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Posts posted by michael888

  1. a little about my situation. ive gotten the post put in already. the abutment and temporary crown have been placed also. the angle of the tooth seems way off to me and my dentist seems annoyed when i point this out. im paying a lot for this and i dont want to settle for anything sub par. i have reccomended to her a custom abutment to correct the angle (which i researched on the internet). I havent heard back from her yet and have another appointment next week. I want to get a couple of opinions before I get the final procedure done. After all of this money , pain and time- I want it to look good.

  2. hello, was wondering if anyone had a reccomendation for a good dentist in the silom or sukhumvit area. preferably someone who has a lot of experience and expertise in dental implants. reasonably priced would be a bonus also..Thanks

  3. Hello, I'm going to get a new passport (page number is very low) and will be leaving my job about 2 weeks after that. I am currently on an extension of stay - non imm B. working in Bangkok. Can i leave the country (to get a tourist visa) without any transfers, getting an exit stamp on my new passport? Once i am no longer employed the extension is void after 24 hours anyway , correct? Would there be any problem exiting? Thank you

    Your permission to stay will be void the same day you are no longer employed.

    You will have to transfer the stamps to a new passport, since you are on an extension of stay. (get a letter from your embassy regarding the new passport).

    Normally no problem just exiting, but if you want to find a new job in Thailand do cancel the work permit at the labour office.

    Immigration at Nong Kai can ask you why you leave without a re-entry stamp and send you back to cancel your permission to stay.

    Thanks Mario,

    Does the letter from the embassy have to state anything in specific? and must I cancel the WP myself, or can I get my employer to do that?

    thanks again

  4. Hello, I'm going to get a new passport (page number is very low) and will be leaving my job about 2 weeks after that. I am currently on an extension of stay - non imm B. working in Bangkok. Can i leave the country (to get a tourist visa) without any transfers, getting an exit stamp on my new passport? Once i am no longer employed the extension is void after 24 hours anyway , correct? Would there be any problem exiting? Thank you

  5. Living in the dirtiest city in the Kingdom, it is clear to see the reason for so much plastic finding its way into the sea. They have run out of clear land space to dump it. Also the typical Thai attitude of, 'Not on my land', so it is thrown over the wall. Walk around most cities and try to find a bin in which to deposit ones rubbish, almost imposible.

    true, and 0 recycling also....i have talked to many long time residents of bangkok and they say: even if they separate into - glass, plastic , paper.....the garbage men just throw it into the same area in the truck....there is absolutl;ey no recycling in this country, its an absolute disgrace

  6. So incredible that a country as USA cannot even protect its ambassador and other officials. Then it pretends to protect its citizens ? What a joke !

    Chuck Norris is retired. Batman, Superman, Spiderman, and the Avengers are all away on tour. Americans have never felt so vulnerable.

    There would still be the rest of The Expendables, no? even though Chuck Norris has retired...

    Btw - the American government knew two days in advance that there was trouble ahead and simply did nothing to warn or evacuate the ambassador and staff in time... reminds me of an earlier episode, where passenger airplanes with radio and beacon switched off steered right into restricted public areas without anyone doing a dam_n thing about it. We all know how it ended... Enough "coincidence" for the "everything is gonna be ok" guys out there???

    hmmmmm? I smell another conspiracy theory.....hahahahahhahha give it a rest

    this whole episode is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard of.... for a movie - ---<deleted>??!! hahahahahahahaha

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