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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Read the link: "Six shuttle buses would be deployed to serve the people who lived or worked in the area, Pol Gen Damrongsak said."
  2. Easy to transfer but need to know if there are any liabilities like tax, loans, ...
  3. If you have a history of conquering half of the planet and are on war missions which displace families, you get refugees.
  4. Bought a 5 baht chain, used it for about 5 years and made a nice profit at the sale as the gold prices had gone up quite a bit over the years. Could go the other way around too.
  5. The road behavior is caused by the lack of road ethics education, examination and punishment for bad behavior. Not to do with intelligence.
  6. So how many 14 year old's will spend 30K for a fake ID so they can "fool" perverts to have sex with them?
  7. Absolute nonsense, work with loads of qualified people here.
  8. More than 16 million Russians died
  9. The USA are at war for 200 year nonstop, they are welcome so why not the Russians? What about your country?
  10. You won't be fully immune and can still pass it on, you won't get that sick.
  11. Give me a good reason why i should share my wealth with you. Any idea how long it would take to assess 8 billion people's financial status?
  12. You don't qualify for a visa with a work permit. Best to get a job.
  13. If you have to worry about 13 usd, you shouldn't have a girlfriend in another country.
  14. Go see a doctor instead of asking on the internet
  15. Lamfalang post: "Both parties signed, they then changed things and I didn't agree.....another headache. labor basically said, 'no work permit with them' (true, only signed contract and then headaches) so nothing."
  16. As an individual you are not allowed to run a business. You need a proper visa, work permit and pay tax. The police might ask for it when you come with a complaint.
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