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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. 13 hours ago, Crossy said:

    If I am understanding correctly, this is not a charge being made by the Thai government, it is the minimum that the tour operator can charge their clients for a trip to Thailand.


    The idea being that tourists cannot be charged below cost then taken to iffy outlets to buy over-priced tat for which the tour operators receive commission.


    Just how they intend enforcing this is anyone's guess.


    Chinese tour advert, "Pay 14,000 Baht for 14 days in Thailand, receive 14,000 Baht to spend in one of our many tat outlets".




    What's to prevent the Thai tour operators from continuing the scam even after the Chinese tourists have been penalised to the tune of 1,000 baht a day?


    What's more likely to happen is that the scammers will simply take the view that they've been handed a bonus and carry on as normal.



  2. 14 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Just what is needed for more terrorists to travel across Europe. great thinking EU. no wonder everyone wants out. This is another stupid attempt at travelling across the EU without checks.


    'Learning to cherish each other'. These clowns do not get it. The immigrants in Europe do not cherish other just themselves.


    Intended recipients will be a country's youths who have reached the age of 18 years and who can show ID to prove who they are. I don't see where you make the connection with immigrants or terrorists come to that.

  3. The farmer was perhaps fortunate that the sword didn't slice through the artery in his wrist. If that had happened he might have passed out through blood loss before reaching hospital.


    As for the gang of youths, going out armed with a sword sounds like they were just looking for trouble and the poor farmer was unfortunate enough to run into them.


    But don't they still have conscription in Thailand? If so, how come these youths haven't been hauled off to barracks instead of being allowed to cause mayhem in the countryside.

  4. 9 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    Obviously no excuse for his behaviour.....however,.... have seen many cases on TV and heard many stories from Parents on the radio about how their children's lives had been virtually destroyed (actually destroyed by suicide in some cases) because of bullies in the school. I have to admit....I did sometimes wonder why their parents wern't tempted to take the law into their own hands to protect their child. ...Is it not possible that this is what's happening in the instance.....a Father looking out for his son?


    Maybe, but a good talking to is what would have been needed. There's no excuse for a grown man to be attacking a small child.

  5. 11 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    Time to rebuild the tin shacks.  



    Not much evidence of 'corners' at that location. Pretty straight, he must have been struggling to open his Red Bull bottle. Right front tyre bursts, slightly drunk and of course the damned rain. Recipe for disaster.


    Yes indeed. I looked at in the map view and unless the driver took a wild turn at speed to go down that single track road in your link there are no corners around there. But it was the woman who said he came around the corner at speed.


    Maybe they were both pissed.



  6. 10 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Brakes again,maybe the buses will be safer without them:facepalm:,

    going too fast,in the rain,approaches a bend in 4th or 5 th

    gear,brakes hard,happens too often.

    regards worgeordie


    The driver should have taken his foot off the brake as soon as he felt the bus begin to skid. It would have almost certainly have regained traction and by intermittently touching the brakes gently and then accelerating out of the bend he could probably have made it.

  7. 17 hours ago, smedly said:

    and you sir get the prize for the dumbest post so far in 2016


    The UK can do exactly what it wants from here - who is going to stop them


    sorry for being so blunt but I believe it is well deserved


    USA Canada Australia India China - all huge markets


    and if anyone thinks the EU is going to survive the next 5 years needs to smell the cheese - by the time the UK gets started with talks the EU will be no more - it is on its last legs and will be gone before you can say "junker is a masterbater"


    Until it leaves the EU the UK is bound by the rules which it agreed to when it entered. The EU negotiates trade deals as a whole and those apply to every member state. Independent trade deals are forbidden.


    The EU already has trade deals with the countries you mentioned and the UK can benefit from those already.


    So I'm afraid to say that your post is the 'dumbest in the forum' as you so quaintly put it, not mine.

  8. If you buy wine or spirits at airport duty-free they'll place it in a sealed transparent bag with the receipt inside. That means you can take it onboard as hand luggage even though it exceeds the maximum 100ml normally allowed.


    If it's not in a sealed transparent bag and exceeds 100ml it'll be confiscated.


    You can of course place liquids in hold luggage but there's always a danger that they make break in transit.


    Check your airline's policy regarding "liquids, banned and restricted items" section in order to determine how much you're allowed to transport. British Airways allows 5 litres per person but other airlines may differ.

  9. Funny place to have a souvenir shop: close to an airport. Visitors who are leaving the country will have already bought what they want during their stay and those that have just arrived are usually more interested in getting to their hotel a.s.a.p. especially after a long flight.


    Could be one of those scammers stores which unscrupulous taxi drivers stop at to get their passengers to buy junk so that they can earn commission.

  10. 5 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

    The management system of flood water and drainage should be, as we all know, be controlled by water management experts.........a resource the Thai government does not have, and they simply don't understand this....their experts are not experts, not adequately qualified and therefore,  just don't know what to do.

    Additionally, they're persuaded by local village headmen and local government people who also have very limited knowledge.

    Bangkok won't flood.....an absolutely inane comment to ever make!


    He should consider taking advice from the Netherlands. Half the country is located below sea level but employ efficient water management techniques to prevent flooding. http://www.dutchwatersector.com/drr/


  11. 5 minutes ago, johnsnapo said:

    Brexit is for thickos and dumbheads and now UK is desperate for any trade deals.Pathetic from what was a great country and now is becoming an insignificant backwater and Looser nation. Theres no Great in Great Britain anymore. Bye bye !


    The funny part is that it cannot actually make any trade deals while it remains a member of the EU and by 2019 when Brexit becomes a reality the world may have changed significantly making the Thai deal largely irrelevant.

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