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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Got it again too, started with a sore throat and a bit of a headache. Tested positive today, still working, 2x AZ + 2x Pfizer.
  2. "I took a trip to the U.K. without a re entry permit on my retirement extension ( from a 2016 OA visa ) intentionally." Did you do this because you didn't maintain the 400K during the rest of the year?
  3. Used to be 33 not so long ago. Don't get paid in USD then but in THB if you don't like it.
  4. You have to start a topic when you invested 50 usd in something, real pro trader.
  5. Buying crypto is gambling not investing as it is based on nothing.
  6. They bought at 59K Michael Saylor (MicroStrategy) Portfolio Tracker (saylortracker.com)
  7. The rules starts today, not strange you haven't seen any change yet.
  8. Why should i check into a hotel, i have houses here. Airbnb isn't even legal in Thailand.
  9. You can see that at the comments when someone has a problem: Run, run, run,...
  10. No need for a lawyer, the Labour Office will help. One can get 30 working days of PAID sick leave per year. Make sure you have a letter from your doctor for HR which explains your medical situation.
  11. Would you call a serial killer / rapist strong because he has no compassion?
  12. If they don't listen and keep making a nuisance, yes. Nice saying: Do you know what is good for your teeth? Don't be a smartarse.
  13. You think but not sure and you want to hassle them with police? Take better care of your money next time.
  14. The customers who mostly behave like drunk a holes to start with.
  15. Ask some people in the military, who saw their best mates blown up in tiny pieces. Ignorant post.
  16. I run projects in 3 continents with boots on the ground and they run well.
  17. The big difference during bad traffic will be this one: "If taxis are stuck in traffic and can't move 6 kilometers/hour the fee will be 3 baht a minute." Is fair enough in my opinion.
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