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  1. As I thought about it, it is possible that they mention the transit visa as that may exempt you from paying the 700 baht departure tax.
  2. If you are on a Uk passport you don't need a transit visa, not sure what that is about. I have had a journey break like this many times, just collect your bags, go off to a hotel and then re check in the next day. When you check-in tell them that you will be collecting your bags. The only thing you have to check is if your ticket does not include the 700 baht departure tax you will need to pay that prior to check in. I have stayed at the Dusit Srinakarin several times and there is plenty to do around there, but you could equally take the ARL into the city and grab a hotel there.
  3. I think they have misinterpreted the photo, probably the guy behind you has tripped the camera by crossing the white line whilst it was red, but your vehicle has been captured in the photo, but was already in the intersection. The process to appeal should be on the form.
  4. 2035 to be majority Muslim in UK, I read recently.
  5. I saw charges related to top secret documents was thrown out yesterday..
  6. The designated smoking area’s outside the doors are long gone, but I still see them congregating and risking the fine.
  7. Try this to check if available still at AU$65 https://www.thaiairways.com/en_AU/plan_my_trip/Special_fare/Offers_Booking/Lounge+Passes+at+BKK+Airport.page
  8. I had a molar root canal and gold crown done in Bangkok for $1300 and the AU dentist had quoted me $5000 for it (but that was for porcelain and not gold). This was about 5 years ago so prices will have changed a bit, but this is also larger and gold, so I would think ballpark still. From memory there was a specialist dentist that just came once a week to do this type of work and I had to go 4 or five times to have it completed.
  9. Yes I think that you need consent, my wife had to get my consent for some large purchase with her money.
  10. I think in a condo you only own the space inside the walls and the structure is common property. It is worth reading up on as it may not be as you think.
  11. I think there is a $5000 limit per day to do that at Superrich, so I don't think that will work.
  12. No truth apparently. 1.1 Applicant must be aged 50 years and over (on the day of submitting application). https://www.mfa.go.th/en/page/non-immigrant-visa-o-a?menu=5e1ff71bc4281a00c812e8e2
  13. Does anyone know if Azithromycin 500 mg is available. The local pharmacy indicated the laws had been changed and she only offered me packs of 250 mg x 6.
  14. Normally the Thai price is around 500 baht per a/c unit, but this includes the outside one as well. My outside units in Bangkok get clogged up with those fine white floating seeds that get shed each year. I am not sure what the real name is I just know them as Sugars and they come from a long grass. They can be brushed or vacuumed off but pressure washing makes sure they are removed from the internal fins.
  15. This is how I do it. Just wait at Gate 4 arrivals drop-off area after giving the call. Normally I give the call once I have my bag and by the time I get to Gate 4 there could be at most a 10 minute wait.
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