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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. If you are married and she creates debt, you are liable. If you are not married and the houses are in her name, you have nothing when she dies.
  2. Sure, keep defending that racist low life: "the ex-president’s recent comment that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country.” Geraldo Rivera Makes Shocking Comment About Trump (msn.com) As you seem not able to google things you don't like: Exclusive: Donald Trump admits on tape he didn't declassify 'secret information' | CNN Politics
  3. Mine plays with them and kills them, doesn't eat them. If I say cock roach in Thai, she will comes charging in and look for them.
  4. Get the money from the parents with a nice bonus on top. Maybe then they will starting to do something about it.
  5. No, it isn't a fact yet. It isn't proven to be lies as well. Trump is caught on tape talking about sharing information of which he says it is classified, so therefore in this case calling it lies, it either lying by you or ignorance. Take your pick.
  6. Because any lawyer with a bit of a brain wouldn't want to be associated with this lunatic and drag their winnings rating down.
  7. You need confirmation of the cancelation on paper / email by them. A phone call proofs nothing.
  8. Now too late to do something but maybe for next time. I have heard stories from the Netherlands where car dealer staff, replace perfectly good parts for new ones and the staff kept the replaced items for their own use. Before paying and leaving the shop ask for the parts that they replaced, technically they are yours. If they used them for themselves, this would create a panic as they wouldn't be able to give them to you right away and you know you are getting played. Escalate that with the manager of the shop.
  9. You should only think about problems, you can actually fix yourself. Worrying about world problems, which you personally won't be able to fix anyhow is giving a lot of stress and counterproductive.
  10. What about traitors: 'Tip of the iceberg': Experts pounce on Trump nuclear secrets bombshell (msn.com)
  11. Trump's valuation of MaL for the tax office: "Between 2011 and 2021, you valued the Mar-a-Lago property between $18 million and just under $28 million." Trump's valuateion of MaL to get a bank loan: "Mar-a-Lago was listed as worth $490 million in financial documents given to banks." Trump's valuation of MaL in court: 1 billion Trump says Mar-a-Lago is worth over $1 billion — so congressman demands tax reassessment (msn.com) Now a congress man is getting involved too:
  12. Army land? Never heard of a land title called by that name.
  13. Both have way to many guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.
  14. At least they take some action, the USA only sends thoughts and prayers.
  15. What a load of BS of an attention seeking numbnut. Could have phone emergency services and would be out in no time. Pathetic what people do for a bit of attention.
  16. There is no such thing as a "Chiang Mai University Visa". Why are you paying 65K for a visa?
  17. Bogus comment, not uncommon in your case. A real estate valuator said it was worth between 18-27 million dollars. Comparing the value of an estate to art, it is worth what somebody could pay for it (a Suadi investor MIGHT pay a billion) is nonsense too. It would be worth that if he had an actual offer for a billion dollars but he hasn't, it is all in his mind. Dreams don't create value.
  18. Only die-hard Trump supporters are still following him. He won 1 election after that nothing. More and more people see him for the pathetic cheat he is. Most Trump supporters of a few years ago on this forum are gone too. Yet there are still a couple of willingly uninformed, not too bright people who just parrot all the nonsense Trump is screaming and think they know what is actually happening. They will get a rude awakening in the years to come.
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