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Posts posted by sendbaht

  1. Good for you man, nice to eat raw. The animals like it too. I have buddies here who still eat animals, it's so unnecessary.

    I eat most of my calories ( 80%) these days from fruit. I think you must be leaning this direction.

    Been a vegetarian for over 35 years and thought I would take it to the next step higher.

    Dates can help get your caliories up but they are expensive here in Thailand. I found them at Top Markets. Not sure if they are around your area. Have to keep those calories up or you will go back to cook foods.

    Fun to ride my bicycle on a hard ride and pop a date every 15 minutes. Helps alot.

    Do not think you will get many if any responces here on TVisa. They love their dairy and dead anamles to much.

    Do a 10 banana 10 dates smoothie....about 1200 calories...then get out and move your body.:)))

  2. After bending several Thai toy shovels, I discovered that they arn't meant to dig....Then, one lucky day I found a 'true temper' heavy duty American shovel in Home Pro and bought it without looking at price tag and it has held up for 10+yrs and is the envy of every worker that we've had.

    I haven't seen one anywhere in LOS since that lucky day 10yrs ago.

    One thing I do not like doing, borrowing someones tools, but jaideeguy can I please borrow your shovel.:)) Joking...

    Like finding gold was it not?

  3. I went out outside yard tool shopping yesterday. Ended up at Home Pro. They had some pretty good quality shovel/hoe/rack and such but they looked like what I use in Boy Scots. The handels were like 3' long. Yes, I know and may have to make my own but is there a place with tools to be purchased for men that are over 6' 184cm?

    Thanks so much.

  4. From what I understand there is "usually" 30% profit in a bicycle.

    I was at Probike 3 months ago and the saleperson offered 10% off on avarage on new bicycles in stock.


    i bought my trek 5.2 madone at 25 % off from the trek pattaya dealer, compared to listed price at probike, for a l last year model.

    the dealer is in tepprasit corner to soi 8 i think next to 7 eleven


    That's a great bike wenne. I have a Madone 5.5 I ride a lot. Fast and so smooth....Enjoy!!

  5. That's a good idea BBbUn. Not wanting to use it for long overhual tour rides that might be ok to have it heavy.

    Now where to go for such... I live in CM I'll start looking around.....Thanks man.

    I have a caboose trailer (Canondale) this is the early version of a burley.

    I have another "no name" trailer.

    My new trailers will arrive within a couple months so I can not sell them yet.

    I would go for a BOB http://www.bobgear.com/trailers/

    Or you can buy parts from it and make the rest over here.

    Or maybe a Croozer trailer if you like a bigger one.

    Hi Somchai,

    When you ordered your trailers which country did you order from. I checked out the web site and it looks like Taiwan is the closest?

    How much of any will you have to pay import duty?

    Thanks for you help Somchai I want to order one today.:))or I would order a Burley if I knew the correct way.

    PS. on the Bob did you order suspension or not? I've read both pro and con on suspension.

  6. I had a trailer in the UK, moved a lot of stuff about from weekly groceries, to bags of coal to hospital equipment. Bought it online but can't remember the make (something like 'sloppy dog'). Design-wise it was almost identical to the Raleigh Avenir Mule which is available on Amazonand many other sites.

    Your best bet here is to have one made, see: http://www.instructa...at-with-a-Bike/

    About half-way down on the right under 'related' are less ambitious projects and details. The tricky bit it a good flexible hitch.

    Thanks phaethon, some cool stuff on there. I like and it make sence "Convert a Child's Bike Trailer into a Cargo Trailer." I will look for one of these also.

    You opened up a view doors, thanks again.

    also saw this bike rake the other day somewhere.....seems easy to build....might be nice to have one in the car port.


  7. Leaving the SAD (standard American/Australian diet) diet 35 plus years ago and switching to a plant/fruit based diet I find Thailand one of the best places on earth to dine.

    Not saying or preaching my diet is for everyone (but it works for me) but slowing drifting form a vegetarian to a fruitarian makes living in Thailand....heaven. The fruit here is outstanding. The (J) vegetarian restaurants are located all over and are delicious too.

    Thailand is the place to dine...MMMMMmmmmmMMMMMM.

  8. Be nice to have one at our little get away place we have in Mai Rim. I would just leave it up there. Have no desire to use it here in CM. I wish to take

    it to the nursery to pick up plants and bags of manure or grocery shopping. My bike rack and saddle bags are not the best for this.

    I have a ton of FF miles and tried to to purchase one on Amazon and was even prepared to pay import tax since I was kind of getting it for free using my ff miles, but, Amazon will ship me books but not trailers and such to me here in Thailand.

    Any ideas?


    I did pick up 2 fruit tress the other day but would have picked up more if it was possible.:)


  9. I have always used the inside leg measurement take away 9.

    So if you have a 32 inch inside leg then a 23 inch frame should be ok.

    Never read or seen this before but makes some sence....Guess I'll be looking for a String Rey Bicycle then.:)

  10. Thanks everyone for your help!!!!

    Looking at her research sheet she has a few stocks with high yields such as





    and others she is looking into.

    She wants to open a joint account with me on it..possible? if one of us (God Forbit but it will happen someday ) passes away does the other one recieve the other 1/2? I can ask the broker I know and will too.

    We have been married for decades so this is not a new wife to me question. Thanks!

  11. Today I took my Honda to the dealer(CM) to have the oil changed.

    The super cute salesgirl came running out, I thought wow she likes me, but no, she said

    "today at 4pm we will recieve the 250 in red"...really I said, I'll come back then.

    I did. All I can say is what a pretty bike specially in candy apple red....NICE!

  12. "Downhills on a Fixie must not be a whole lot of fun!

    I laughed and laughed at the possibles of answering this T_DOG. Like, who cares if it is fun or not while your headed down DS at 75k with no brakes who cares if it is fun or not as long as you look good is all that matters in your rainbow colored bike.:))

    Then I though, would it be better to have you feet strapped in while descending, (think how fast you feet would be rotating) or just have your feet out of the stirrups and let it fly, all the while a big Thai smile on the face.:)))

    You and I need to talk about this over a coffee, I'm sure we well be laughing so hard with tears running down our cheeks.

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