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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. 8 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    The BBC again with their wishful and hopeful thinking. The UK MAY have to pay to an organization once they leave. Yea right. Can you imagine which government would allow that. It would be political suicide.


    The BBC throughout the Brexit campaign did everything possible to be biased for remain and failed. I stopped watching and reading the constant one sided argument.


    These unnamed ministers seem to have a lot to say off the record. I look forward to the demise of the corrupt BBC. I was considered it  the staple of balanced news but now is no different to fox or CNN.


    It's perfectly normal. All the other EU member states have to contribute towards the EU budget in order to maintain free access to the single market for both goods and services so why not Britain?


    The UK may opt to adopt the Norwegian model by joining EFTA but even then it still has to contribute to the EU budget and accept free movement of people.


    If they don't want to accept either of those choices then they go for a 'hard exit' and then fall back to WTO rules, but it'll cost a pretty penny.



  2. 3 hours ago, gr8fldanielle said:

    maybe the charging the families issue is really about what should happen, making the parents responsible for their under aged children's behavior. Wouldn't that make sense? :passifier:


    Not all drunk-driving accidents are perpetrated by underage kids. A sizeable proportion of drink related accidents are caused by adults.

  3. 6 hours ago, halloween said:

    Do you know anyone that earns B3000/m?


    I think the last time I commented on your post Halloween it got deleted.


    But once again you need to leave the comfortable surroundings you live in now and go travel around Thailand a bit. Visit some Thai villages where they don't have running water and people live in houses constructed out of a wooden frame with corrugated iron sheets nailed to it. The houses don't even have windows, just a few slits to allow the heat to dissipate at night. Families who live in these shacks earn a hell of a lot less than 3,000 Baht a month. They work tiny plots of land to grow rice for themselves and keep chickens to produce eggs. When the chicken gets too old to produce anymore eggs it ends up on the dinner plate. Many villagers don't have enough money to buy bottled water even and have to rely of catching whatever cascades of the roof into urns which have been strategically placed to catch it when it rains. They don't boil it either which often leads to dysentry and various other stomach ailments.


    Water for washing comes from a large tank which serves the village and it quickly becomes contaminated with algae which flows out of the pipe in large green blobs when you turn the tap on. Neither do they have a sewage system and instead a large tank located below ground collects the daily faeces from the family. The tank is emptied once a week by a tanker which siphons off whatever's in it.


    The parts of Thailand where you'll find village life with houses like you see in the image is relatively easy to find. Just take provincial bus number 9916 to Sakaeo and then go north from there. It's only a 3½ hour bus journey and I'm sure it'll serve to open your eyes a bit.


  4. 13 hours ago, pumpuy said:

    I think no Israeli likes to live in constant fear of just no matter what person in the streets could attack them to kill just because they're Israelis ...?

    The only way to stop this is by making peace ... stop the illegal settlements , accept the 2 states solution , no more provocations on both sides , within a few peaceful years sentiment would change and everybody could live in Peace .

    I think that's the only way out , but will it happen ?

    I do not think so .

    So what will the future bring ? More violence ? Certainly ! More Hate ? Yes ! More Unsecurity ?

    Definitely !

    If that future is worth living ... I do not know ...

    One thing is for sure : there is no " Endloesung " a la Hitler ... !


    Even if the Israelis were to stop building the settlements d'you think the Palestinians would cease their attacks?


    I doubt it somehow. They want the Israelis gone from what they see as Arab lands. They don't recognize the Israeli State and will likely intensify their murderous attacks if they feel that the Israelis are on the retreat.


    I don't know what the answer is to this conflict. The Palestinians continue to attack Israel with the full knowledge that Israel will retaliate. It doesn't seem to matter how many times Israel invades Palestine with the intention of arresting militants because they'll always be more to take their place.


    But they can't simply sit back and give the terrorists carte blanche to attack whenever they feel like it. So the tit-for-tat exchanges will likely continue until somebody comes up with a formula which both sides find acceptable. How long that will be is anybody's guess.

  5. 17 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    I wish that Trump would step down in favor of pretty much anybody, but it looks pretty much impossible at this point. Too many votes have already been cast through early voting. 

    I do not care about vulger talk a decade ago, but the fact that he refuses to practice for debates really gets my goat. No wonder he got slaughtered. Of course, I never wanted him to be the candidate in the first place.


    Somehow or other I don't think his ego will allow him to step down. He's too fond of himself to give up now and if he does become President in spite of all the negativity surrounding him now the world is going to be in for a rough ride.

  6. 9 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Didn't Mickey Rourke do something similar? It is just TV and another actor having a go at something that was perhaps on his bucket list. Rourke has destroyed his looks with that and a few bouts of cosmetic surgery. I don't think getting kicked in the head is a great hobby for anyone who has anything that will be damaged.


    The difference between Mickey Rourke and Idris Elba is that Mickey was already into boxing as a teenager and won his first match aged 12.


    Looking at Idris Elba's bio on the same site doesn't give any indication that he's ever been interested in any fighting sports. Since he's just become a father again for the second time, he should be thinking more about his family than getting involved in Muay Thai at his age.

  7. 9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


    I know a tramp named Vic who walks city streets aimlessly in soiled clothes, and shouts obscenities at tall buildings.  He's a controversial character. Vic could shake things up if he were prez.  Is that the sort of person you want as US prez?




    I don't see the connection. Are you saying that Trump walks city streets aimlessly in soiled clothes, and shouts obscenities at tall buildings?

  8. 10 hours ago, halloween said:

    Work it out for yourself. If there were a milion recipients, they could have a B20 increase for ONE month, or B2/m for 10 months. In other words very little, just BS to make apolitical point, ignoring that B400 is considerably more than the SFA they received under the benevolent Shinawatras.

    Why don't you ask how much social security could be provided by the B600 billion wasted on the rice scam?


    What have those last two points you're trying to make have anything to do with the paltry amount being offered to destitute families trying to bring up children on a pittance?

  9. 10 hours ago, halloween said:

    I smell yours just fine. The downtrodden that NEED it will of course be grateful, those who don't feel free to sneer and demand that their expectations be met. Just how much do YOU think should be paid?


    A lot more than 400 baht a month. That kind of figure is hardly going to make much difference to nutritional needs of children in their early years which is what the campaign is all about.


  10. 1 hour ago, Prbkk said:


    Yes, but that's after the horse has bolted, so to speak. There is no record of your travels if you choose to use an alias. On the example I cited, my name was incorrect because of a mistake by the phone booking agent. They didn't want to correct it when I collected the ticket at the station and nor did they want to see my passport.

    In many ways it's great: no one snooping, freedom to more or less go as you please, great for those who are legitimate...but one wonders if there is not too much freedom in these difficult times.


    If you use an alias what are you going to do if you have to produce ID? You could conceivably be fined for travelling without a ticket.


    In your particular case I guess the booking agent was just lazy. But even if you had to provide ID a simple spelling mistake in your name wouldn't result in any action being taken against you I would've thought. But ID cards are generally used instead of passports for travelling within EU borders.


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