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Posts posted by stevo52

  1. Any young blond woman should be very careful here, much more than most of them are aware of.

    Many Asian men are obsessed with blond girls as all the local girls have black hair(in case you guys haven't noticed, he-he).

    YES indeed the deviated wee dark ones they love a Blondie don't they --- There eyes near glaze over when they see somebodies pretty blonde mrs downright dangerous take your girl to Thailand is she is golden blonde ( still---- most smart men would never take a woman their anyway) --be like taking a sandwich to a restaurant ????? - i mean why would you bother ?????

    • Like 2
  2. Could you really imagine a Thai guy doing a ''scotch tape'' on the ruskie girl '' i think she'd give him a pasting -- i mean their is nothing of them Thai guys 5 ft 2 inches, and like 6 stone wringing wet --- be like a giant ----getting attacked by a Pygmy --and not what you call ''hung '' in the service department !!!

    No much of the Thai guys --they are all choppers and toenails lol !

  3. Advice to future "Hit squads". Don't make things too complicated. If you want to kill a real estate agent, ask him to show you a condo for sale on the 25th floor.

    Then read tomorrow morning's news story "Suicidal Real estate agent leaps from high rise balcony."

    Real estate agents are fair game, one less to deal with, & we are all better off - they are like used car salesmen'' they'd sell you a pig and poke ! yes thank god for ''high rises '' lol lol

    Russian thugs in the picture walk up to the bad bugger in the middle & say to him ''ya tebya lyublyu''----- lol lol (you'll get some exercise then as he heads out after you))) lol

  4. Advice to future "Hit squads". Don't make things too complicated. If you want to kill a real estate agent, ask him to show you a condo for sale on the 25th floor.

    Then read tomorrow morning's news story "Suicidal Real estate agent leaps from high rise balcony."

    Real estate agents are fair game, one less to deal with, & we are all better off - they are like used car salesmen'' they'd sell you a pig and poke ! yes thank god for ''high rises '' lol lol

  5. Mafia is alive and well , but I doubt very much they'd play in the 2 cent economy of Thailand , if there was like $600k involved yes'' - but they not silly enough to risk life/ death over a $10 economy ! I been to Thailand 7 times in the joints owned by Ruskies, I found em terrific - never tried to scam me ! and I was loaded with cash '' must have been 30 times they could have robbed me if they wanted too - but all they did was bring me a free beer after every 3 beers !!!!- ( IF THAT'S MAFIA - I LOVE IT LOL )))) I don't know which Thailand these people are talking about ?----------obviously not the one I went too ! lol lol

    Ah, now it becomes more clear:

    1) you have no idea what organized crime syndicates do 2) you have no idea of what sort of huge money is in the underground economy of Thailand and 3) you have no ability to make any sense on this topic.

    what a lot of crap you do talk ,you have no idea what your on about sonny your not even in the same street your miles away - you have missed the boat totally , it sailed without you !

    I CERTAINLY DO KNOW WHAT ORGANISED CRIME SYNDICATES DO TO A PERSON IN RUSSIA YES))) I LIVED IN SPB 3 crime families virtually run that place BUT ))) THE BIG BUT IS there is big money involved) not ''nickels and dimes'' like you have in Thailand sir !

    Hence the only mafia you have of any substance living in Thailand! is the leftovers that could not make the big bux in Russia - like you know the cast outs / the has been types that robbed the boss, so they got the push - they gathered $2000 each head to Asia ( oh we going to take over ) when they find out they cant buy the joint with a few k , they resort to ''well something akin to robbing pensioner's in the street in Thailand'' or try muscle in on a 800k Bart bar etc

    Big brave nasty men) - you got Mafia sure from Eastern and Middle Europe - but they not the ''real Ruskie Mafia --- they just the dregs and the leftovers !

    Rumanian Mafia, is a damn site nastier than the Ruskie one - now if I was living back in Thailand and I seen Rumanian Mafia operating - then I would be worried, id be packing my bags ! those guys shoot first then ask your name as your dying! - they are bad bastards, at least with the Ruskie Mafia you have half a chance with a fistful of dollars, of buying your life back !

    Their is no such courtesy bestowed upon one, with the Rumanians------ they are just rotten to the core !

    Thailand is not rough yet - if the Rumanians get a foothold - then you will see ''wild west type shootings'' ---------daily ! that's a fact ))))) you guys should study up your world Mafia history a tad'' - I do history writing for a living so !!! from what I read here --- most of you guys are so far out of date with ''world Mafia happenings'' that I need a pair of field glasses to see you !

    I'd have thought that you guys living in Thailand, would have been just a bit more switched onto it all !

    As I said before, Mafia won't hurt the little man - they not interested but stroll the street & tell every bugger you meet ''hey I got 1/2 a million bux '' you'll soon attract their notice)) I seen a silly yank do that once - the idiot sat in a park in Moscow in the baldest part of town , blind drunk wearing a white Stetson hat, and a Baseball shirt - pulled out $4,000 & started counting out on the seat in middle of the park ( here he was screaming out to passers by iam from TEXAS I CAN BUY AND SELL ALL YOU BUMS ) typical Texan))) ''no brains'' - only lasted 15 minutes 3 likely lads ''Ruskie thugs'' strolled up & beat him half to death '' took all his $$ & '' left him like a stewed apple on the ground'' - cops just walked up shook their heads, rolled the eyes and said Another yank'' yep--- they never learn lol ! ( HAD HE HAVE SHUT HIS TRAP)) HE'D STILL HAVE HIS MONEY & HIS HEALTH !!

    To coin the phrase I think the ones that get beaten and robbed in Thailand ''are mostly the brainless '' cigar chomping ''ive got more than you types '' id say mostly yanks'' , the British , run a lot of scams their, I think id be more wary of them) than Sergey the Russian , trying to get a feed from sell a bit of pussy on the side lol lol

    The underground economy of Thailand??? I don't know about that ! I think most of the cash economy their, is hidden in the bar girls pants lol lol lol lol

  6. Mafia is alive and well , but I doubt very much they'd play in the 2 cent economy of Thailand , if there was like $600k involved yes'' - but they not silly enough to risk life/ death over a $10 economy ! I been to Thailand 7 times in the joints owned by Ruskies, I found em terrific - never tried to scam me ! and I was loaded with cash '' must have been 30 times they could have robbed me if they wanted too - but all they did was bring me a free beer after every 3 beers !!!!- ( IF THAT'S MAFIA - I LOVE IT LOL )))) I don't know which Thailand these people are talking about ?----------obviously not the one I went too ! lol lol

    Ah, now it becomes more clear:

    1) you have no idea what organized crime syndicates do 2) you have no idea of what sort of huge money is in the underground economy of Thailand and 3) you have no ability to make any sense on this topic.

    what a lot of crap you do talk ,you have no idea what your on about sonny your not even in the same street your miles away - you have missed the boat totally , it sailed without you !

  7. Russian mafia ))))))) booo.. who are they?! i've never seen them before even in Russia.. )) fear has big eyes, indeed.

    Elena at least you have your eyes open!!! they don't appear to believe ''we whom have lived there'' lol '' ! there is Mafia but 80% of its in the movies or from the times of Stalin , Mafia, does not worry the average person on the street, they look for far bigger fish to hassle -- like where they can make $500,000))) They not interested in the 5 cent tarts on the street, or the 70 baht a drink tiny bars , its to small time to them, it would be insulting for them to even waste their petrol, driving to them to collect like 400 baht of protection money lol !

    Thai Mafia consists of about 4 dozen irate tut tut drivers whom missed out on a 250 baht fare lol --That's the only Mafia I even seen in Thailand, is the ones with big teeth and they are 155cm tall - look out ----- they going to harass us - lol lol ! they'd give you a nasty bite!!!!! or with the teeth they have, they'd always get a job digging dams or re- stringing tennis rackets, lol but that's about it lol

    Hardly enough to drive somebody to terror !!~!!!!!

    We have lots of ''what we refer to as ''petty crims'' in Australia '' we don't call them Mafia !!!! ( mostly we just call them idiots ) the ones they are referring to on this forum are about 1 shade nastier than our '' local burglars'' - hardly in the category of the real organisation of ''Mafia '' what you have in Thailand!!! we refer to as ''milk bar cowboys '' & here they actually do far bigger crimes than the ''so called Mafia '' portrayed on this site -----------there is Mafia---------- and their is real MAFIA '' the ones in Thailand are purely the ones that really never made the grade elsewhere --most are just - back ally merchants and bums really ! they are really just the leftovers from other countries'' ------------ ''just the trailer trash you know ''

    I must say though))) I don't know why Thailand lets all this trash in ???? ---the answer to the problem is dead simple ---------you just don't let them in = problem solved - they only got problems with crims in Thailand) if they want to let them in huh!!~ ---------''Thais make their own monsters'' --------------- then cry foul ! -------the answers simple - just shut the door !

    • Like 2
  8. Seems we are all overlooking the big issue here. The traffic congestion. Can some one do something about it please.

    yes, bring in the hit squad to thin out the traffic a bit lol lol lol -----you know-- the ones with the balloons and the water pistols !! ( hit squads probably got a gig to do at Fantasia in Phuket, on Saturday night lol !

    They'll dress up the ''hit squad'' as lady boys feathers & the works - up on the stage they go lol !

  9. Steve52. What were they doing with the hostage then, taking him out for lunch? blink.png

    Most probably --- but do you believe what they say here --- what Thai cop ever told the truth !!! hmm FOOD FOR THOUGHT THERE BHUH !

    Not a lover of the Ruskies, but id take a Ruskies word, over a Thai cops word any day! ( THAI COP SPEAKS AS HE IS PAID TO SPEAK ) No $$ ---then he's like ''Sargent Shultz ''I know nothing "))))))) but put $50 in his hand )))) , and he's like an all night chemist ------you can't shut him up !

    Bah humbug -you got to have a bit of adventure in Thailand '' whoever got bumped off'' - I mean, who's going to miss him ?----- play with fire you get burnt = law of the land eh !

    Place would be all too straight, without the odd person getting bumped off , happens in every city in the world --she's all very ''ho hum'' & yawn!

    That's what I love about Thailand,, if you push the envelope enough (((( you can always get yourself in a nice afternoon gun battle))) lol lol all good fun in the big scheme of things lol lol.

    ( you have got to die of something ))))

  10. I hope they had work permits ho ho ho

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You might be joking BUT there are services out there and you can submit your resume to work for this company http://findahitman.com

    I would imagine the Thai authorities would advise him to not bother with the work permit and contact their agent at the airforce base for assistance.

    This is the into to their website: (NO JOKE)

    Welcome to FindAHitMan.com. We are the number one website that allows you to locate assassins from all over the world for your next project, no matter how small or big it is. Our services are proven to be the most effective and most discreet of 'em all. We pride ourselves in being the top, highly skilled, and most efficient hitman hire group. We have been in business for thousands of years and our record speaks for itself.

    Please take a minute to browse through our profile or view profiles for our assassins. No matter what the target is in the world, if it is alive, we will kill it. High security targets are our specialty. We have taken out targets as secure as presidents to as low as courier carriers.

    Thanks again for passing by our humble website and hope that we service your next kill for you.

    This is REAL man from "U.N.C.L.E." agent stuff!!!

    YES UNDEED the Mafia has those pistols we had as kids, pull the trigger and a flag pops out the end lol or the next model a cork popped out on a string ))))) any story for a free bowl of Borsh ay! Amazing I worked in ussr for ages, nobody tried to stick me up for $5 - actually mentioning Mafia as a westerner , they look at you and giggle ''Mafia where'' ? They think your cheese has slid off your cracker !

    Mafia is alive and well , but I doubt very much they'd play in the 2 cent economy of Thailand , if there was like $600k involved yes'' - but they not silly enough to risk life/ death over a $10 economy ! I been to Thailand 7 times in the joints owned by Ruskies, I found em terrific - never tried to scam me ! and I was loaded with cash '' must have been 30 times they could have robbed me if they wanted too - but all they did was bring me a free beer after every 3 beers !!!!- ( IF THAT'S MAFIA - I LOVE IT LOL )))) I don't know which Thailand these people are talking about ?----------obviously not the one I went too ! lol lol

  11. I assume the Russian "hit squad" was resident in Thailand and weren't flown in especially for this one job. Now that's scary stuff - if the Russian mafia have this sort of manpower already on the ground, what the hell is it going to be like in a few years?

    I don't think the Thai authorities have really thought through the implications of such a large population of resident Russians/East Europeans whilst turning a blind eye to the obvious money laundering and wealth that the Russian criminal element bring to Thailand.

    The BIB and the Thai mafia are like kindergarten kids compared to the Russian mafia. If they have enough people on the ground and get organised enough, it will be the BIB and the Thai mafia that will be paying tea money to THEM for the right to operate.

    Ive been looking in yellow pages under Russian hit squad' but cant find a number....

    LOOK UNDER F IN fantasy section of the yellow pages, or under ''party hire '' lol

  12. I assume the Russian "hit squad" was resident in Thailand and weren't flown in especially for this one job. Now that's scary stuff - if the Russian mafia have this sort of manpower already on the ground, what the hell is it going to be like in a few years?

    I don't think the Thai authorities have really thought through the implications of such a large population of resident Russians/East Europeans whilst turning a blind eye to the obvious money laundering and wealth that the Russian criminal element bring to Thailand.

    The BIB and the Thai mafia are like kindergarten kids compared to the Russian mafia. If they have enough people on the ground and get organised enough, it will be the BIB and the Thai mafia that will be paying tea money to THEM for the right to operate.

    Russian hit squad's what a lot of crap - what's playing at the cinema there ''the Odessa file '' or Dr zhivargo'' - Thais got to much time on their hands, starting to imagine things now ! hit squads in town yeah sure))) of course there is,& they all got pink pigs too, and they are trained )))--------- and what could they possibly make 200 baht ))) give over your $10 - or we'll bump of the girl selling 15 baht ice cream's on the beach) lol lol ---- they have to be kidding!~ its not even believable, they stuck in 1965 ( they watch to many movies ) Next thing you will roll into the cat house in PATTAYA and hear chamber music the ''Godfather theme'' , with gangsters sitting around cleaning their 9mm pistols of course its all over the big money'' 1000 baht ''' that would be right lol lol.

    Flew in the poverty stricken Russians yes what in a Biplane)) with leather caps on and biggles book to read of course !! that's all they could afford, they'd be strapped to the wings - economy class'' lol! Russian mobsters / Mafia - oh for god sake - do they come fully equipped with water pistols and balloon's'' courtesy of Vlad Putin - of course ! il have two @ $5 each, can somebody post me a couple lol lol !

  13. I assume the Russian "hit squad" was resident in Thailand and weren't flown in especially for this one job. Now that's scary stuff - if the Russian mafia have this sort of manpower already on the ground, what the hell is it going to be like in a few years?

    I don't think the Thai authorities have really thought through the implications of such a large population of resident Russians/East Europeans whilst turning a blind eye to the obvious money laundering and wealth that the Russian criminal element bring to Thailand.

    The BIB and the Thai mafia are like kindergarten kids compared to the Russian mafia. If they have enough people on the ground and get organised enough, it will be the BIB and the Thai mafia that will be paying tea money to THEM for the right to operate.

    Russian hit squad's what a lot of crap - what's playing at the cinema there ''the Odessa file '' or Dr zhivargo'' - Thais got to much time on their hands, starting to imagine things now ! hit squads in town yeah sure))) of course there is,& they all got pink pigs too, and they are trained )))--------- and what could they possibly make 200 baht ))) give over your $10 - or we'll bump of the girl selling 15 baht ice cream's on the beach) lol lol ---- they have to be kidding!~ its not even believable, they stuck in 1965 ( they watch to many movies ) Next thing you will roll into the cat house in PATTAYA and hear chamber music the ''Godfather theme'' , with gangsters sitting around cleaning their 9mm pistols of course its all over the big money'' 1000 baht ''' that would be right lol lol.

  14. Remind me not to go to him to have my wisdom teeth pulled.

    Just wondering like.

    Do they have wisdom teeth here? or dumb teeth.

    Another little spoilt brat whose mommy and daddy probably treated him like a little prince and gave into to everyone of his little tantrums so he thinks he can do anything he wants and get away with it.

    Probably will get away with it depending how rich mommy and daddy are.

    Just a typical male attitude here.

    They need to be pulled into gear, but sadly nothing ever seems to change their!!!!! it just gets worse by the year --one day in the future the govvy will say gee we got 500k of tourists last year this year we got 20,000 what's happened ????? surely they must know if people keep getting / shot / murdered / harassed that the end result in some years time, will be that people will bypass the place , again we have this very short ''only think of today attitude''''''' and to hell with tomorrow '' very sad really !

    They are shooting themselves in the foot !

    • Like 1
  15. In developed countries, perpertrators of drive by shootings, any shootings receive a lengthy prison sentence. If the Thai authorities want to reduce the gun crimes committed in Thailand, would they not better impose heavier sentences. A minimum 10 year sentence might've made DR. Fang think twice before he reached for his gun.

    I doubt it. the laws and punishment hardly deter crimes even in develope countries. Tough laws only scares the people that would not break the law in the first place. I would have to say that the biggest obstacle for the Thai's in general to get passed is the "Loss of face" issue. I don't worry about that myself because I lost my face here long ago:-)

    LEMON, what's the fine their at present for a Thai shooting ''Joe westerner ?? not a lot id imagine? maybe nothing that 10,000 baht greased into the correct palm, could not fix lol

    I love a place where you can buy anything, including the wonderful justice system ( didn't Capone say that lol )

  16. Lead fillings are certainly more dangerous than the silver/mercury type. I suppose the fact that this waitress had rejected him for a much worthier farang left a bad taste in his mouth. It would be wise to post his picture, should he ever graduate and actually practice dentistry in Chiang Mai. He may have an itchy trigger finger on his drill, as well. I wonder..do you think it wiser to visit female dentists while in Thailand? Perhaps there is some hidden aggression in Thai males who are unable to get their drills properly lubricated.

    Well yes they can't dip the wick - so lets shoot some poor bugger than can ??? -------there is a screw loose someplace eh!

  17. yet maybe another untouchable.... max 1 month jail and later can continue his special extra doctor 6 year dentistry course which upon graduate and working can buy more gun to shoot people ..totally... psycho..

    No, just a Thai who may be able to act without accountability.

    Or just a Thai with the standard response to rejection and losing to a foreigner.

    Remember the Western guy murdered in Spicy in BKK about a month ago. The Thai was about to lose the fight so had to resort to pulling out his gun and shooting him (and two others) as a 'last resort' because he was about to lose, as he was reported as using as his defense.

    What a people. sad.png

    Mate the Thais need to account of the whole situation you know , they should be grateful that westerner's are their ''looking after their interests '' where they can not eh ! If westerners were filling my country up with wealth and prosperity,( and I had zero ) id be arriving to them ''cap in hand ''

    Take all the westerners out of Thailand & what they contribute - Thailand would be back to pre 1910 Siam overnight! Thais for some reason that escapes me, appear to have ''no thank you about them '' sad case of affairs really!!!

    Men who bring the bux and splash on girls/ whatever !!! so the Thai breaks out in Jealousy???? --hey))) beggar cant be a chooser & and you can't have your cake and eat it too !

    The 'fair go policy'' has got to come and play in the middle their someplace ----one would assume!

  18. Can someone make a youtube video of this one too? More international advertising for Thailand's tourism industry is needed this week. People were beginning to worry that it was only the Russian's who could look forward to being involved with gun violence in Thailand.

    Russians are ok, if left to their own devices - don't poke the lion in the eye, and you won't get bitten tis fact !

  19. They have to be kidding and in Chiang mai raced into the food joint shot 3 people over a Thai girl!!! - oh come on''' if you run short on girlfriends , that's an easy fix just lean out the door and whistle for another one lol ''problem solved'' - hardy worth doing 20 years in the jug over a girl in a restaurant ))) - things must have changed???? I lived their for ages, the only time I ever seen a Thai guy show any interest in Thai girl ))) it was because he wanted to scam 500 baht out of her lol

    But doing the ''ok corral '' thing over a Thai girl ,, I must be missing something? - either she was the richest bird in town, or the best sex in the city ---or both))) lol lol

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