff raff near me ay !

    i find it bad enough trying to live rediculous thai ways!!!! let alone getting invaded by money driven -- scamming chinese)))hell they'd sell the skid marks from your jocks - ruhless mungrel race god knows why the thais let them in!!!! - id like to be boss for a week hell id clean the place up id do the job for free too !~

    • Like 1
  15. Going to be hard for my thai wife!!! '' she hates the living sight of the chinese '' actualy '' thais don't like confrontation '' but hell doesnt' my wife give them a serve ''she pays right out on them.

    I could not imagine to many chow grasshoppers, heading to upper Issan !

    I think once they lose sight of the bangkok airport, they tend to go into ''withdrawls''

    Why chinese would go to Thailand ????,, has me beat '' what's the purpose????? bugger of a race!! very inhospitable and dictatorial ''

    leave em back in the rice paddies !


  16. GEE 400k more scamming toothy poverty stricken grass hoppers)) jeses wept ! i'm glad iam staying home in Khon Kaen , yuk )))))and to think a bloke spent a fortune to leave Australia to get away from the ''scam vasion'' only to find.............. it comes to us -------------is thier no escape ?????/

    oh well with a bit of good luck, the wife said ''' well maybe bar women scam all idiot chows''' and the Russian mobster him take care of the rest )) lol i think she has it right , i like the way she thinks !

    Thailands becoming a toilet for the ''unrefined '' along with the desperates '' , and the fingerless gloves crowd / '' the poverty budget patrons'' bloody disgrace !!!!

  17. GEE guys i don't know , if bangkok sliped beneath the waves '' do you think anybody would really miss it ''???? I was speaking to my wife about this '' she is Thai , she said to me '' look dear take out the 5 million rats , the 500,000 scamming bar girls the 600,000 alcoholics , and all the BF'S)))) ( I SAID HANG ON )))))WHATS THE BF'S ?? she replied all the ''beggar farangs of course ''!

    So i said do tell my dear which ones are not the beggar farangss ?? she replied the ones that are NOT B'F'S = Aussie / kiwis/ some English ( THE NON STINGY ONES LIKE ----3 FROM 10 ) A few lost americans and 2 or 3 dozen))) half decent irish men ! LOL LOL !

    To take all this from bangkok , she said who's going to miss it???? , it's a just sea of scam and deciet ( i think the wife has pretty well got it summed up'' - but over all ''she hates the sight of the place''

    Personaly i think it's the last card in the pack------- bangkok))))))) gee what a cess pit of slime)))))))) ''come on de water '')))))

  18. The man that posted this thread no he has it right ))) , you want something in life ..........work for it .. thais for too long have played the game ''the sympathy elephant game '' look at it this way we go bust in thailand))) , how many thais run to our aide ??? = none )))) no the man has a good gripe --- genuine too!

    I can reflect back to a mate whom married last year a quiet rather impoverished issan woman'' , although she seemed fine to start , hubby was hmm not rich but he had 95,000 baht a month to live with)) happy gave her 75% of it -- that , one would think)))) would be apprieciated by the other half ???.

    No it didnt work huh - she in life never seen 9k baht a month , he makes life says oh ok leaves 65,000 baht on the table to do life with every month , into her purse it went , she never stopped calling him stingy for the next 8 months))) .65K BAHT PLUS HER 9K BAHT = 74K BAHT ---and he's called stingy ??? for 8 months she never stopped insulting him - until he gave her the flick she was just a nightmare, they talk money in thier sleep ?---------they are obcessed by it???? ( i don't know why ?

    Problem with the thais is thus, ( they never know when they are on a good thing & gratitude is not in the dictionary ) they want to have it not both ways,-- but all -ways -- Iam married to a thai - she earns 23k baht a month - but they want to keep all thiers in purse ) and you pay all for life ?? it's a bit rude huh !!

    We can't do that in USA / AUSSIE / ENGLAND NEW ZED ETC ETC ETC -- WHY MUST WE DO IT IN THAILAND ?? why should anybody, be an ATM --- FOR THEM ????


    Secret ( i learnt the hard way ) i give money to my mrs when she proves to me she is broke )))) ( no cunning kicks of money socked away in thier shoes ) they want farang pay all in / outs both ways???? when he goes bust ( and a lot do ) she has zero sympathy for him -------or comprehention, of just how hard it is for joe farang, to make a dollar )) joe goes bust - she screams stingy ??? ( WHAT THAIS FORGET IS THAT IN 75% OF CASES THEY SEND US BUST IN THE FIRST PLACE ))) its thier doing via / greed ))) - id like just $15 for every time ive seen that exact same situation in thailand.

    They expect everybody to keep them ?? It does not work in 90% of countries .. thais should be damn gratefull))) to the ever generous farang !

    My mate, He woke up & said to me no --no apprieciation here sport, just mother greed working overtime ( here we had classic example of --- the beggar being the chooser, and dictating life ?? bit like writing without a pen and paper -- you can't do it )))

    The poster of the thread good post ---------do as i do ! i say to my mrs you want a quid ??? / work for it )) - i did for 42 years --didn't hurt me !

    don't ever be an ATM FOR THEM because if you do, it will never stop ------------they are all wired the same way !


    ps tell you something don't be a mug fall for the me want house me want land caper ( i didn't fall for that ) no way known - thais,,, tell em they want ''ouse me want land ''--you go buy it --not me ! who'd wants to own--- what you can't really own ??? - same same would you buy a car in the USA and seller says to you - sorry no papers - you dont really own it ( of course you'd not buy it ) same deal everything in thailand

    In 80% of cases bar the odd honest one (( they get you to buy it -- the big assetts ) so mumasan & the family ''resident gorrillas'' all 77 of them'' all on the lamb yes )) ,they take it all off you later ! with some fabricated story him look other woman))) me make divorce = by by land and house ( in reality mr farang has done nothing wrong ) they very good liars the thais - its a specialty with them , like an aquired taste you know !

    Trust your mrs with house and land in her name only??? yeahhh)))) sure lol lol ( like id trust mine with goods of more value than 150k baht ??? - i not that silly ))) no way known )- don't be mugs))) thais want all ?? let them go to work and buy all !( same as we did ).

    You fall into a sewer and expect to come out smelling like a rose; that is naive.

    Not naive at all my friend i do know crap from clay - problem is in the country we talk of there is 85% crap and 15% clay another chap posted on here ''he's not thier to ''keep anybody ''hes right!!!!! whom needs a leach hanging from your bankbook '' many men leave western countries hello))))) ............specifically to get away from scammiing females - they looking for a better deal err hello , all men i know are looking for a better ''non deciet woman low ks; 1 carefull owner / its never said sh-------it in its life , its never taken 5 cents unless she earnt it honestly ) why all this is so hard to locate in thailand?????? ............ive no idea !

    one person should never ''have to keep the other '' in life not unless he/ she chooses to do so !

    I said to my wife ''want a dollar good go earn it / same as i did for decades - decent thai woman should see that ''and say to herself '' i must never ever forget in life that ''without him " i got a big percentage of <deleted> all ''

    I sold a bush block in Australia 14 months back was not worth much just on 1.3 million baht - wife says what you do this money ???? i said i shoved it in my bank ''why ?? oh didnt it get up on its horse - i said listen dear i had it for 11 years)) and that is 9 years before i met you - had you contributed 50% to buying it in the first place id happy give you 800k baht whatever ohh yes !

    no )))give em nothing i say - if they want to lay on ass & live from the man as 70% them do in thailand)))) well good for them , but i wont pay for lazy eh !

    the worlds your oyster))) and thier is no free rides !

  19. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Has anyone ever been called 'cheap' by anyone other than bargirls? Bargirls that want your money in their pocket? Who cares what they say

    I doubt anyone else in Thailand would say such things, well, no in public. If it's your GF or Wife then maybe you need to address your choice of partner

    Mate, i don't its bar girls , i think basicaly they view us all ''as stingy'' from what ive seen, i don't think it matters if you arrive with 5 million baht and another 5 mill as backup , i think they all call us stingy ! Actually euro women are the worst , you could splash $1000 a week on them for 52 months straight )) , its never enough ! next day they crying for more !

    Women, my wifes not too bad) hm she is / so / so only ! if she does not know you have it - she won't try to get it / but if she does know you have it , then its ''me want '' !! they don't like to see you ''mister man '' have anything ?..................... not from what ive seen eh!

  20. Wham bam,,,, i publish my own books for your information, nice wee income in last 7 years ive managed to clear $18,000 usd a year, just from books , so hey, somebody likes them))) i only sell when i feel like it )))) i have over 30 products i sell, thats only 1 of them ! Ive got my fingers in lots of pies !

    You may laugh but i do very very well ! I CAN LIVE ANYWHERE my work goes with me on pc , i could live in the north pole , so long i had internet and post office, i can still easily drag in my 200k baht to 300k baht a month ! No bar fly hear mate , i don't mix with the hobo's ! ( Hard thing to find in thailand is a farang thats got enough brains, to make a quid eh)

    Having said that, i just met a guy in thailand , he's a farang nice feller , used to work Abc promotional products in the 90's , he gets paid forever in Royalties like around 1 million baht a year for sitting on bum and doing zero ! He teamed up with thai woman last year , very generoius guy - she said him get 1 million baht sit on bum , him beggar'' MISTER STINGY ' me not want ?? ( they are unreal eh ) after she scammed him for over 350k baht in a 13 week period ( WHOM COULD BE SEEN AS STINGY HANDING OVER 350K BAHT OVER 13 WEEKS, TO THE BIRD ? she called 'him a beggar and ran away ) ( 85% of thai women all wired the same ))What queer women???? they can't see past a $ )) crazy crazy ! no thought for tomorrow , they could have a meal ticket forever ''if only they took 2 days off a week , from the, '' me need money ..con job''

    They actually think, somebody owes them a living ? its more than rude !

    They should be on bended knee, thanking there lucky stars, ''that anybody wants them '' they got nothing to offer us? .............ain't that a fact )))) ....( except deciet and lies )

    They certainly not interested in the men folk ''as people '' just his money --------him money gone) , she is gone - hell no wonder they go through life and end up back in the dirty village with nothing !

    How would a bloke that recieves 1 million baht a year for sitting on bum in thailand, be called a beggar??? ( and thats only 1 of his 3 incomes lol ))) - westerners called beggars by people that have by and large .. never seen 95k baht in any given year , in life? talk about the beggar be chooser / come the dictator lol ..they really are becoming a joke!

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