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Posts posted by stevo52

  1. No pension Elliot )))) hmm that would make things interesting - best woman for you is one--- deft/ dumb and blind - she'd never see your wallet / you'd never get an argument out of her / and she'd ask you for nothing lol thats the best one eh !

    we all need a mrs as that !!!!

    your 25 years away from pension --- hell iam only 6/8 years away - but i dont want it anyway - to much diatribe pollie correct correct crap invoilved in getting a few bux from the Govvy ! they want to know all about you = bit rude eh !

    Do as i do just work for yourself there , i can make 85% income in thailand --- near same as i make in Australia ))) just work on pc!! easy easy !

    Nobody ever asks me thier what i do for a job??? i'd never tell them either))) - bugger em !

    god your writing style annoys me,

    dashes, brackets, slashes, excalamation marks, hyphens, equal signs,

    most annoying style ever

    You dont like my writing style lol your joking i write books for a living friend and i sell a hell of a lot, the way i write here is exactly the way i write in books i sell)))) Do you know ive never had a whinge lol not in 7 years lol !

    Your comment first time ive ever heard that one friend -------------still, they say you meet a newbie every week huh !

    Actually ive near finished a new book ''on scammers '' guess what? a lot are sold to Thailand , to the poor western soles , looking for an answer as to why , they are getting robbed for everything !

  2. No pension Elliot )))) hmm that would make things interesting - best woman for you is one--- deft/ dumb and blind - she'd never see your wallet / you'd never get an argument out of her / and she'd ask you for nothing lol thats the best one eh !

    we all need a mrs as that !!!!

    your 25 years away from pension --- hell iam only 6/8 years away - but i dont want it anyway - to much diatribe pollie correct correct crap invoilved in getting a few bux from the Govvy ! they want to know all about you = bit rude eh !

    Do as i do just work for yourself there , i can make 85% income in thailand --- near same as i make in Australia ))) just work on pc!! easy easy !

    Nobody ever asks me thier what i do for a job??? i'd never tell them either))) - bugger em !

  3. HAVE TO AGREE WITH ''CORSAIR'' the countries X MANY are dribbling in scams ))), yet i'm trying to find just 1 tiny section of thailand ( where i live thier is not bad ) but yes 1 tiny section where the buggers are not into you for a quid !!! ( thats all i want --- they can have the rest of it )))-----------one particulart thai recently robbed my wife there for $$$$ , she'd know the person 17 years , she said to me ''bastard of a place'' you can't even trust your so called friends'???? ------- its scary when they are robbing thier own . so much for THAI ''RAK THAI '' EH !

    I made 1 mistake)))) i used to think they only robbed westerners??? but ive lived there half of this year 2014, and i was seeing them robbing each other ? that was an eye opener to me !

    I think the Indonesions, hold the crown for scams ))) i think they won the scam award )) they litteraly........... would rob ''pa ''pa !

    Australias bad for scams yes ... but i think if you eradicated say 75% of the multiculturals))) the scam rate in Aussie, would come tumbling down at once !

    The multis / races that where it all starts , the scams the greed is unreal --they all have this inbuilt obcesstion ''to die with the most $"""??? he whom dies with the most ----------wins ???

    what good is it all to you -------dead ???.. all for nothing!!!! --yes indeed ---- its all for nothing !

    • Like 1
  4. NEVER BEEN TO THAILAND AY??? would you like my address there??? happy to give it too you )))) ..........the stats i wrote, divorces in thailand ,( SORRY TO DISSAPOINT YOU mr negative marvin the robot )))) but the stats'' are correct )))) hey''' if they were straight and honest, there would --- not be hardly any divorces !

    You should take a read one day of some of the Australian Newspapers))) ''tales of the people scammed'' 8 from 10 stories, relate to Thailand ))))) not good huh ! , it would open your eyes a bit!

    The papers are full of it in Aussie ''another poor sole scammed'' by the evil thais ''))) there was a 4 page story, recently --- on 1 poor bloke recently !! it had the words below his picture ''decieved by the unaprieciative'' ------- our dear Thailand, much as i like it!!! ------------its got no good name,!!!! and instead of getting better!!! ----------its getting worse !

  5. I dont know mate, i think we can all afford thai women , so long as they recall what they have to offer us in return for bleeding one to death $$ wise ???

    take out the lies & the scamming families - then what have they really got to offer us ?? not much huh ))) we are in favour mode to them , soon as we alight the plane !

    they all sob poverty but take a stroll through udon thani see how many cars you can count that are 8 years old ??? amazing __ if the poverty stories are all true well we should only see Rickshaws '' and buffalos along with starvation and beggars abound )) but i didnt see that )))

    The woman i think they deserve about twice the average 9k baht they get a month in most jobs . I think if a woman wants more that that , ''then she had entered greed street ''-------------the big thing they forget - is without us, they have nothing ))))) ( and looking at the amount of westerners whom actually want to live thier ???? )) well )) from US few ___ they don't have much of a selection to choose from)))) ( beggar can't be the chooser ) not in my country they can't )))

    Without us they sitting in a dirty village street in Issan chewing on 30 baht pok pok !

    If somebody came along and saved my ass )))) id never stop saying thanks ! but Thais''' they appear to miss that part of life ?????''the gratitude section '' its missing out of thier dictionary !


  6. Good thread this is - we see all the differences thailand from my vast times thier ive always seen that nomatter what - the greed in thais its insatiable , i wonder when it finishes ?, where deciet and money puts its feet up and says ------------enough is enough ! don't know if i will see that day ever !!!

    Strange you know i know a woman westerner thats worked in an embassy there for the last 12 years, she told me when she retires in about 5 months she's going to sit down and write a series of books on ''thailand deciet and greed '' i said why a series ?/ she replied well you'd never fit it all into 1 book or 2 , il be writing for years he said!

    Seeing whAt she had - she had a filing cabinet 150cm high 4 draws 2 foot deep and full of complaints from men of her country all been scammed -true i seen it )))you could not close the draws ,. the complaints stacked 10 inches high in a pile manilla folders on the floor !

    Said to me, 12 years ive worked here, and to this day i don't know why a thai woman can't just rise from bed , get 1 husband not 31 , never tell a lie , just go to work / come home , ask no bastard for nothing . and just do life straight !

    She said absolutely amazing ive worked 12 years just go to work / come home ive never taken a penny from anybody,or told lies - why can't the next person do the same ???

    ( really can't be that hard she stated )

    Her percentages over a 3 year period were like 83% they all on the scam and 17% success !!

    women want far too much ---they have this vision --all in west are rich ???--where do they ever get this idea ?

    She showed me a record 657 marriages that took place over 36 month period -oh it was unreal within 15months there were 87 divorces from the 657 and the following 13 months thier were 186 more divorces from this group of 657 there appeared 119 cases of scam men had lost the lot ---------hells bells not good huh !

    it just went on and on !!

    Not real good figures eh))) it amazed me totally !

    In the end i asked her whats your vision of a good recipe for success with these people ???

    she replied ----------give em nothing and take em noplace, and never ever tell a 1 of them that you have more than $1000 in the bank , then you may have 25% chance of success !

    cry poor she said .....................just the same as they do !

    • Like 1
  7. NAN LAEW--YES I'AM EX ARMY 1978 TO 1982 i was one of the first peacekeepers, Corporal 2 star 3rd Battalion RAR --YES Thailand its dangerous to both health and pocket ! Iam big on apprieciation, and i cant seem to find any of it Thailand, as stated I got a good wife))) .... but trying to weave her out of the ''rediculous '' non moralistic thai ways ''

    Hell talk about a full time job))) , no advancment or'' adapting to the ways of the man that pays life's frieght '' in them -'')))))))))) like trying to teach a classroom full of retards ''

    I honestly don't know how much longer i shall stay living thier , ive just about had a gutfull , The good farangs head over to save ''the poor thai girls ass '' no brass band or ticket tape parade as you alight the plane, to save the damsell , from the ''demon thai man'' !( in other words just not a scrap of gratitude )

    And every bird i met thier, wanted to give you the story of (( HIM BAD MAN / THAI MAN ) i have never heard a bird speak good of one !

    If they are all so evil ?-- what are doing mixing with them ???

    Mine spent a year telling me how nasty and evil are thai men -- next thing she is talking to one in the street ? - i sat back i thought these are the creatures she spent close to 12 months telling me off thier evils((( '' must not go near Darlink ''' evil thai)))) MAN HIM BAD ---BAD)))) ~ ID LIKE $10 FOR EVERY TIME SHE SAID THAT ----------NEXT THING THEY ARE TALKING TO THEM ?

    I just shake my head and walk away ))))

    ( she hates em but well)))) you just don't know ??? --so much hippocracy in them)) - you just don't know what to believe ??)

    In reality --- Thais, they must have about 5 personalities))) and 4 of them are dangerous !

    Too many double standards thier mate -at days end its all about money ))-------------yours))))) and how much they can get, before you realise the cards out of cash !

    A CHAP I KNOW---- Aussie just finished 3 years with one family owned as far as the eye could see Rubber trees new cars 49 relatives! they had about 20 million baht - but the man whom had 7 million baht mister nice guy - they bled him to death for $$$ -- when his funds ran out! they turfed him out the door ---((( there you had the rich bludging off the poorer )) hows that work ???

    They loved him to death -BUT the first time his atm card - ''said contact your bank innsufficient funds''' - they didnt want to know him ( the thais ) they'd - not buy him a bowl of rice lol

    The good deeds are forgotten in a big hurry yes !

  8. yes i seen site way to happiness yes ))www etc -- i also seen some years ago a woman praying to budda in chiang mai - i watched as two cops took her away 5 minutes later with a farang hot in pursuit saying the woman had robbed his room of pc / camera plus 77,000 baht - yes yes seen all that - a prayer after the robbery budda will forgive )) , he may have, but certainly the usa farang didnt , nor the cops !

  9. Well yes tad bitter but its because ''everythings got to do with trying get $$$ from mister farang , you'd reackon they'd give it a rest now again - nice place thailand , be a much better place if all methods of trying to extract every dollar from farang ..... were canned !

    any place makes me bitter mate where you are in thier country, seeing -- they all get by just fine on x amount of money !! but they want 4 x more from you?

    purely because your a stranger ? its a bit rude !!-------------- in my country - that's called scam !

    people come to my country the bus fare so to speak ----------is the same for all races / so to flat rents / so too car prices / so too 1000 things !

    but thailands not ? go figure that !

    • Like 1
  10. Bushwacher you echo my sentiments exactly - iam not thier to be a thai -not interested sorry , dont you hate it where they try force thai crap down your throat , just sets me right off !

    you are so so right in all you say you see them as i do -but i think mate people as ourselves maybe 1 in 140 in thailand in the farangs , bars are teeming in sad stories how they all got ripped off - in essence they ripped themselves off !

    My wife said me want you learn speak thai ---i said why? you speak 85% good english it took me 10 months to teach you - so we could communicate err hello !!! lol

    in my place where i live in thailand, my mrs knows better than to fill my joint up with thais ( THAT NO SPEAK ENGLISH ) I NOT INTERESTED IN THIER SOCIAL SET ! - she knows it pisses me right off - they can speak english = welcome to my abode !

    if not -- hey two flower pots out the front and a stool, so help yourself to them as in a place to sit !

    BY THE WAY the beggars we see daily its all a business mate, come 4 oclock they change shift !! its all a business really ! only thing they dont have is a bundy card and a whistle that blows as they change shift, but iam sure they are working on it ! lol

  11. Hi look can somebody tell me the best & easiest visa to get for thailand , iam no stranger to thailand , my wife is thai i married and live thier ...........''.sometimes'' well sometimes iam tired off 30 days here 30 days there)) what a lot of mucking around) . what do you thinks best ?? heaps of different visas , but iam not going through all the guff and 1 million papers , and i won't go retirement visa to much money involved.......... iam of the age, but not of the $$$ ( sorry don't have $)

    1 year visa be best ???? and if get that one - i suppose id have to run to get it stamped or to border every 90 days... errrr , can't see myself doing that too much of that either !

    Ive been 19 times to thailand - wife has said, time for you to come and stay) and not go back to Australia .. my wife has zero intention of leaving thailand ---nor would i promote that !

    You guys know all about visas ? - who can tell me the real simple way to stay long time - without all the silly bends and twists -- involved.

    whatever visa i can get i not waiting you know, il want it yesterday so to speak))) and virtually zero $ involved if i can get it >

  12. confused I'm totally confused why do they do all this ! my situation different -- I have woman in Thailand and kiddy but I really don't understand all this visa stuff ! what is their problem I go on normal tourist visa but - there appears be 1/2 a dozen ways you can stay -hm

    I don't have $$ retire visa but am retired ( not old ) don't need much money !

    what is their problem ! and what visa do you get to just stay in a non hassle situation , I'm not interested running to a border every 30/ 60 days to get a stamp don't they get the gist that some people just want to be left alone in peace their ---------that seemingly is too much to ask ! I get income about 44/ 64k baht a month forever . This criteria hey'' do they want people their or not !

    I'm afraid I cant work it out .. they keep on moving the goal posts - you don't know where you are from 1 month to the next ---does nothing for your other half either , they start to think their own government is out to hassle them forever !

    At present my Tourist visa runs out I just go to KL stay for 6/ 7 days but hey who can afford to do that forever ???

    gee what a country talk about ( hey lets make it impossible for the family man ----yes that's the shot )

    they must think everybody is as crook or something - I never been to a que at a border get a visa stamp in life! id not know where to go? and ive been their ( Thailand 19 times nobody has ever said BOO to me !

    I'm trying to work out what it is all about ???

    if it all gets to much for me ----------guess what il just stay - strange you know! I met a guy in Thailand been their 19 years his passport had died 15 years back he said - I just decided to stay - nobody hassles him ---maybe I should take a page out of his book !

    but il be buggered if I will stand in an office proove income get this visa get that visa --- I mean who cares!!! your making life in their country spending your $ in their country ----------does the rest really really matter ??? hey we don't have to be their ---we doing them a favour ---------helllllooooo!!

    not that you want to stay illegally ! but gee they make it hard ! and from what I can see .. if there was not money involved I doubt they'd give a toss about whom was their!

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  13. My friend you miss the concept -- thailand if you believe the women their '' it is the land of tears / not smiles) - i mean go to a bar talk to Thai woman all you get is ''my family poor '' Thai man very bad-- beat woman - me not monies mum & family starve etc etc ive never heard a woman their in life, say 2 good words about a Thai man - so i can't say ive ever seen them en-masse with some greasy pimple head Thai guy waiting for them after work ! I do believe what ive been told there ---- Thai man no good - because ive heard it about 3500 times!

    Yet ive never to life heard one speak good of a Thai man??? not in my time anyway --I do not believe there is any wonderful Thai men - and if they were all wonderful and had a dollar then the Thai women would not not want westerners !!!- would they ! simple maths really - actually Thai men hey))) i never seen so many ''bums in all my life '' its a haven of hobo's in respect to Thai men !

    I have a mate their has owned a bar over 8 years ---------he told me that )) --- you ask me if any Thai men are good ?? oh turn it up --- he said ))) - you must believe in Unicorns !

    He said if they are all lovely) then why do my 6 bar girls hang out the door and abuse them ! when they start up conversation !

    They hate the living sight of them !



    Never happen. You alien, your problem, we have your cash, get on with it, we no care...............coffee1.gif

    The term "never" is hard to support in this context. Things do change, either due to internal or external forces.

    Having another's cash is hardly a quarantee of prolonged and sustainable revenue. Not caring can prove to be short sighted and ineffective in improving one's plight in life.

    I'm here to live in peace and to be a good person to those I meet. Hate and bigotry has no place in my heart my friend.

    Well if benmart--- is a Thai my point is proven huh ''we no care we take your cash '' - there you have it guys--- admission of guilt !

    Although i doubt he is Thai - they could never write that much in English without calling on muma to dig out the dictionary lol lol





    We didn't all marry prostitutes and / or peasants. Without me, my partner would do just fine.

    In the pink ---my Friends didn't all marry prostitutes ---- yet the amount of ''non prostitutes '' is small by comparison to the rest - they don't have to be prostitutes yet they can ALL smell money like a bloodhound!!!! - bar none of them ! The obsession for money ( everybody else's MONEY ) just about covers the lot of them) I doubt we could - ever locate a greater obsession for money in even the worst of the western races---- by comparison to Thais!!

    Thais devoid of the obsession for money in life! would barely account for like 10 in 4,000 of them - ive seen what appears as ''so called perfectly honest Thais'' arrive to Australia brought here by a well to do gent - 8 months later you find he is living in some old broken down wooden caravan on the dole - as sweet draws'' has scammed him for his lot -- house / finances car oh yes stories in paper speak no lies !!! --oh it happens!! do a bit of asking around the victims in this country ! you would need 8 gig of free space on a hard drive in your pc to write down all the horror stories of men cleaned out by ''Miss Thai ''

    Prostitutes of body they all are not --but prostitutes of money))) - sad to say ---most suffer from the same disease !


  16. PETER B17 GOOD POST how old you are to live in thailand anybody under 60 and built like ''Conan the Barbarian'' should be safe - yet the older gents of western heritage living there 66 to 86 try count em all!!!! --they are the ones the Thais do sweat on oh yes fair game to Thai --- old man losing his marbles a tad age 73 / 80 he is - just about rooted - Thais close in like German u - boats - and scam the old feller to death ( like a wolf pack )--older you are = bigger target you are - i think under 60 your still in with half a chance !

    I will say though - i don't think the education of the Thais to mister westerner -- is born to them over 25 years!!! i think about 25 months in the land of smiles -- has a smart man - Phd educated to Thai ways !

    Trouble is even if your educated to their ways!!!!! you soon see that most of their ways are designed to get all from you---- thats possible to get !!!!

    Scams!!! half of them are childish most see through them--- it's just that your outnumbered 150 to 1 on any given day because all the buggers are all smiles to you!!!, yet behind the guise they rubbing their hands at the thought of your bux !!!--- here comes a new motorbike whispers one !!!! - put 10 in a group & tell them all your broke !!! - see how many offer to buy you a beer - you'd turn around, 5 minutes later - and the whole 10 would have vanished like a fart in the breeze--- soon as they twigged you had no $$ left !

  17. you think so yes))) nice place to relocate yes ok have a view this u-tube then you tell me if your only going to live there to get ripped off or not there are 2 more recently done u-tubes circulating one shows and old ferang getting beaten & bashed for his property in the northern provinces ! family set him right up --its time to remove the rose colored glasses guys'' before crimson turns to blood - would you relocate -- to their??? after seeing this u-tube ???? plus 2 other new ones that are out ??

    1 american just had losses close to 500k ------------- another i know last week supporting a family near 3 years she was all scam losses to him $51 k usd -lovely place eh / not !

    talk about---- come in spinner !


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  18. Chiang rai much better deal than Chiang mai ( and i gave chiang mai 3 big chances i was very disappointed in Chiang mai )

    OK here is the reasons

    1) the foreign owners of bars etc their aussies poms -----------hey they should be looking after the newcomer ----------instead they stand their say nothing watch women rip you off ( how attractive does that make a place to live ???

    I mean its a pretty sad world when other westerner's are not looking after the other ???--i mean that's the pits then !

    2 ) women in chaing mai well in 3 long stays their -----didn't i get overdosed in scam !

    3 ) they drive you mad with the tours crap ( who needs it ) and in a nutshell no one is looking after you?? unless they got a open ticket to your wallet )

    bearing all that in mind id not live in chiang mai if one of you guys bought me a place free )!!!

    iam only in old fashioned principles only ---- look after your cobber no way in the way iam going to pay to live in ''any place where looking after the cobber is not / first / last and always !!!!

    Women are crap money foxes ( how rude ) i went to Chiang Rai well you'd reckon id crossed into another country)) got a good bird at once ( as you should be able to do anywhere in Thailand)))) she never asked me for dime ) only wanted to look after me - i rented a place their nobody tried to rip me off & and nobody gave a rats if i was worth $10 in life or 10 million !!! --no)))) there is a great difference - the people ( well for now ) are certainly far less polluted than Chaing mai especially regarding foreign business owners and the woman -(((-oh yes its just so different !--chiang mai -it's dribbling in scam )

    Personally i don't give a rats what it cost to live ))) the most important thing for longevity in life is at least your surrounded by people whom have not got a permanent fixture on your wallet -----------chaing Rai was like that ----------but Chiang mai ( they truly can stick it where the sun does not shine )

    I found i was very well looked after )))) in Chiang Rai very much so - id buy a place their tomorrow if i was on the move from Aussie !

    Chaing mai that pox infested smelly / smog filled dump) full of damn scam women whom have had more shoes under their beds than were owned by IMELDA MARCOS)) NO THANKS ! --

    they never get me their again ! no poms on the street trying sell you tourist scam items the westerners i think are the worst --- all on the scam ---most of them !

    chaing rai far more civilised!

  19. What is this with young Russian and Swedish girls getting drunk and raped?

    New trend? Or cry Wolf?

    Just more naive Prussian tourists. Crying wolf would get you nowhere here.

    Big problem with Thailand always been the same --Thais should be bending over backwards to ''care for the tourist '' not rob it or scam it ! because without mister/ miss tourist --Thailand has a huge percentage of Zero!!!! - this is a fact )))) In retrospect the mayor should be racing out to greet every plane load ---- groveling / bowing and scraping)))) my word they should be !- the tarts from elsewhere --should be looked after 24/ 7 --then the tourist tells all their friends its a lovely place ))) and they all return for more holidays !!!! --i mean derr!!!!!!!! Are the Thais to silly to see that ?????

  20. Something is very "fishy" with this story....sounds like a night out,

    lots of drinking and sex, than she had second thoughts and wants

    to cry rape......drunk at 3 AM.......drinking with strangers.....Yea, there

    is a lot more to this.........

    From what I see most Russians look down on Thais as degenerate low life's, so can't imagine a girl wanting to go for a drink with a mo'cy unless he flashes his pearly whites and she thought he was Brad Pitt in a drunken coma.

    I have Russian friends here and none have ever heard of any one of them going drinking with a motorcycle taxi driver.

    No different from the girls in your town. So don't eat the police 'conclusion' hook, line and sinker' unless you are a gullible fool.

    Actually your wrong you know, i lived with Russians for ages - they don't actually look down on the Thais they somewhat have trouble more believing what they see in the Thai culture))) it sends them into a spin ( corruption to burn and everybody and ever altercation is either crooked, or bought and sold --Not all Russkies come from, Moscow ))) some actually come from tiny villages are are brought up honest)) - Thailand blows them away !!( i'm an Aussie i been going & living in Thailand since 2003 - it still shocks the hell out of me --- with every trip !! Gross capitol corruption en masse))) - it's a hard thing to get used too!

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