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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. 7 hours ago, JaseTheBass said:

    Nonsense. My wife had a 640 which upgraded to W10. Sadly W8.5 was better so we have now both ditched MS phones and gone over to Android now that the OS is actually usable.


    I provided the links to save anyone the problem they're likely to come across by buying a Windows phone and then discovering it can't be upgraded (according to the editors who wrote those articles).


  2. 8 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    You miss the point.

    The Vespa scooters made by Piaggio and a similar Lambretta (defunct) previously made by Innocenti are a 70 year old iconic design that appeals to people who don't wish to be seen on a Honda Click or equivalent and can afford to pay twice the price of a Japanese scooter..  A little like the kind of buyers who can afford a Mini over a Toyota Yaris..

    50 years ago in England the Mods on Vespas and Lambrettas  battled Rockers who rode real motorcycles.





    Do Thais care about iconic designs d'you think? They just want whatever's in vogue i.e. what's being advertised on the box and as cheap as possible unless a farang happens to be paying for it.

  3. 6 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    Is that how you think it works? One person throws out a, possibly, wild statement without any attempt to justify it, and those who raise questions about it are required to prove or disprove? What if I cannot find anything to verify the statement made (as is the case here)? Can you see why your approach is wrong?



    You seriously don't expect me to click on a link to the Express, do you, the second most repulsively racist newspaper in the UK, with as much journalistic integrity as its publishing stablemate, Asian Babes? I assume, though, that the failed journalist-turned gutter-scouring ambulance chaser who wrote whatever article you linked to found some whinging refugee who missed their shisha and, therefore used the classic newspaper smear of painting a large group of people as equal to the lowest common denominator - and you lapped it up?



    Well, I would say that we should assist where we can because it is the humane thing to do. I appreciate, however, that humanity is not a virtue equally bestowed.



    I don't see that my approach is wrong at all. If you're incapable to using a search engine in this day and age I feel sorry for you. But the fact remains that the evidence is there for all to see.


    As for the link to the Express I posted, stop being lazy and use a search engine to find the same subject on another site. There are plenty around.


    As for the humane angle, maybe you'd like to offer free accommodation in your own home to these parasites because they don't want to work and just want to exploit the welfare systems of countries that provide for their own citizens.

  4. 7 hours ago, Cuchulainn said:

    driving the wrong way


    hit a power pole and

    ended up in the water.

    His cries for help were in vain.



    I wonder why?


    It said a dam had been opened so I guess the waters were surging which would have put anyone off attempting a rescue for fear of getting swept away themselves. It probably looked something like you see in the video.




  5. On 9/30/2016 at 6:47 AM, RuamRudy said:


    I have not seen any evidence to comnfirm that most people classified as refugees are actually economic migrants. If, as you say, it has "been shown over and over", the evidence should be readily available, no? Maybe you can enlighten those of us who have overlooked said evidence by pointing out specific examples of it?


    There's plenty of evidence around and I'm sure you'll be able to find it if you really want to instead of expecting others to do it for you.


    As for the so called 'refugees' who have actually arrived in Europe instead of being appreciative of being accepted in a country where nobody is going to torture or shoot them, they just complain incessantly instead: Bored immigrants complaining


    Why should we accept them in Europe? They should be heading in the opposite direction to countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Iran. Those countries are closer and they share the same religion. Saudi Arabia is also stinking rich and can afford to give them shelter. There's plently of desert available where they can be accommodated and temperatures will be the same as they're used to.


    Hungary is right to refuse to accept EU quotas. Merkel caused this influx with her ill conceived open door policy: let her sort her own mess out.

  6. 16 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

    It should be quite clear to the Thai electorate that they can elect whomever they want, if and when elections are returned, but the military will always have the last word.

    They've got the taste and won't be giving up power


    I have to agree with you there. Thailand has moved from being a democratic state albeit with all its faults to being an authoritarian one.


    Authoritarian regimes are primarily interested in retaining political power. They're not dictatorial and provided nobody opposes them, the population has a certain amount of freedom. However criticism of the NCPO won't be tolerated and talk of democratic elections in the not too distant future is merely a pipedream.


    By changing the constitution and introducing new rules which make it practically impossible for any one single party to gain an overall majority will mean the military will play a significant role in Thai politics for years to come.

  7. 12 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

    LINE requires a phone number to register. Thereafter the number is usually irrelevant. I've used the same LINE account because it's the only one on my phone in several countries and I've got a SIM card for each of those countries


    I was under the impression that removing the SIM deletes the user's account.


    But you might be right. Trying to find information on the line.me site is tantamount to an exercise in futility.

  8. Duterte is following the same path that Thaksin took in 2003 when he was in power. Before being ousted in the 2006 coup some 2800 drug users were arbitarily killed in extra judicial killings. An investigation conducted in 2007 however revealed more than half of the victims had no connection to drugs at all.


    The same is happening again in the Philippines with Duterte using his 'War on drugs' policy to eliminate political rivals and cement himself in power for decades to come. Without an effective opposition in place nothing stands in his way anymore to divert the country's wealth to line his own pockets and those of his family.


  9. Duterte is following the same path that Thaksin took in 2003 when he was in power. Before being ousted in the 2006 coup some 2800 drug users were arbitarily killed in extra judicial killings. An investigation conducted in 2007 however revealed more than half of the victims had no connection to drugs at all.


    The same is happening again in the Philippines with Duterte using his 'War on drugs' policy to eliminate political rivals and cement himself in power for decades to come. Without an effective opposition in place nothing stands in his way anymore to divert the country's wealth to line his own pockets and those of his family.


  10. On 9/18/2016 at 2:04 AM, ScotBkk said:

    Wouldn't surprise me if we're all being monitored.

    However, If you're monitoring every single thing that goes on in a given culture and if you have all the information that is there, then that is the equivalent of having SFA.

    How are you going to process that amount of information?


    If they are monitoring everyone they'd likely be using filters to separate the chiff from the chaff so to speak. So using certain words will result in them taking a closer look at you.


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