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Posts posted by sendbaht

  1. I ordered 2 books from Amazon 2 days ago. Went for the less expensive shipping they offered.

    Checked my email this morning and Amazon stated books have been shipped and should arrive Sept 4th.

    We will see. I do have a PO Box here in CM so shipping goes stright to a post office. Less handeling

    this way.

  2. I was at a factory dealer here in Chiang Mai just a month ago as the new Nouvo models were being delivered. For July, they said, I could have a 3,000 baht discount for the 2010 models. But not the new 2011 Nouvo's - which also do NOT have fuel injection.

    So it is possible that fuel injection for the Nouvo's will be a year away - or more? And it appears, here, that the models do not have it now. Incidentally, we up north here are asked to pay more in the first place than the suggested "list" price, so the promotion does not add up to much when set against the asking price in BKK.

    Best of luck,

    Hello CMX,

    Which Yamaha store is the "factory store?" Thanks in advance

  3. Hello 2long and others,

    I bought a 2009 new Nouvo in 2008. It's been a great bike. I enjoy daily.

    About color schemes: in 2010 Yamaha added some funky decals in the front.

    When first saw the 2010 I was happy I bought a 2009.

    Anyway, a lad from PH gym ( you out there Khun B from New Zealand?) bought a 2010 blue

    with mags and tubeless tires. He had all stickers removed and the

    mag wheels powered coated in black, it looks great.

    I look forward to the 2011 too to check out.

  4. I am not sure if the very cheapest but very low in price is the Tiger Retro C 110...price is 29800 thb and here you have it showing(scroll down): http://www.tigersachsclub.com/tproducts.html

    It looks very much like the Honda Cub but is actually a 4 stroker and it is not ugly at all....thats why i am getting one too :rolleyes:

    happy trails,

    Tiger/Sachs Club - Mbox

    Hello Mbox, I really like the look of the Retro and from owners they seem to like it. Like I said it looks cool and well, the price is nice too. Be fun having one around the house, not as a main bike but just to have. Anyway, does anyone ever purchase a Retro and remove all stickers and exchange the seat to a Honda seat?

    I believe the HONDA is stamped the back of the seat. Then it would look like a prefect restored Honda. Just an idea.


  5. Jubby, You did not mention the Tiger250RS but since ScubaBuddha

    bought up the Lifen I thought I'd toss it in the ring.

    How about a RS? Seems like one heck of a price for from what I have heard from owners

    a great bike.

    Even at the same price some would go for the Tiger RS 250 but I looks like

    the 250 RS is 1/2 the price of the KLX 250.

    Back to your question:

    As far as looks (only) go the KLX 250 looks great to me and the D-Tracker looks

    ridiculous with those small tires.

  6. Just had to go today to check out the new 2010 Vespas at Nyom Panich near Airport Plaza.

    It turned out I was there to check out the "Vespa" since they only had 1.

    The 1 that was there was a pretty yellow 125CC. Price B89K

    Cool looking little thing.

  7. I live in a Thai Neighborhood and I have some of the best neighbors.

    They bring food over and stop their truck or motorcycle and chat a little if they see me outside.

    Honestly they may all come over to much, but, I rather have that then like back in the USA

    where we were just to busy to visit. I was busy there (USA) too and just did not have time except a quick passing

    hello but I kept moving.

    Someone in a above post said they (Thai's) think they are smarter then farangs and we are all stupid.

    I do not see this. I feel sometimes like when I lived in Mexico. The Mexicans always

    thought that the gringo could fix anything. Same here in Thailand they think I know

    how to do most anything. In my many years on and off in Thailand I am always

    felt the Thai's thought we were a little bit smarter in most categories, but this of course not always true.

    I am glad also the Thai's do not read this forum. Most of the farangs who hate Thailand

    and their citizens have the same feelings about their own country, ask them.

    Not saying anyone here in TV but looking around here in CM the farangs look like a bunch misfits, rude and

    drive like they think they are back in their countries. Dress in loud colors, short shorts (guys I am referring to) and robin hood outfits.

    Some farangs I see around town and at the malls seem like they were just released form the nut house.

    Like I said I am not talking about anyone here (that I know of) on TV.

    Now where is my favorite dark green outfit?

  8. How about one of these?


    Looks interesting !  I remember riding a unicycle when I was a lot younger, and the times I fell off .... I think it might be advisable now to leave this one for the more agile amongst us   :)  

    I also learned to ride a unicycle in my youth. I still remember to this day my first 6 peddles with out falling off.

    I got pretty good at it in a short time and would ride all over the place. Great workout.

    Now I sort of want one just for the heck of it. May look into it. My passions are bicycles and guitars. Never enough.

  9. I have 3BB and Super 3G. One seems to work great at a time which of course mean I does not.

    So far I've been lucky to have one work great. I'll have 3 providers if needed.

    So to answer you question 3BB works great 1/2 the time.

  10. Maybe when they were young, but now who is going to waste time and money to see a bunch of third rate fossils play songs that were popular 40 years ago? :)

    I would in a heart beat love to go. But then again, I like 40 year books too.:D))

  11. Not much of a TV watcher but even at my rip old age I enjoy the show.

    Ellen DeGeneres adds a lot, she is funny and really cares about the feelings

    of the kids she must judge.

    Due have to say this is one of my least favorite series. No Adman

    or Carrie Underwoods to watch or listen too. Just not the best line up.

    My friends back home used to say "Sendbaht American Idol is so not you"

    but it is me, I look forward to the show even if this year the singers

    are a little "pitchy" :)

  12. I don't know what the big surprise is here - Just look around you.

    As someone pointed out Thailand can't be accused of draining the west of the cream of the crop.

    The evidence is in the myriad posts guys make about Thai women, something along the lines of how here in Thailand they have a wife/girlfriend who is young, beautiful x number of grades up the ladder from what they might have at home. Of course these beauties are attracted by the charm, good looks and personality of the Farangs they are with.

    On another front, back in my single days our office administrator had a habit of recommending "lovely, reliable, honest, trustworthy, all round good Thai woman" - This was a regular thing and only came to an halt when I suggested that she might recommend a few "lovely, reliable, honest, trustworthy, all round good Thai woman" who had not recently been dumped by their Thai husband/boyfriend with the offspring of that relationship needing a father.

    Nothing wrong with taking on such a responsibility, in truth doing so is something to be admired - But nevertheless, the Farang as a Welfare Option is a real reality that drives many Thai women to seek a foreign husband.

    It's the money stupid. Which if nothing else is good reason to hang on to it.

    Wow GH, you have a handle on life that is for sure. Nice post man, nice post!

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