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Posts posted by stevo52

  1. lol indecent and immoral lol what a joke my god i retire soon gunnu live 100% thailand house 6 bedrooms 10 tarts))) proceed spend next 10 years trying root meself to death!

    nothing immoral about that, love to win tatts id open biggest brothel in thailand house 28 rooms , i'd have more tarts than a cake shop - id employ cops as gardeners ---its all so simple - her with the most $$$ ------- wins

    like an exclusive gentlemans club only men folk allowed from the decent races Aussies poms usa canada / ireland scotland oh yes ok we let 1/2 a dozen poverty stricken kiws in ( just to be nice help the ''poor cousins eh '') the rest of the worlds men folk --- they just don't count ay ) - not nice don't treat women right ( and 95% the rest are all beggars anyway ) no good taking a beggar in to have a good time with the tart !

    yes regulated brothel oh my dream ))))keep all the crap out)) & only have nice folk = then you never have a problem eh !

  2. YOUR DEAD RIGHT MICK we having a giggle about it here - its like something out of ''forest gump '' although i dont think gump was that dumb !! lol

    like a take out of the ''comedy company'' toss knife in the pool they must think thai cops are dumb / blind and deft - i mean they not dick tracies - but not totally dumb !

    bloody thailand whats wrong with the place why you got murders scam corrupt happing there daily ( don't they realise its put people off going there derr))))) --you know i mean fugg how hard is it ? just to relax in total safety forget all the scam & crap ! ) its sad but start getting reports daily murders scam christ knows what well its going to have a long term effect the govvy there must be totally blind eh!

    all killing each other over 1000 baht i mean who would bother ???? so pedantic rediculous!

    If they write a book about this, its title will be "A Tale of 3 Idiots" !

    Idiot #1 dobs in his ex-mates, goes into hiding, and then puts his new location on facebook

    Idiot #2 rents a room opposite using his own passport. Within minutes BIB knows their prime suspect.

    Idiot #3 rents a room, then disposes of his knife and blood-soaked shirt by throwing them in the swimming pool.

    My dog is smarter than this lot.

    to me it seemed like they watched too much of tv crime series so that all their moves were copied from the tv sets. no wonder that the police got them in a blink of the eyes cause it all there in the police investigation manual

  3. Yes swedes in a scam my god why would they bother - nickel and dime scams in Thailand they liable to pocket a whole 3000 Baht lol = what dickheads i thought swedes had more brains ? - gee things must be tough in Sweden to have to race to Thailand kill for ''ice scream money '' what a joke lol lol - but of course expected look at there ages!! that tells all !!! they are from the ''crap generation'' -born in last 30 years ? - they'd need a circuit diagram to tie up a shoelace! so really if your to let the brain dead in--------------- well))))))))) -your going to get this type of thing !

    These two would be that dumb, they'd think ''eggs benadict'' is an Italian gangster lol lol !

    "Tommy was in the group we arrested [in February], but we didn't catch Johan.

    Tommy ?

    Johan ?

    Why are the police on first name terms with the killers ??

    It is a normal Thai/Asian thing when they refer to any farang it is normally Mr Steve, Mr George etc, They very rarely call you Mr Jones , Mr Smith.

  4. HAVE TO AGREE WITH JOHN CLARK I TOO HAVE FRIENDS BEEN THERE FOR YEARS and for some reason crime just appears to arrive at there door regularly ?? - always for money / scam etc - for some queer reason its rare to find westerners , just left to quietly live in peace. Thais- could clean it up but the Corruption Elephant its to big, Thais happy to sacrifice bodies for dollars! my two friends there the last 12 months are looking for a more sedate / trusting place to live, its no longer Thailand !

    Just greed and scam thats wrecking the place - nothing else just greed !

    This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

    how do you blame to Thai's for not helping? I'm guessing the fact it was a luxury villa in Phuket would indicate most of the guests observing the incident would be foreign, so how exactly can you pick fault with Thais?!

    and what exactly, would you have Thai's do in that situation? It sounds like anyone that had tried to intervene would have met the same fate as the poor Swede. Would you die for a stranger?

    why do so many people have a go at Thai people all the time?

    next you'll be telling me that no-one in England ever gets stabbed, and no-one in the US ever gets shot...

    Lets just say that usually in most cultures they dont attack in packs like mad dogs .

    Lets hope its never your turn and you dont get to see people who dont give a shit stand around and watch you die

  5. You know something seriously wrong with Thailand - expats retire there to get away from crime in Aussie/ USA pommy land etc / all the crap etc =- what a race of dickheads where they murder thier own meal tickets !!!!! and nobody is safe ''land of smiles and she'll be right '' ok when does it all get cleaned up ! i seen all the red shirts there when i stayed last year for awhile - what a scaremongering lot of crap that was '' red shirts about as dangerous as a stone garden gnome ! yet they shut down towns ohh gosh!!!! in one way i see violence there as a lot of crap! then you see some expat 25 murdered by Thais for what ??? they don't steal his loot or credit card = then whats the purpose ? since when did a Thai man ever give 2 tosse's what a westerner did ??

    Something seriously wrong here Thais must be dumb eh ?

    (1 Thailand without westerner - like a rolls royce with no motor - no dollars to drive it - so you look after 'your meal ticket ( dickheads - you dont kill it ) as without him you got a big percentage of nothing = tis fact ! ( they cant count eh ) everything is a quid these days sad but true -so you dont kill it -------what the way the world is!!! down to its last 2 cents ! what do Thais do ''doh we ''not want ferlang'' --thats ok we'd rather eat grass = dickheads ! you cant have the $$$ without the man sorry it don't work that way ---you embrace his money, he's the boss and you embrace his ways ! - thats the law of the jungle !

    Yes thats the shot'' now Thailand scare's away the Swede tourists thats the way eh !----------iriots''''' you embrace the dollars'' --------------hellloooo))))) you don't chase it away ! i mean who cares what he did ? whats the worst he could have done -slept with 4 tarts in a week - no crime in that ! He'd not be stealing---- nothing there you'd risk jail for !!!! lol ----------

    Nothing in Thailand where a Thai could justify murder ! if you read travel brochures - and believe them!! then nothing happens in Thailand as to what we read here today hmm--- somebody is telling fibs !

    But hey Thais gottu wake up my friends western man unless its paedephile well in Thailand he should never be upset by anybody because i mean 90% westerners living there doing the Thais a favour ! most get robbed for the favour ?- be me if i was a Thai id be to scared to say ''boo '' to western guy '' let alone attack it - maybe they are just total nut cases -thats easy fixed just lock em all up , or bump em off ----------i mean who's going to miss them !

    Hm strange place with a lot to learn -about - who's paying your way in life !----------old analogie applies man with the $$$$ makes the rules!! the rest bow the head and follow !


    Sorry Zakk, wrong. If one person does not confess, penalty is applied to all concerned.

    Had a 2 in-laws in a pick-up (cheap ride to BKK) where drugs were found. 8 got 12 years each, no money for lawyers, driver never faced charges.

  6. Obviously you know nothing about the mega-rich Russians that actually do stay in 5-star resorts in Phuket.

    Or, the many Russians that are keeping the high end property market alive in Phuket.

    Do you actually live in Phuket? Don't think you do.

    Mega rich Russians Where are they ?? ( all smoke and mirrors my friend ) no i don't live in phuket ( to much of a slime pit for me to many dirty old westerners ) i have a place in RAYONG not so far from Bangkok MEGA RICH ARE ALL CRAP !

    I never seen many in Russia or Thailand never --- not since 2004 thats for sure --the other chap on here commented i must live Chechnya or such when in Russia -----------well he is not far wrong at times I'm only 200 miles from that area!

    when i' m not in that area, I'm in Krasnodar southern Russia full of gangsters / crime ''i love it '' bit of adventure but dead poor absolutely dead poor more poor than a Russian PENSIONER ! dangerous with a capitol D BUT HEY!!!! thats half the fun

    keeps you on your toes -- you got to die of something'' ---who cares where it is ???( Russians i lived with have --no hope of seeing $200 a month in life, i live remote ) - and as remote as i can get!

    ( thats where you find the real non - polluted people ) no pc's no plastic cars no crap mobiles - they still think Stalins in charge -- and Menzies is still the boss in Australia lol ---------they are unpolluted !

    when I'm not in krashnadour then i take a wander to Ortensia / Georgia --- Watch em take pot shots at each other --hey at least i get a good movie to send home to the rellies ! i love those deadly areas = great fun! the poorer the better for me !

    i can afford afford to live 4 star forever ( I'm not interested in kissing paper money does nothing for me i don't worship the dollar ) -4 star 5 star life is yawn territory """ --- and how boring ! yuk all the snobs and stuffed shirts --------------the out of touch folk !

    oh god sake no thanks lol all the pollie correct losers = no thanks ! they have heart attacks worrying about their money ! thats not living !!!!!!

    THERE IS MEGA RICH IN THESE COUNTRIES YES and when they do the decent thing, roll down the main street in their limos ------- tossing buckets of money out the windows to the poor ''daily '' then they'll get my vote ! because in reality the rich

    only ever got rich because they stole it from the poor !! -------------ask any financial adviser !!!!!! tiss fact eh!

    Show me a rich Russian that made his 5 million honestly ?????????? ( can't find any huh !!) Or a rich Thai for that matter !!!!----------------yes i see the eyes opening !!!!------------ ''this blokes right you know ''

    of course I'm right --- gee daffy duck could see that ------- the rich thieves should be made at gunpoint, to lavish their funds upon the poor - ohh yes ! wish i had the power I'd happily make it happen!

  7. Vote with your feet...Do not go in these places....Keep an eye on your Check-bin...better still your Thai G/f to do it...Don;t get smashed...or angry towards Thais.

    Yes agreed on The Russians...why this reciprocal Visa agreement exists with Russia is beyond me...must be good corruption income.Very brash aggressive and ignorant culture.

    Germans...never known them to be aggro in Phuket...they have a huge community in Naklua...with many great bars and restaurants at sensible prices.They hate the Russians...with good reason..."Don't mention the War".

    This VIsa agreement exists because the Russians come fill all the 5 star hotels even during the low season and spend tons of money everywhere without bargaining. And you will count every penny. Not that much of profit from you.

    Let me remind you the main rule in Thailand: Money number one.

    Yes and thats a VERY BAD RULE money should be number NONE !! ------------thats whats wrecking Thailand my friend money is last ------ or it should be !!!!! -----------the Russian and German thing the war no sorry - Russians were in the right 100% they were sitting doing nothing had no wish to be involved but Hitler decided for No reason THAT HE'D JUST LIKE TO OWN RUSSIA!!! bad mistake he invaded the Ruskies remember ( THEY DID NOT INVADE HIM ) the Ruskies in that time in history were doing Nothing wrong to nobody ! ( ONLY THEMSELVES BUT THAT WAS THEIR BUSINESS ) they wanted to be left alone ---- but no ------ Adolf had to go and poke em in the eye with a stick !!!!! ------------the end RESULT was as we know sorry the Nazis Got-all they deserved ---- and that was not enough eh !

    I'd sit with Russia's worst mafia man and have a beer, before I'd sit with a German ! my god what horror !!!!


    PS Russians don't pay for 5 star hotels your imagining things they never seen $200 in life at least none of the 60 plus Russian i worked with and visited in the last 13 years - could ever buy me a 10 ounce glass of beer!!! ive never seen a ruskie with more than $15 in his pocket at one time in life ( it took him 6 months to save up that much ) --nothing wrong with my eyesight or arithmetic ! i found em very nice people but then 99% of people whom have zero and are looking for a feed are very nice to a person who can buy em a feed eh !

    Russians 5 star hotels ??? what a lot of s---t you must be on drugs lol !!!

    More like Russian arrives they bring out the old wooden caravan dated 1951 take his $3 and put him and his missus ---- in the wooden Hilton lol lol...

  8. There is one bar in Patong that may fit this profile, in Patong, it has Russian girls pole dancing in it. There are a few go-go bars that do the big bill at the end scam just like Pattaya, Bangkok, Vegas, Soho etc etc, buyer beware.

    A 'crackdown' is hardly required.

    Trevor i was just reading Thai news normally id never comment on forum because you know most of it has to be a joke -----------but this time i looked i thought ''these people don't actually believe this do they '' this Russian / German gangster thing its real tooth fairy stuff !

    I have been around the world 6 times and i'am an Aussie but i lived in Thailand hm!! 5 times average like 3/4 months a time, over last 6 years! look in all honesty i know Thailand back the front, in my traveling time there i seen a grand total of 8 Russians and i WAS looking very hard for them too ! i actually like the ruskies i got a lot of time for em - as i lived and worked in Russia 3 years plus 5 months nobody tried to shoot me over 200 baht lol.

    matter of fact i found them scared stiff of foreigners!!! The only Russians i ever seen in Thailand were poorer that the poorest Thais i ended up buying them all a feed because they had 3/4 of 5'8ths of nothing !

    There is a hell of a lot of mythology about Russian mafia you don't have in Thailand ''real ruskie mafia '' if you did there would be millions of $$$ involved ( Russian mafia does not play with 2 shilling bars that scratch to earn 75,000 baht a month selling nickel and dime girls and 35 baht drinks on the hour !!!-------------sorry no but --- what you Have IN THAILAND IS THE PLASTIC gangster versions of the Russians !!! just milky bar kids - give em a smack around the chops!!! they soon start running - Toy boys AND POOFS !and honestly 2 dozen hard old school aussies would clean them up in ten minutes and they'd stick all there water pistols up the rear ends = and send them all packing !

    Thailand nice place but its 10.000 times too poor for Real mafia to play in ! iam TRYING KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE Russia where i lived they quarter a spud at times --poor you never seen nothing like it !!!!! i'm thinking where would the poverty stricken ruskies ever find an air fare get to Thailand unless they sold mum' +daughter and 12 members of the family into slavery to do it lol another MYTH rich Russians sorry but not since 2007 -they all starved financially as the rest of us did -we all crashed and burnt together !

    Why would the poor ruskies go to even poorer Thailand i mean whats the point ??? your still in a nickel and dime world - all makes no sense ---you could buy 1/2 a town there with 15k of Dole / unemployment payments ! lol no advantage Russian business in Thailand !

    according to my embassy Russians can't stay more than 15 days on visitor visa ??? --must be doing very fast business -- from what i see its all fairy tales there is Russians as you say bito dancing etc in Thailand but i could never find em and speaking with my Aussie mate whom is retired and lives in UDON THANI LAST 4 YEARS about the Russians - he said no i dunno what your on about ????? --the last Russian thing i seen he said, was movie called RED DAWN THEY INVADED THE usa but that was another fairy tale lol lol..

    excuse i must away to the backyard --- a whirring noise maybe the space shuttle landed on the block behind me - lol if that happening it would be similar to the ruskie fairy tale too!!! ( could you imagine a ruskie rich oligarch worth like 7 billion dollars ) - going the knuckle with the tourist over a 70 baht drink lol lol yeah sure !! --------------------------who'd bother ?????

    Germans where did those peasants buy into it all ????? ive seen Germans in Thailand yes all 75 plus with a shoulder bag full of condoms looking a girl thats blind/ free/ deft and dumb !

    lol take care ---watch out for the red's lol lol lol you can't get em out the house once they are in eh!

    I just could not see the russkies racing to thailand to steal a carrot so to speak when they cant even get 3 roubles for their own grown carrots no sorry --- the thai govvy watched Dr zhivargo 1968 and the odessa file to many times - its not real iam sorry !

  9. Stevo's post does not even deserve to be deleted SC... :D

    No your right it should be framed placed in thai tourism shops in the ''be carefull section '' its all true guys! you live in thailand only as long as your wallet holds out ! and of late - they are stepping up the greed ladder!

    few horror from a couple good mates of late getting cleaned out by tarts, they absolutely obcessed by money - ive often wondered why??? i mean what is there really there that we in home countries, would really go to such lengths to steal for ????????

    no reason for a lot of it - what amazes me is many talk of it! -------------but nobody does anything about it ? she very corrupt, getting worse thats for sure ! :)

    stevo 52

  10. It beats my European family, that's why I ran away to Thailand....yeah go on, call me a dead beat dad you schmucks...what would you of done?

    hmm lot of rooting went onto that lot - by christ she be getting loose towards the end be like a big burger camel toe flaps grusome ay !

    you be looking for that railway sleeper to strap to your rear end ----------are you in dear !????????????? yes !! ohh i just thought id ask !! knew i felt something lol lol lol..

    i hope you people have humor lol

    big girl -= rather feed her for a week than a fortnight she send you broke she'd be a family sized custard tart eater two bites be all gone,3 burps and 2 farts she be into it again darlin !! look what i got fer you she drops her pants & your gone your feet don't hit the ground lol lol..

    stevo 52




  11. I recall a report in the Economist a couple of years ago that clearly showed that the highest average IQ by far was held by Polish people. Personally, I dont have a clue... :)

    mate polih that dumb they think eggs benadict is an italioan gangster i was with a pole for 11 months like living with a retard lights are on but there is nobody home the 1Q thing nar nar had to be a send up or a missprint !!!! -----------only race in the world that in wartime charged tanks with horses !!!

    tanks won you know real smart - its a bit like stealing tractor wheels to put on your car ! makes sence nup !

    an economist in soviet countries = basicaly same as a check out chick that we employ at our supermarkets this is fact ! she can count to 100 --------but she's buggered at 101!

    she's as sharp as a bowling ball !~!

  12. The reason I started it... :)

    Bit of a Thai Supremacist, are we? White hoods and burning som tam?

    Most places I've been have been inhabited by the most racist, nationalist, prejudiced people on earth. I reckon humnan beings must be amongst the most bigoted races around


    Nothing like a nice white pointed hat ''herre they come masser yussim they dun burn de church yussim !!!

  13. im w guesthouse.

    op must be an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think the post is in response to certain other threads demonising Thai women. I get it anyway.

    And I still say that the title fooled me!

    thai women are ok if certain provisos are taken into context

    (1 never take em western country -- or you just tossed yourself into insurmauntable dept

    (2 never take on a thai if its ever been with a western bloke in the past - he may have been rich spoilt it rotten so then the mentality rears its head me want same from next joey !

    (3 never marry one = mugs game = you just lose your free spirit lol !

    (4 Follow it like dick tracy first 6 months make sure its not losing its pants around the corner lol - it happens don't worry about that

    (5 Try and find one has a dollar in the bank - by golly thats rare - reason being you'll need a financial hand after you go broke !

    (6 Never get one thats right up with western world / materialistic mobiles, me want car darlink '' yes balls to that ''!

    (7 Get em from the back blocks - ones they still think the wars on ''japs still in philipines'' and Mcarthur alive and well and wading ashore '' i shall return '' you know !

    (8 nice one that you can educate - after all its in your financial interest --darling what it mean ''mobile '' ?---------my love mobile thats when walk to the fridge get me a beer --ohh okk darlink !! lol

    ( 9 you good man darlink look after me sex 23 time each day me love you ! --darlink me went Atm it speak not monies ??? my god ohh very bad - darlinkkk!! i very sorry iam to leave me not eat --what give to me 50,000 baht 1 munte !!!!!! ohh not enough for meal darlink ??you bad man - you remember me make your eyes go around you spoke - there good woman they spin like a poker machine wheels, you spoke when me get on top ! ohh you speak lie spoke love me ! now me thick / fat 8 kids you not want ohh ! not good you very bad !!!!

    what for you speak iam see - saw !!

    you spoke me the girl she work flower shop to her you spoke her she pussy it as mouses ear '' ???? what all this about the mouse ?-- only you see the mouse ?? who it the mouse ?????

    You spoke me you go see the mouse other night? what you animal lover yes ? hmm - i want find this mouse nefore it ruin the marriage mine !! i kill it ! me today buy it 3 mouse trap !! me find the mouse okkk!!

    lot of truth in the above - good race of women, but they must completely forget any other man in the world except you ! and - the commodity money - if she can ever forget those two things - she be a great bird !

    until such time- you will be on an ever increasing rollar coaster of scam that she bestowes upon you - anybody whom thinks they wont!! believes in the flying car out of chitty chitty bang bang.

    stevo 52

  14. He is living up (so far) to his end, so now the reds must leave. That was the deal, or will UDD continue to be liars? Should be interesting to see.

    Red shirts jesses wept its hardly news if they ;lose then we will see 500 idiots with green shirts ohh!! skippersun '' doh '' :)

    the next they will say it all upsets the sex - hmm just ropund the bludgers up toss em in the clink = problem solved huh !

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