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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. True but i think working to shape children for their future should.
  2. That might be as i always wanted to be very good at things i start to do.
  3. No, it should be like that but then you mix with the wrong people.
  4. Being foreign is a factor which can be overcome in most cases by learning the language and understanding the culture.
  5. I believe that if you want to teach children in another country you should have proper teaching qualifications and speak their language. I work here, speak their language and have respect by most people. There are always people who can't be bothered.
  6. There are people on the forum who marry a bar girl with less than 4 years of education and think all Thai people are like that.
  7. They never taught you how to handle difficult children and you have to ask on the internet?
  8. So you lived with a "no good" woman and that must be the baseline?
  9. A lot of foreign Western tourists teachers don't have proper schooling to do their job.
  10. How many of them have a real teacher education and not something like TEFL?
  11. It isn't rocket science to buy crypto. You are not an investor, you small time gambler with crypto as it doesn't have value which backs it up. I work 40 years in IT security.
  12. "Is he using a mathematical theory" There is none, he is an idiot who shouldn't be teaching. I actually have a school mate who has been in space and saw he is full off sht.
  13. Dutch have been playing sht all tournament, so this is the USA chance to go to the last 8. I am Dutch.
  14. Wait for the biopsy result and keep drinking fluids to avoid dehydration.
  15. Grow a pair and don't take everything your wife wants as a law. Your kid has no legal status to sign anything. Be a parent and advise your kid with your opinion too.
  16. Only have been to Don Muang multiple times the last years and don't have an issue there at all, Suv could have changed.
  17. If the cashier said bring the gym manager, i would have told him get him yourself.
  18. If you take a taxi from the counter (not a limousine service), they have to use the meter and you will be nowhere near 700 thb.
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