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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. A while ago one could have slaves, does that make it OK?
  2. Change the PDF to Word: convert pdf to word - Search (bing.com)
  3. Why do you need a new topic and don't update the old one?
  4. There is, loads of people are gay but stay in the closet because they are afraid of the backlash from people who can't handle it. People actually kill themselves because of these sad people's opinions.
  5. Intended for procreation, nice invention. Man and women who have sex without the intend of procreation (happens probably more than intended for procreation) are not normal then.
  6. What are normal people? Everybody is different in all sort of ways, sexual, political, economical, religion, habits, .......
  7. Problem for who? Certainly not for homosexual children.
  8. People who are gay can be so anywhere, they don't have to hide it because you can't handle it.
  9. Youngsters will understand that it is not a problem being gay and they shouldn't listen to people with your views.
  10. They do respect it if you do though.
  11. I need reading glasses but can see the difference any time of day and while drunk.
  12. I don't feel for him at all, his lies and accusations caused death threats to 2 women by lunatic Trump supporters: Lawyer highlights Giuliani's continued false claims as election workers' damages trial nears a close (msn.com)
  13. Probably because of high PM2.5 and/or there is a bit of flu going around.
  14. How long did you stay in Thailand before 2023 and on what sort of visa?
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